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@Islamic faith&Secularism

Bizim bölüme katmak istedigimiz Turki cumhuriyetler sizce hangi ulkelerden olusur onu yazin bakalim tartisalim gerekirse hepsine sticky threadler acilmali.. sticky olmasi icin illa popüler olmali diye bir kural yok önemli olan kendi aramizda bu ulkeleri tam olarak belirlemek sonra stickyler acilmali boyle olursa zaten malzeme olustukca desteklenir

örnegin Azerbaijan sticky olmasa coktan unutulur giderdi simdi sticky var gelismeler oldukca besleniyor.

Azerbeycan'dan çok kullanıcı var. Diğer Türki Cumhuriyetlerden çok fazla insan yok, ayrıca basında da onlar hakkında pek haber çıkmıyor.
No, it's not the exact thing as al-hasani says. Because his name was "Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab al-Tamimi", not Wahhabi. So you shouldn't use a word menth for god.
That said, you are saying.....anyways, i'm a little confused. Can we talk about something else.

in the suitable time i'll explain it all for u .....

i wont let al-hassani confuse u brother .
No, it's not the exact thing as al-hasani says. Because his name was "Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab al-Tamimi", not Wahhabi. So you shouldn't use a word menth for god.

That said, you are saying.....anyways, i'm a little confused. Can we talk about something else. :D

Oi whats with this religious talk ? :what:

I thought Turks aren't that religious a people ? :unsure:
Well, they claim to be Muslims but use the word "Wahhabi" like a slur despite that being one of the 99 names of Allah (swt). Besides Abdul-Wahhab is one name. Wahhab does not stand alone. You are not allowed to call yourself one of the 99 names of Allah (swt). Hence you use Abdul before "Wahhab" or "Aziz".

Abdul in Arabic means "servant of". It is as a sign of respect to Allah (swt).

They use it as a slur.

Besides they are factually wrong because none of the people who followed that cleric (like MILLIONS upon millions of Muslims if not all 2 billion Muslims follow some clerics either in real life or on the internet etc. today) did call themselves "Wahhabis".

The Hanbali fiqh which they are a part of is indeed more strict/conservative than the other Sunni madahib although all 4 are very similar but it is not a new religion or some new madahib.

I am not an Hanbali so it does not apply to me. I just wanted you and others to know about the bullshit I saw.

It is complicated because some of us Sunnis also use many names for them such as Rafidah (rejectors), majoosi (magicians) and they have also names such as nasibi (they use that name for the "haters" of Ahl al-Bayt for us Sunnis) etc.

We could go on but it is not worth it.

Okay i get it now, so that's the reason why we have names like Abdullah, Sadullah, etc.... You can't call yourself Allah (swt) obviously.

Vey nice info. :)

Learned some new info. Always a pleasure, to read your posts. :)

You are welcome brother. I am no expert AT ALL but I know my Islam. At least better than some trolls relying on Wikipedia and writing nonsense.

Let me give you an example to make it even more clear.
Let us take the last Ottoman Caliph and Sultan as an example and his name.


Abdülmecid II would be called Abdul-Majid II in Arabic.

Abdul-Majid in Arabic means literary "the servant of the All-glorious". Majid is once again one of the 99 names of Allah (swt).

Abdul Majid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A few other examples:

The most common names are listed below

So when somebody is using the word "Wahhabi" which derives from "Al-Wahhab" which means "The Bestower" and is one of the 99 names of Allah (swt) they are disrespecting the name of Allah (swt) and attaching evil to one of his names.

I am just saying this.:D

You make your own judgement @Sinan

I think everything is pretty clear.

Anyway I am not going to continue this debate here or elsewhere at all but let them call everyone of us nearly 1.5 billion Sunnis for "Wahhabis" if that makes those Shias happy.
Oi @!
:D I recently, learned from @al-Hasani

I'm not the religious type. I just wanted to learn the meaning of "Wahhabi" which i often saw in the forum.

Wahabi is from Abdul-Wahab & most of the Salafis more or less follow his teachings hence 'Wahabi' !

Apparently for some reason the Salafis get ticked off if someone calls them that, though not always !
Siz konuya popülerite açısından bakıyorsunuz, bu yanlış bir tutum. Bahsettiğimiz konu resmi olarak kurulmuş, kendini o şelkilde tanımlayan organizasyonlar oluşturmuş bir topluluktur.

Forum kendi içinde buna bir çözüm bulmuş ve uygulamış; ben bu duruma işaret etmekteyim, bunu destekleyecek sitelere atıfta bulundum. Yani bu bir ikili tartışma değil; argümanlar ortadayken, bu inat etmek nereden çıkıyor?

Şahsi olarak sizin ikna olmanızı beklemek anlamsız; sitedeki uygulama ortada, gösterdiğim siteler ortada; neyin inadı bu?

Forumun diğer bölümünde bu konuyu açtığımda aynı şeyleri yazacağım ve olay sizin bu inadınızın sorgulanmasına gelecek. Bu mu diğer insanların nazarında ulaşmak istediğiniz durum?


popularite ve ya meydan okuma ile bir ilgisi yok.
@al-Hasani yeah Putin can kiss my ***. It's too late for me to learn my motherlang. I'd say maybe at early primary school years. But it's too late for that.

You know we've been exiled all over the World. Mostly Turkey, US, Israel, Jordan, KSA, Europe...etc. If I had the chance to pick up. I'd want to be a Circassian from Kfar Kama, Israel. Today the only place where we're most respected and well cared is Israel. Did you know that at the Schools in Circassian towns in Israel, there is Circassian flag raising among with Israel's. little Circassian children are educated in Adyghe language mostly until the end of Primary school, then they start to use Hebrew and English in education. We have recognition before all. And unlike in Turkey, there's no unrest about our minority in there.

@Natan or @Archdemon can provide more info ;)
Azerbaijanli cok kullanici var diyorsun ama sadece iki kisi var @asq ve @Azeri440 neyse haber konusunda haber elbette cikiyor ama sen takip etmessen bilemesin tabiki.

Sanırım daha çok vardı ama hepsini hatırlayamıyorum....

Haber varsa açalım öyle bir thread. Şahsen memnuniyet duyarım.
@al-Hasani yeah Putin can kiss my ***. It's too late for me to learn my motherlang. I'd say maybe at early primary school years. But it's too late for that.

You know we've been exiled all over the World. Mostly Turkey, US, Israel, Jordan, KSA, Europe...etc. If I had the chance to pick up. I'd want to be a Circassian from Kfar Kama, Israel. Today the only place where we're most respected and well cared is Israel. Did you know that at the Schools in Circassian towns in Israel, there is Circassian flag raising among with Israel's. little Circassian children are educated in Adyghe language mostly until the end of Primary school, then they start to use Hebrew and English in education. We have recognition before all. And unlike in Turkey, there's no unrest about our minority in there.

@Natan or @Archdemon can provide more info ;)

Don't give into these irrational ethno-linguistic associations !

Just grab a book on Anthropology & go throw it to realize two things :

(i) all of these cultures, languages & ethnic affiliations are human constructs i.e we made them up !

(ii) going back a few thousand years there wasn't a Circassian or a Turk or a Punjabi or something else - They were born out of Civilziations before them !

So theres little point in excessively associating with it !

You're a proud son of the Turkish Republic & you're surrounded by your countrymen who love you - What more can a man ask for ?
@al-Hasani yeah Putin can kiss my ***. It's too late for me to learn my motherlang. I'd say maybe at early primary school years. But it's too late for that.

You know we've been exiled all over the World. Mostly Turkey, US, Israel, Jordan, KSA, Europe...etc. If I had the chance to pick up. I'd want to be a Circassian from Kfar Kama, Israel. Today the only place where we're most respected and well cared is Israel. Did you know that at the Schools in Circassian towns in Israel, there is Circassian flag raising among with Israel's. little Circassian children are educated in Adyghe language mostly until the end of Primary school, then they start to use Hebrew and English in education. We have recognition before all. And unlike in Turkey, there's no unrest about our minority in there.

@Natan or @Archdemon can provide more info ;)

Well, from what I know Circassians are not discriminated against at all in any Arab country. You have your own villages, are an active part of your society, your culture is freely expressed, language etc. You are even part of the Royal Jordanian Guard!

I don't know about the situation in Israel. In fact it is the first time I hear about Circassians living in Israel.

You make your own judgement:

I hope that that all the Caucasian peoples will get their own countries one day. I have always been interested in the Caucasus region somewhat.

And what has always intrigued me was the genetic ties with the Caucasus region and the Arab/Semitic world.

Check this out:

Haplogroup J-P209 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
@Islamic faith&Secularism

Bizim bölüme katmak istedigimiz Turki cumhuriyetler sizce hangi ulkelerden olusur onu yazin bakalim tartisalim gerekirse hepsine sticky threadler acilmali.. sticky olmasi icin illa popüler olmali diye bir kural yok önemli olan kendi aramizda bu ulkeleri tam olarak belirlemek sonra stickyler acilmali boyle olursa zaten malzeme olustukca desteklenir

örnegin Azerbaijan sticky olmasa coktan unutulur giderdi simdi sticky var gelismeler oldukca besleniyor.

Kazakistan, Türkmenistan, Kırgızistan, Türkmenistan

Bu tür konuların açılması, o ülkelerden foruma kullanıcı katılmasını bile sağlıyabilir. Benim endişem konunun sürdürebilirliğini sağlamak. Ama sürdürülebilirlik konusunda bi sıkıntı yoksa, denemekte fayda var.
Kazakistan, Türkmenistan, Kırgızistan, Türkmenistan

Bu tür konuların açılması, o ülkelerden foruma kullanıcı katılmasını bile sağlıyabilir. Benim endişem konunun sürdürebilirliğini sağlamak. Ama sürdürülebilirlik konusunda bi sıkıntı yoksa, denemekte fayda var.

What do you want to do with the Central Asian Republics now ? :what:

Oh, and there are plenty of Arab-Circassians intermarriages and one of my good friends back in Jeddah was half Saudi Arabian and half Saudi Arabian of Circassian origins. Just saying in case you had a wrong idea.

Although most Circassians in the Arab world live in Jordan and Syria.
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