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Turkish Tea House

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So does that mean that Turkiye is primarily for Turks ? :what:

Does that mean @Neptune should pack his bags & move out ? :unsure:
Turkiye is for those who love the country where they live in,who fought for the country,who would give their lives for it,those who are genuine.
Even if he says he is not(Neptune),for us he is.
There is only person on this planet who will never be accepted in Turkey.
We dont call his name(taboo),he is familly of louis(jazz trompeter)Neil alden(astronaut)and Lance(cyclist).
All of the rest is welcome.
You softy.:smokin:
The US has done more for them then we did,they are well respected over there.
Our stupid government should bring all those still in Russia(Krasnodar),Kazakhistan,Uzbekistan,and where ever they may be to Turkey and give them Turkih citizenship.
I have a friend in Boise Idaho,he is an Islander(Pacific Islands American - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He told me there is a Turkish( Ahiska) community there and that they are respected hard workers not to be messed with(proud).
See,i have to hear this from an American instead of knowing this myself.
We should care more for our people.

Once we have brought Kırgız Turks from Afganistan they are living in Van/Erçiş. They are living by their traditions.

Why can't we have our Ahıskan brothers...
Waisee seriously how does that work ? What is Turkish Nationalism centered around on ? If it is Turkish Language, Culture or Turkish History how do the Non Turks respond to that ? :unsure:
Patriotism is a better word.
We dont exclude them,its not like fascism.
Many Kurds are members of the MHP(nationalist party).
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Patriotism is a better word.
We dont exclude them,its not like fascism.

Ofcourse I didn't mean it in that sense of the word ! :blink:

I was just looking it from my own personal angle - I'm a Kashmiri ! We are less than 3% of Pakistan's Population but we are very...very well integrated because what the Founding Father of Pakistan did was that instead of building a sense of Nationhood around the culture, history or language of the Majority Community he instead took the common denominator amongst all of us - We're all Muslims & based it around that instead ! And for the National Language instead of taking the Majority Language he took Urdu - our Lingua Franca - which is spoken by less than 9% of Pakistanis & yet is understood as a Second Language by almost every Pakistani ! Naturally we've got some challenges because of that too but by & large for an ethnically & linguistically very...very diverse country we're pretty united !

Hence why us Kashmiris despite being less than 3% of the population are more than 9% of the army ! :D
Ofcourse I didn't mean it in that sense of the word ! :blink:

I was just looking it from my own personal angle - I'm a Kashmiri ! We are less than 3% of Pakistan's Population but we are very...very well integrated because what the Founding Father of Pakistan did was that instead of building a sense of Nationhood around the culture, history or language of the Majority Community he instead took the common denominator amongst all of us - We're all Muslims & based it around that instead ! And for the language instead of taking the Majority Language he took Urdu - our Lingua Franca - which is spoken by less than 9% of Pakistanis & yet is understood as a Second Language by almost every Pakistani !

Hence why us Kashmiris despite being less than 3% of the population are more than 9% of the army ! :D
Yes nice,but we couldnt do that.
In those days some 88% were muslims,exclude the rest?
Ataturk just gave a national identity,people still have had their culture,tradition,language.
The state is Turkiye,so evrything to do with official matters was in Turkish.
All of the people were included.
There were no problems with Kurds untill some ''friends''of my country decided to cause some trouble to keep my country under control,hence the PKK was born.
You know the rest.

Btw,im against using religion to bring people together(big mistake).
National identity will bring you forward not religion.
Keep religion away from politics and voila you will prosper.
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Btw,im against using religion to bring people together(big mistake).
National identity will bring you forward not religion.
Keep religion away from politics and voila you will prosper.

Not really its not the ideology but Governance & Governance alone that makes or breaks a Nation !

Before our Governance broke down in the '70s followed by some really messed up political decisions - We were doing mighty fine ! Then later in the early '00s when the Governance improved again when Technocrats were brought in to Govern we were growing in excess of 7% p.a without any of the issues we currently & then when it broke down again - Everything broke down !

The same can be said about Turkiye - When the Economic Policies of the '90s were drawn up & later continued on by the next Government - Turkiye went from being just like any other issue plagued country to a regional powerhouse !

So its always Governance....Governance & nothing else !

On the religion & ethnicity thing being the national identity - Well lets agree to disagree ! Both are social constructs & both are equally valid or equally invalid for that matter.
@T-123456 @Armstrong

Let me tell you my personal views;

Education at Mother language only until the end of primary school

Constitutional recognition

Different cultures, Different values, different ethnicitys, different languages (not in official use), different traditions, But One Flag, One Policy, One Nation, One Country.

We only have one country to fight for. So make sure it's worth it.
guys are you decreasing your pages number..last time it was 104.:what:
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