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Turkish TAI TF-X in line with what PAF wants: PAC Kamra Chairman Air Marshal

ayway, China's second type 5th gen will be shown to the public later this year

There is no substantive evidence for this; the latest estimates are that this jet will appear within the next two years.
only Turkey maintains good relationship with U.S then it can utilized advanced Western supply chain, so TF-X can be developed`````otherwise all the core parts and technologies that make 5th gen what it is will be mission impossible to Turkey````nationalism and good wishes cant solve any of those````

ayway, China's second type 5th gen will be shown to the public later this year````you guys can draw PAF's 5th gen fighter based on that! the frame looks like a hybird of F-22 and F-35```
They have science/ tech, industrial base to complete their TFX but major hurdle for turkey is/will to develop indigenous turbo fan @rcmj
10 years ago Turkey tried to buy UCAV from the US to fight terrorism
but The US Senate blocked sale of UCAV to Turkey and Turkey has started developing its own UAV-UCAV even nobody helped Turkey

as of 2019 Turkey is one of top 5 Countries in the World for UAV-UCAV Technologies .... ( even Europe , Russia , India , Japan are dreaming about it )

even only 2 Countries in the World with artificial intelligence algorithms in UAV-UCAVs .... ( The US and Turkey )

The Rising Drone Power: Turkey ( TURKEY is Europe's top country in UAV-UCAV technology )

Baykar BAYRAKTAR TB-2 Tactical UCAV

Entered service : 2016
Lenght : 11,2 m
Max take of weight : 650 kg
Endurance : 24+ hours
Service ceiling : 27.000+ feet

4 x MAM-L laser guided smart munition



First flight : 2019

Length : 12,3 m
Height : 4,1 m
Wingspan : 20 m
MTOW : 4.500 kg
Service ceiling : 40.000 feet
Payload : 1.300 kg

-- Multirole AESA Radar ( air search , Synthetic Aperture , weather )
-- Electronic Data Gathering ( ELINT / COMINT )
-- MAM-L smart munition
-- Air to Air Missile
-- TEBER and HGK guided bombs
-- SOM Cruise Missile




Baykar MIUS stealth UCAV by 2023

3,5-4 tons MTOW
1.000 kg payload
Aselsan GaN based AESA Radar ( ( air search , Synthetic Aperture , weather )
Artificial Intelligence Algorithms
Aselsan Electronic Data Gathering ( ELINT / COMINT )
SATCOM with Turksat-6A Communication Satellite ( thousands of km Combat Radius )
TEI Turbofan Engine
Speed of mach 0,8
40.000 feet altitude
Air to Air Missiles
SOM-J Network enabled Cruise Missile ( 4m - 500kg , range of 280km , land attack-anti ship capability )
Strategic strike , SEAD/DEAD role

MIUS UCAV concept designs


SOM-J Network enabled stealth Cruise Missile ( 4m - 500kg , range of 280km , land attack-anti ship capability )
Strategic strike , SEAD/DEAD role .... good luck to Enemies , They will need it


Day and night, all weather reconnaissance, target detection / identification and intelligence missions with its EO/IR and SAR payloads

Transportable Image Exploitation Station
Radio Relay
Remote Video Terminal

Entered service : 2017
Length : 8 m
Wing Span : 17.3 m
Payload Capacity : 200kg
Endurance : 24 hours
Service ceiling : 30,000ft
-- MAM-L smart munition




First Flight : 2019

- 750 kg payload
- 40,000 feet service ceiling
- 24 hours endurance
- Aselsan CATS Flir
- Smart Bombs including 110 km KGK smart bomb

and in IDEF 2019 TAI officially announced GOKSUNGUR Supersonic UCAV program

TEI PD-170 Turboprop Engine for UAV-UCAV

so 10 years ago The US and Israel underestimated Turkey in UCAV Technology
but now Turkish Armed Forces uses indigenous UCAVs to fight against the US-Israel backed Pkk-Ypg Terrorists in Iraq and Syria

even Turkey sell UAV-UCAV to Ukraine,Qatar,Indonesia,etc

maybe Pakistan also will interest in TAI GOKSUNGUR supersonic UCAV project

( The name of supersonic UCAV is GOKSUNGUR which is known the fastest bird )
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They have science/ tech, industrial base to complete their TFX but major hurdle for turkey is/will to develop indigenous turbo fan @rcmj
So does Pakistan````there is more to stealth fighter than to turbo fan````they have no know-how as simple as that. unless, as I said, the West is willing to help

There is no substantive evidence for this; the latest estimates are that this jet will appear within the next two years.
it is going to be shown later this year, or begining of next year the latest`````
The contribution of BAE systems and Rolls Royce wil be instrumental in any phase of birth of TF-X. BAE Systems is currently working on 6th gen aircraft "Tempest"for UK and that experience could help mature TF-X's capabilities in many new ways for a 5th generation fighter. BAE systems is not new to stealth, in 1990's, for example, BAE Systems developed a secret stealth fighter concept called Replica that reached mock-up stage– partly as a back-up plan to collaboration with the larger US JSF program. On the other hand, Turkey has made indigenous products in a thriving local aviation industry, some of them compatible and in use with F-16's also and many more in still in design and testing phases. Turkey has also contributed towards F-35 program , with at least 7 Turkish Aerospace companies taking part in various areas to develop F-35; from cockpit to landing gear, wiring systems to missile systems, fuselage to engine parts, training systems to composite skin. This shows that Turkey's TF-X program is in able hands of experienced technical consortium.

For Pakistan, TF-X development is beneficial in certain ways. PAF has been dependent upon Chinese assistance for its aviation industry. PAC Kamra has been able to develop JF-17 with help from Chinese aviation industry. Project Azm (the 5th gen fighter program) will have a considerable input from Chinese J-31. The other 5th gen aircraft manufacturers are USA and Russia, though European companies have considerable input into F-35 program. It's impossible to get hands on F-22 and extremely tedious to get F-35 in PAF colours. There has been a participation by India in SU-57 program, so PAF may not look towards that side. At this point, PAC requires all the expertise it needs to move ahead with its ambitions project Azm. If PAC/PAF can allow Project Azm to move forward with Chinese as well as Turkish assistance, it would produce an east-west flavored aircraft, something that PAF has been used to, since decades. PAC should also approach Russian SU-57 designers to look at Project Azm from another aspect and inculcate more improvements if necessary. It has been a blessing on Pakistan that China, Russia and Turkey have come closer to Pakistan in recent years and such opportunities in Design and R&D should not be allowed to slip.
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10 years ago Turkey tried to buy UCAV from the US to fight terrorism
but The US Senate blocked sale of UCAV to Turkey and Turkey has started developing its own UAV-UCAV even nobody helped Turkey

as of 2019 Turkey is one of top 5 Countries in the World for UAV-UCAV Technologies .... ( even Europe , Russia , India , Japan are dreaming about it )

even only 2 Countries in the World with artificial intelligence algorithms in UAV-UCAVs .... ( The US and Turkey )

The Rising Drone Power: Turkey ( TURKEY is Europe's top country in UAV-UCAV technology )

Baykar BAYRAKTAR TB-2 Tactical UCAV

Entered service : 2016
Lenght : 11,2 m
Max take of weight : 650 kg
Endurance : 24+ hours
Service ceiling : 27.000+ feet

4 x MAM-L laser guided smart munition



First flight : 2019

Length : 12,3 m
Height : 4,1 m
Wingspan : 20 m
MTOW : 4.500 kg
Service ceiling : 40.000 feet
Payload : 1.300 kg

-- Multirole AESA Radar ( air search , Synthetic Aperture , weather )
-- Electronic Data Gathering ( ELINT / COMINT )
-- MAM-L smart munition
-- Air to Air Missile
-- TEBER and HGK guided bombs
-- SOM Cruise Missile




Baykar MIUS stealth UCAV by 2023

3,5-4 tons MTOW
1.000 kg payload
Aselsan GaN based AESA Radar ( ( air search , Synthetic Aperture , weather )
Artificial Intelligence Algorithms
Aselsan Electronic Data Gathering ( ELINT / COMINT )
SATCOM with Turksat-6A Communication Satellite ( thousands of km Combat Radius )
TEI Turbofan Engine
Speed of mach 0,8
40.000 feet altitude
Air to Air Missiles
SOM-J Network enabled Cruise Missile ( 4m - 500kg , range of 280km , land attack-anti ship capability )
Strategic strike , SEAD/DEAD role

MIUS UCAV concept designs


SOM-J Network enabled stealth Cruise Missile ( 4m - 500kg , range of 280km , land attack-anti ship capability )
Strategic strike , SEAD/DEAD role .... good luck to Enemies , They will need it


Day and night, all weather reconnaissance, target detection / identification and intelligence missions with its EO/IR and SAR payloads

Transportable Image Exploitation Station
Radio Relay
Remote Video Terminal

Entered service : 2017
Length : 8 m
Wing Span : 17.3 m
Payload Capacity : 200kg
Endurance : 24 hours
Service ceiling : 30,000ft
-- MAM-L smart munition




First Flight : 2019

- 750 kg payload
- 40,000 feet service ceiling
- 24 hours endurance
- Aselsan CATS Flir
- Smart Bombs including 110 km KGK smart bomb

and in IDEF 2019 TAI officially announced GOKSUNGUR Supersonic UCAV program

TEI PD-170 Turboprop Engine for UAV-UCAV

so 10 years ago The US and Israel underestimated Turkey in UCAV Technology
but now Turkish Armed Forces uses indigenous UCAVs to fight against the US-Israel backed Pkk-Ypg Terrorists in Iraq and Syria

even Turkey sell UAV-UCAV to Ukraine,Qatar,Indonesia,etc

maybe Pakistan also will interest in TAI GOKSUNGUR supersonic UCAV project

( The name of supersonic UCAV is GOKSUNGUR which is known the fastest bird )

Is there really a reason to post each and every motor, UAV and all info on any helicopter project that MIGHT fly somewhere later this decade in a thread that is dedicated to the TFX !!??? :crazy::hitwall:
Is there really a reason to post each and every motor, UAV and all info on any helicopter project that MIGHT fly somewhere later this decade in a thread that is dedicated to the TFX !!??? :crazy::hitwall:

10 years ago some People said same things ( dream projects , fancy unrealistic projects , etc ) for about Helicopter - UCAV projects of Turkey

and now Turkey becomes one of top 5 countries in the world for Helicopter and UAV-UCAV technologies
also Turkey has developed its own Turboprob engine for UCAVs and Turboshaft engine for Helicopters

so in this thread some people like you said that Turkey's TFX Fighter Jet and Turbofan Engine Projects are fancy unrealistic projects

in the next 10-12 years I will post each and every Aircraft and motor projects of Turkey such as HURJET , TF-X and TRMOTOR Turbofan Engine

in the next 10-12 years I will post each and every Aircraft and motor projects of Turkey such as HURJET , TF-X and TRMOTOR Turbofan Engine

But hopefully not in each and every thread, otherwise I will rate these posts as spam posted by a troll you You'll have to face the consequences.
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But hopefully not in each and every thread, otherwise I will rate these posts as span posted by a troll you You'll have to face the consequences.

not in each and every thread you liar clown

each and every successful Turkish military project hurts Chinese TROLL team including you
Pardon do contradict again and IMO it is You, who's wrong ... several times.

First of all I'm fully aware of the political background, changes and developments, but IMO it is turkey that currently at the cost of a direct short-term benefit plays a dangerous game. Trying to get benefits from Russia and or China, by bullying the West, getting rid with accepted social positions like free speech, political freedom only for a nationalistic fewer leads IMO only to a lot of trust and stability given away. By this development they only enlarge the gap that already exists.

Second: increasing the depts with the aim to spur economic development at all cost is again only a short-term win ... and the result can be already seen.

And finally, You have IMO a completely wrong perception of the technical side: Engines ARE a problem, they are the core and epitome of aerospace technology and we all know how badly Russia and China lag behind, So there nothing like "Russia and China both have proven and capable aero industries it's just to mash the western design".
Also, do you think General Electric will sell full IP of their most modern engine to a county that is just flirting with Russia and China? Do you really think they would sell their crown jewels?

So in consequence, all these fancy Turkish projects are nothing but what-ifs for the moment with unrealistic timeframes, goals and even more the unsolved question on how to pay for that all.

But again, we'll have to wait and see.
IMO days of stupid white extermists mind set, which is in power in most of the west political or evn street wise, if it can't be seen bad, wrong or evil then how come turkish, Russian or Chinese nationalist growing political power be??
All of ur systematic rants are just bad jokes when half of the world's airforces are being consisting able Russian tech, Chinese are comming fast, but still are dependent on Russians on some of the higher aero tech?
Thts real, but it not means that thy are staying behind decades like so called wana be super power INDIA?
IMO, if your mind can't digest the SU series from SU 30& up like SU 35, 37 or SU57 the PAKFA are just nothing???? I only can laugh on that kinda mindset?
Turkey doesn't need anyone's, permission to think what they need to get thier 5th Gen fighter in the air, thy have mastered from the over hauling capablities of F16S and hve took a lot of good research on all aspects of that great old fighting Falcon, from top to bottom may its a bad news for u or to some western aerospace companies but right now thy are about to manufacture every inch including of that old F16S and may enhance it with cooperation of Russia and China and some what pakistan cause all of them hve some bit of experience with western tech, why you are getting scared????? Lolzzz

Those times of dictations from west are far gone by more and more nations are standing one by one against the dam so called special interests of western powers which mainly consists of Britain and USA, evn france and Germany are not with that set of stupid and bullies anymore?
Venezuela is the latest example where, so called western shyt, special interests Been kicked out Jst yesterday? Lol
for ppls like u, standing just with manipulating western powers is called damocrazy but that not means, whole world ill keep following that kinda stupid mindset any more and sure more great MASHUPs r due to occurring soon I Jst don't understand why USA was cryin so hard when turkey announced thy ill go ahead with RUSSIA s S400 deal, don't thy think Russian tech is crap? Thy why afraid of it??? Lolzzz
IMO , it's the right of every nation to do what is in its national interests so does turkey, I'm looking for a F16+F15s Mashup with more of SU 57 type stealthy tech with Russian or evn jointly produced turkish /Russian engine flying in that project called
soon near 2023 on turkish skies, and I think it will be far more high tech then evn PAKFA the SUPER SUPER Flanker su 57s.
IMO , whn it happens don't go cry in the schools toilets? Lolzzz
And this is according to whom?
it doesnt matter````to me, 90% of so-called news and major info outlets are all BS, have no clue of what they are saying```````to add more spice, the newly developed AC based AWAC is also near its first appearance, probably one or two years later than the new 5th gen stealth fighter, as the former design had been totally overridden````

IMO days of stupid white extermists mind set, which is in power in most of the west political or evn street wise, if it can't be seen bad, wrong or evil then how come turkish, Russian or Chinese nationalist growing political power be??
All of ur systematic rants are just bad jokes when half of the world's airforces are being consisting able Russian tech, Chinese are comming fast, but still are dependent on Russians on some of the higher aero tech?
Thts real, but it not means that thy are staying behind decades like so called wana be super power INDIA?
IMO, if your mind can't digest the SU series from SU 30& up like SU 35, 37 or SU57 the PAKFA are just nothing???? I only can laugh on that kinda mindset?
Turkey doesn't need anyone's, permission to think what they need to get thier 5th Gen fighter in the air, thy have mastered from the over hauling capablities of F16S and hve took a lot of good research on all aspects of that great old fighting Falcon, from top to bottom may its a bad news for u or to some western aerospace companies but right now thy are about to manufacture every inch including of that old F16S and may enhance it with cooperation of Russia and China and some what pakistan cause all of them hve some bit of experience with western tech, why you are getting scared????? Lolzzz

Those times of dictations from west are far gone by more and more nations are standing one by one against the dam so called special interests of western powers which mainly consists of Britain and USA, evn france and Germany are not with that set of stupid and bullies anymore?
Venezuela is the latest example where, so called western shyt, special interests Been kicked out Jst yesterday? Lol
for ppls like u, standing just with manipulating western powers is called damocrazy but that not means, whole world ill keep following that kinda stupid mindset any more and sure more great MASHUPs r due to occurring soon I Jst don't understand why USA was cryin so hard when turkey announced thy ill go ahead with RUSSIA s S400 deal, don't thy think Russian tech is crap? Thy why afraid of it??? Lolzzz
IMO , it's the right of every nation to do what is in its national interests so does turkey, I'm looking for a F16+F15s Mashup with more of SU 57 type stealthy tech with Russian or evn jointly produced turkish /Russian engine flying in that project called
soon near 2023 on turkish skies, and I think it will be far more high tech then evn PAKFA the SUPER SUPER Flanker su 57s.
IMO , whn it happens don't go cry in the schools toilets? Lolzzz
put aside all the likes or dislikes````for Turkey to develop a 5th gen fighter alone is an utter joke! nothing personal, but hard harsh reality. the real military and high tech sector has nothing to do with their understanding of what it "should be like"`````same thing to say that J-20 is 100% made in China is an utter joke too````as far as I know, some of the core chips used on radar and back-end servers were imported from the U.S, I will tell you this much``

However, Turkey can develop a 5th gen fighter, only if they maintain a good relationship to the West, and the West is willing to input their supports with reasonable prices and political conditions``````
it doesnt matter````to me, 90% of so-called news and major info outlets are all BS, have no clue of what they are saying```````to add more spice, the newly developed AC based AWAC is also near its first appearance, probably one or two years later than the new 5th gen stealth fighter, as the former design had been totally overridden````

put aside all the likes or dislikes````for Turkey to develop a 5th gen fighter alone is an utter joke! nothing personal, but hard harsh reality. the real military and high tech sector has nothing to do with their understanding of what it "should be like"`````same thing to say that J-20 is 100% made in China is an utter joke too````as far as I know, some of the core chips used on radar and back-end servers were imported from the U.S, I will tell you this much``

However, Turkey can develop a 5th gen fighter, only if they maintain a good relationship to the West, and the West is willing to input their supports with reasonable prices and political conditions``````
I gss ur comments are more of jealousy in ur mind against a viable and able country and its achievements in aerospace tech?
Simmillar thoughts been often seen when pakistan was to develop its JFT?
BUT look what happened, it's shining and flying and taking part in combat, so basicly with ppls with ur mind set aren't ready to accept the fact that we arent living in dam 50s or 70s or even 80s monopolized world anymore, this is the age of internet in which you don't need to be workin in dam NASA to know the dam tech?
Or having compromise because a 5th Gen fighter aircraft tech???
No its not goin tht direction, world has found much more ways to get what needs to be done?
No more shyt kinda, dictation needed from. West to turkey or any. Other Asian growing powers?

Sorry those days are gone, and I guess u got to look what's goin on in real world

This is what I gss, has goin to shut down thier RAPPTOR in comming future? Lol
You got to wake up, get ready for ur school bus, Thts the best u can do???
as far as I know, some of the core chips used on radar and back-end servers were imported from the U.S
China - Import - Chips - from US!!!

Those words just don't go together. You sure it isn't the other way around?
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