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Turkish Space Programs

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Cooperation with other nation is good, but I think Turkey should work on its own because to have self reliance in the field of space launch will open up other areas such as creating better ballistic missiles with MIRV technology. No nation will sell the space launch technology to other mainly because its something that is very valuable, and not a lot of nations have it. Good luck to our friends in Turkey.
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Haha , proffesor , who are you to judge me ,

I didnt judge you, I put out the facts like they really are. Almost every single comment you make is Childish and immature, You are a disgrace. If i didnt know any better i would say your just still a little kid...
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Turkey is not a good place for launching space rockets, especially Sinop.
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It costs a lot of money, and ressources and whilst we may not be India, China or Iran we will get there slowly.

Not surprising when you think of the coups and political problems we've had. And when you lack money or technology you have to move forward slowly. We're getting the technology we need, military first of all, and if our economy could straighten out more we'd be able to do more R&D. As it is, it's cheaper to have other countries send up our satellites for us. But of course we will get our own launchers sooner or later.
Space is officially 100km "up there", tech to send a sat into space is different but possible & most likely in the works especially since news reports have mentioned it the past and the government has signed agreements with well respected "tech savvy" nations like Japan.
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Domestic satellite GÖKTÜRK-2 is counting days to be sent into space. All electronic components are produced in Turkiye and over 55 national software equipped with the new satellite.
With the GÖKTÜRK-2 satellite, not only the national capabilities and resources for the Space systems (such as new technologies, experienced manpower and possession of new infrastructures) will be developed, but the image requirements of the Turkish Armed Forces and other public institutions such as agriculture and mining will also be met.

GÖKTÜRK-2 is an Earth Observation Scientific Research and Technology Satellite that will be the first National Earth Observation Satellite which has been funded by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkiye (TÜBİTAK) resources.

GÖKTÜRK-2 satellite will be launched in China in December 2012. This satellite will be able to acquire images from everywhere in the world.

GÖKTÜRK-2 Technical Specifications:

Orbit : Sun Synchronous Orbit
Altitude: ~ 700 km
Period: ~ 98 minutes
Daily Ground Station Contact: ~ - 40 min (day time and night)
Imaging by Full Coverage of Earth
Real Time Image Transfer
Mass:< 409 kg.
Image Storage Capacity:> 15 Gbit
Resolution: 2,5 m

Yerli uydu Göktürk 2, uzaya gönderilmek için gün say&#305;yor. Üzerindeki 55 elektronik parçan&#305;n tamam&#305; Türkiye&#8217;de üretilen ve milli yaz&#305;l&#305;mla donat&#305;lan yeni uydu, terörle mücadelenin yan&#305; s&#305;ra tar&#305;m ve madencili&#287;e de destek sa&#287;layacak.

Türkiye füze teknolojilerine yönelik yat&#305;r&#305;mlar&#305;n&#305; art&#305;r&#305;rken, TÜB&#304;TAK uzaya yerli uydu göndermek için gün say&#305;yor. Yüzde 90&#8217;dan fazlas&#305; yerli olan Göktürk 2 uydusu, aral&#305;k ay&#305;n&#305;n sonunda Çin&#8217;den f&#305;rlat&#305;lacak. Bir önceki uydudan üç kat daha net çözünürlülük sa&#287;layacak bu uydudan elde edilen bilgiler birçok alanda kullan&#305;labilecek. 2,5 metre alanda net çözünürlükte görüntü imkân&#305; sa&#287;layan Göktürk 2, terörle mücadelenin yan&#305; s&#305;ra tar&#305;m ve madencilik sektörüne de destek sa&#287;layabilecek. Bir y&#305;ld&#305;r gökte bulunan Rasat uydusuna karde&#351; olacak bu uydu ile üç kat daha fazla netlikte görüntü imkân&#305; sa&#287;lanm&#305;&#351; olacak. Ayr&#305;ca yerlilik oran&#305; da Rasat&#8217;a göre Göktürk 2&#8217;de daha fazla. 55 elektronik parçan&#305;n tamam&#305; Türkiye&#8217;de üretilirken uyduda milli yaz&#305;l&#305;m da kullan&#305;ld&#305;. Sadece birkaç parças&#305; yabanc&#305;. Kullan&#305;m süresi ise pil ömrüne ba&#287;l&#305; olarak yakla&#351;&#305;k 5 y&#305;l. Aral&#305;k ay&#305;nda Çin&#8217;den f&#305;rlat&#305;lacak Göktürk 2 uydusu ile dünyan&#305;n her yerinden görüntü alma imkân&#305;n&#305;n olaca&#287;&#305;na dikkat çeken Bilim, Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakan&#305; Nihat Ergün, &#8220;Rasat uydusundan dünyan&#305;n her yerinden görüntü al&#305;nam&#305;yor. Çünkü baz&#305; &#351;eyleri kendimiz yapmad&#305;&#287;&#305;m&#305;z için. Ama Göktürk 2 daha farkl&#305;. Bu uydu, terörle mücadeleye de katk&#305; sa&#287;layacak. Tar&#305;msal rekoltelerin tespitine de katk&#305; sa&#287;layacak. Hangi bölgede ürünler hangi seviyede, rekolte ne olacak görme f&#305;rsat&#305; sa&#287;layacak. Yer alt&#305;nda madenlerin yan&#305; s&#305;ra may&#305;nlar&#305;n tespitine de katk&#305; sa&#287;layacak.&#8221; dedi.

Bilim, Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakan&#305; Ergün, Göktürk 2&#8217;ye ili&#351;kin Zaman&#8217;a de&#287;erlendirmelerde bulundu. Milli Savunma Bakanl&#305;&#287;&#305;&#8217;n&#305;n içerisinde oldu&#287;u projenin tüm a&#351;amalar&#305;n&#305;n TÜB&#304;TAK taraf&#305;ndan takip edildi&#287;i Göktürk 2&#8217;nin önemli bir kazan&#305;m oldu&#287;unu ifade eden Ergün, sonraki y&#305;llarda f&#305;rlat&#305;lacak uydular&#305;n çözünürlü&#287;ünün 20 santime kadar dü&#351;ece&#287;ini bildirdi. Uydudan elde edilecek bilgiler, &#351;ehir planlamas&#305;ndan tar&#305;m rekoltesine kadar çok farkl&#305; alanlarda kullan&#305;lacak.

Göktürk 2&#8217;nin 100 unsurundan 90 tanesinin TÜB&#304;TAK taraf&#305;ndan yap&#305;ld&#305;&#287;&#305;n&#305; dile getiren Ergün, uzay teknolojisi yat&#305;r&#305;mlar&#305;n&#305;n artt&#305;&#287;&#305;na dikkat çekti. Ergün, Türkiye&#8217;nin ara&#351;t&#305;rma geli&#351;tirme teknolojilerine olan yat&#305;r&#305;mlar&#305;n&#305;n her geçen y&#305;l artt&#305;&#287;&#305;n&#305; kaydetti. Türkiye&#8217;nin uydu yapmas&#305;na ra&#287;men f&#305;rlatma i&#351;ini yapamad&#305;&#287;&#305;n&#305; aktaran Ergün, buna yönelik çal&#305;&#351;malar&#305;n da devam etti&#287;ini söyledi.

Göktürk 2 Satellite




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