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Turkish security forces stop Alawite massacre memorial

you are a good example of that

Sorry for bursting your bubble but Turkey has no interest in a sectarian war..Turkey is not %100 Sunni country, sectarian war would have deep impacts on Turkey...Turkey is just against Al-Assad the Murderer..Thats all...When he is gone for good, Turkey and Syria will be good partners once again..

How about you learn to read. I said moderator

Oh look at you ! How righteous you are! Aren't you the hypocrite who gives thanks to that Israeli Ptex frequently? You are a true representation of your country

The, very fact that you had to issue and apology says everything about Press TV.

not sure what you are talking about
Yes, you won't find this on your Al Arabiya, Al Jazeera or BBC :)

None, of them are mine but they do quality journalism, even their propaganda is well drafted and professionally concealed.

I hope you don't support the oppression of Alawites or any other minority.

You, are assuming too much.
there's one interesting distinction i noticed

Mohammad Ali Jinnah was a Shia and Mostafa Kemal Ataturk was an Alevi -- both minority groups in their respective countries and 2 of the worlds many great personalities who are loved and respected.

As a democracy, memorials or protests shouldnt be quelled. But of course if there are hooligans or law-breakers, then action must be taken.

When i lived in Turkey i learned about the Sivas massacre. It is true that Alevi people were slaughtered. It was around the time of the Cold War where a lot of money went to armed groups that were assigned to target leftists, marxists/socialists.....apparently a % of the Alevi community was pro leftist. That caused a deep suspicion. Some were suspected of being sympathetic towards PKK. Of course that notion today I would imagine is wrong; some of those most nationalistic Turks I met were Alevis. But this is way outside of my knowledge base so maybe Turks would let me know whether I am right or wrong.

either way, brothers shouldnt be fighting brothers.....mixing politics and sect needs to be crushed, this is a practice that must be totally eradicated from all the Muslim world. Some people get emotional over history and emotions can be destructive sometimes
Ataturk was not Alevi.

Its makes me laugh to see my countrymen thinks all AKP cares is humanity and not sects in Syria at all :) since their tolerance, humanitarian and equalist stance is so famous in Turkey, now they want to spread it in neighbouring countries :)

Another thing makes me laugh is to see how desperately they're trying to prove that those crimes are not done by radical scums but leftist, since our Sunni majority is so tolerate, humanitarian and equalist like our government, they can't done something like that, its just leftist smearing them. :)
Ataturk was not Alevi.

Its makes me laugh to see my countrymen thinks all AKP cares is humanity and not sects in Syria at all :) since their tolerance, humanitarian and equalist stance is so famous in Turkey, now they want to spread it in neighbouring countries :)

Another thing makes me laugh is to see how desperately they're trying to prove that those crimes are not done by radical scums but leftist, since our Sunni majority is so tolerate, humanitarian and equalist like our government, they can't done something like that, its just leftist smearing them. :)

i was under the impression he was....a close Turkish friend of mine told me during a discussion, plus i read it somewhere

but if not, then sorry for the confusion......hepsi ayni, hepsi Turk
Press TV is 10 times more credible than virtually all the Western "news" media outlets combined kid
Shia TV is not credible, their blatant and sectarian lies are too much

Press TV is 10 times more credible than virtually all the Western "news" media outlets combined kid
Shia TV is not credible, their blatant and sectarian lies are too much
Shia TV is not credible, their blatant and sectarian lies are too much

Shia TV is not credible, their blatant and sectarian lies are too much

You know very well that Western media is pro-Israel. How often do you see any criticism of Israel in the Western news channels?

As far as Press TV, I am sure they are pro-Shia (since its an Iranian channel), however, it does not dismiss the fact their coverage is more credible than western media
Wow!!! So according to some brilliant minds here, TV channels have sects too :laugh:
Wow!!! So according to some brilliant minds here, TV channels have sects too :laugh:

Brain tumor-Primary-Adults

A primary brain tumor is a group (mass) of abnormal cells that start in the brain. These abnormal cells are created when wahabi theories are introduced to a person's brain. Scientists have found a direct relationship between brain tumors and wahabism.
every media group has political agendas or biases....but its bad enough people kill eachother over Sunni-Shiia

last thing we need is that tv channels become catalyst for civil war
every media group has political agendas or biases....but its bad enough people kill eachother over Sunni-Shiia

last thing we need is that tv channels become catalyst for civil war
You must be lost... who do you think worsened the Syrian crisis other than the media? the media is the most dangerous weapon these days... it can brainwash people easily...
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