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Turkish president expresses concern over situation in occupied Kashmir.

Pragmatic... Greece did the same in 1974, so Please if it is the case, dont give Kashmir emty hopes, make them bow their head to India. Because I dont want to see muslims of the Kashmir to buchered by Your enemies. And please dont see this advice as offansive, I just consider the greater good for Kashmir.

no offense taken...pakistans greatest victory in kashmir would be to hold a referendum for self determination
Sick and tired of leaders banging on about "diplomat", "resolutions" and "moral support". What kind of joke is this???

IK needs to stand up and say clearly and unequivocally that the abrogation of these articles nullifies the instrument of accession and the conditions of accession of the state of Kashmir.

Not only does this nullify the accession of Kashmir to India by breaking the terms and conditions of said accession, but the present decision was NOT made by consultation with the inhabitants of Kashmir.

Indeed they themselves have made it clear that they are forced to acquiesce to this abrogation.

This renders Kashmir an independent and now occupied territory. Indian army has recklessly and aggressively occupied this nation.

The security risk to Pakistani sovereignty requires an immediate build up of troops and mobilisation, even if the intention is not to invade IoK. For our own damn security we need to stare these bhakts down eye to eye, guns pointed.

Do it IK. Do it NOW.



Force the bastards' hand.

It doesn't change much on the ground. And there is nothing that can be done now.
This is the truth. We can support you in international area... We can give you weapons as much as you need but in the end this weapons will used by Pakistani soldiers. If you really want to have Kashmir the only solution is brutal strength. All this statements will not gonna give you the Kashmir.

For example we (Turks) didnt Took Northern Cyprus with all this statesments, we took it with ammo And blood.

If Greece was a Warsaw Pact country I do not see Turkey going into Cyprus
If Greece was a Warsaw Pact country I do not see Turkey going into Cyprus

If Greece were a Warsaw pack state, it would have trigger all NATO. Cyprus would have been much more easy target for Turkey... Of course it is just a guess so we cant really know what would have happen. It is an alternative world And there is so many factors.
If Greece were a Warsaw pack state, it would have trigger all NATO. Cyprus would have been much more easy target for Turkey... Of course it is just a guess so we cant really know what would have happen. It is an alternative world And there is so many factors.

Nope. USA is not going to WW 3 over Cyprus. So is the USSR. They will squeeze your balls so hard
Nope. USA is not going to WW 3 over Cyprus. So is the USSR. They will squeeze your balls so hard

Like I said, you are telling us a fairytale, nothing more. Note, Turkey is the key of eastern Mediterranean, US wont give this key to soviets... (which like I said, it is a fairytale.)
Turks are true brothers for sure! Even if we die a mutual death with india and there is no more pakistan and india on world map, we know turkey is there and thats enough.

It won't even be close to a 'mutual death' - they are there for the taking.
Turkish President is a dear brother of Pakistan. Erdogan has taken steps no other head of state took for Pakistan. When Bangladesh executed Jamaat people in those phony war trials as Pakistani collaborators, it was not Pakistan but Turkey that asked its ambassador to return in protest. Erdogan and Turkey were the only ones who stood with us in FATF.

The onus is on us Pakistanis, its our fight, KAshmiris are oiur responsiblity. The rest will fall in line only if they see our resolve.
It doesn't change much on the ground. And there is nothing that can be done now.
Where did I claim it would immediately change anything?

The above should be done to immediately demonstrate our capabilities to still protect our sovereignty in the face of a grave existential threat. A hostile nation has just violated international protocols and law on our doorstep and you would have us twiddle thumbs??

It would be madness to NOT build up our troops and shut the airspace at the very least.

It would also test Modi and declare the gravity of the situation to the world. The minute the airspace is closed, he will be squeezed. A full state of Cold War is very much a reasonable option given our apparently somewhat inferior military situation, the point being we are not completely incapable of anything.

Without a show of force and intent, what's to stop these madmen marching over the LOC?

I'm a huge supporter of IK but he has only 48 hours to do the right thing here.

Nope. USA is not going to WW 3 over Cyprus. So is the USSR. They will squeeze your balls so hard
Of course. Silly us. You're always right I've noticed simply because you declare an outcome that is against Pakistani interests, or if none is available, then you declare the outcome that would annoy as many Pakistanis as possible. This methodology makes you right by default every time, especially in hypothetical scenarios and especially without any evidence.

I keep forgetting to apply your doctrine to all historical, present or future scenarios - it would make my life easier.

Regarding this particular hypothetical scenarios, NATO or at least US would certainly intervene on Turkey's side at that point in time and to thwart communist forces - I mean, they did so regularly, even siding with your biggest Muslim ideological enemies to do so. Didn't US side with Pakistan to stop USSR in Afghanistan just "the other day"?? Why do you insist the cold war doctrine only would ever work for Your specific agenda?
Of course. Silly us. You're always right I've noticed simply because you declare an outcome that is against Pakistani interests, or if none is available, then you declare the outcome that would annoy as many Pakistanis as possible. This methodology makes you right by default every time, especially in hypothetical scenarios and especially without any evidence.

I keep forgetting to apply your doctrine to all historical, present or future scenarios - it would make my life easier.

Regarding this particular hypothetical scenarios, NATO or at least US would certainly intervene on Turkey's side at that point in time and to thwart communist forces - I mean, they did so regularly, even siding with your biggest Muslim ideological enemies to do so. Didn't US side with Pakistan to stop USSR in Afghanistan just "the other day"?? Why do you insist the cold war doctrine only would ever work for Your specific agenda?

USA want to bloody the bear in Afghanistan. Call it payback for Vietnam. Pakistan went along making things easier. The difference was that Afghanistan was insignificant to USA in grand schemes of things. Afghanistan was harmless pro-Soviet client for most of the Cold War. It was no loss if Afghanistan went deep Red.

Greece and Turkey were front line states in hottest and most important theater of the cold war. it was quite an effort to keep Turkey and Greece from openly quarreling. if they were on opposite sides they would have been on a tight lease. The closest analogy I can give Turkey could not do anything to reverse Bulgaria's ethnic cleansing of Turks in the 1980s. There 4x more Turks in Bulgaria than Cyprus. @Turan09
USA want to bloody the bear in Afghanistan. Call it payback for Vietnam. Pakistan went along making things easier. The difference was that Afghanistan was insignificant to USA in grand schemes of things. Afghanistan was harmless pro-Soviet client for most of the Cold War. It was no loss if Afghanistan went deep Red.

Greece and Turkey were front line states in hottest and most important theater of the cold war. it was quite an effort to keep Turkey and Greece from openly quarreling. if they were on opposite sides they would have been on a tight lease. The closest analogy I can give Turkey could not do anything to reverse Bulgaria's ethnic cleansing of Turks in the 1980s. There 4x more Turks in Bulgaria than Cyprus. @Turan09
I believe USA and USSR were moments away from conflict in Cuba. Is that "front line" enough? How about the Korean war (an actual war btw)?
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