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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

This discussion has nothing to do with the op. Talk about it in the pkk thread guys.
Tadif is job for SAA, it's south of M4

Turkey is pounding PKK at Tal Rifat and Al Arimah.

Projection up to April 2017, proceedings depends on 16.04.2017 in Turkey

Red lines will be FSA and Turkish Forces controlled areas

D850 southward from Kilis to SAA controlled area and complete "so called Manbij"
including east Firat river coastal area.


PKK journalist

HOAX or fake

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lt was an AFP article but they apparently removed it now.

Considering how US protected them for so long, it's probably true.

You can still find the article on other sites if you search the title. The source was a Kurd in YPG/SDF. US didn't say this. Maybe they did make such a promise in private to YPG but whether they made a different promise to others is something we'll find out soon enough.
You can still find the article on other sites if you search the title. The source was a Kurd in YPG/SDF. US didn't say this. Maybe they did make such a promise in private to YPG but whether they made a different promise to others is something we'll find out soon enough.

The YPG kurds make often false claims cause they are afraid of what will happen if turkey starts attacking them from 2-3 fronts and all of them have been proven to be wrong. They try to assure them that they will have their backs while we bombard their positions, everyone with one bit of logic knows that they don't want to loose their dogs who do the dirty buisness for them. The kurds know without american support their lines will collapes immediately . And the US won't protect them as it would destroy the thin ice that they are already stepping on. They have two choices, side with turkey your REAL ALLY who stood by your side always and keep your bases near russia and the black sea or try protecting terrorists and loose turkey completly to russia and watch as the ypg gets chrushed in raqqa, as they will divert their resources to a lost cause in the north, manijb and Tal Rifat. (Three ARAB cities by the way, the kurds have no reason to still be there!!!)

Losing Turkey to russia would lead to the US being kicked out of the Middle East for decades to come. Syria, Iran, Iraq and Turkey working with Russia(not saying we have to work with iran) and cutting of the US is a disaster and they know it. Israel and the Gulf States never had or lost the influence they had.

Adding to this the blood bath that will happen once ISIS is gone and the kurds will try to opress the arab population to keep the "power" and arab land they occupy at the moment with the help of the US.

And another factor is Assad. Nobody knows what he will do after isis and the rebels situation has been cleared.
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Depends on the Russian-Turkish agreement regarding Tadef.

However, it is very, very interesting to see that Assad apparently can't even fight FSA on the ground without Russian assistance.
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