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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

You should be closer to Israel (Mossad), they know how to handle Hezbollah.

This. Our whole Israel policy was a fiasco. We turned our natural ally into "religious enemy" wth. Who cares other people's religions/beliefs anyway.

Right now there are Trump team in the white house (anti-Iran/anti-Hezbollah terrorists, pro-Saudi), we should make triangle alliance as Trump-Israel-Turkey.

Russia and Trump would also have better relationship than warmonger Obama/Clinton/Republicans who desire bloody war with Russia. So we can also have good relationship with Putin-Trump at the same time. It is up to how smart rte is and how good diplomatic policy we use.
Lol, a lovely couple is back together :)

YPG spox "Assad army and allies reached our Manbij controlled territory, they will not fight us, now the road is open from Mabij to Aleppo".

It's fair.

Turkey supported (viewed as terrorists by Damascus) groups in Syria, now that the SAA is returning they work with the (viewed by Turkey as terrorist) YPG.

Nope, YPG was always with ASSad... It's not like it's their first time... You've got Efrin, Qamishlo, Aleppo and so on... It's just a front that is back together again...
Turkey view of YPG in Syria is recent, it didn't started in 2011...
He would take it from them if he could, since he can't he works with them. Either way this is good news, the SAA has to win and they obviously will. Better than erDOGans plan, he must be having a hard time, which is great.
You forget that it's syrians that are fighting and not Erdogan... So No ASSad is not the solution and should be wiped out too, same as ISIS and any extremist and dictators
You forget that it's syrians that are fighting and not Erdogan... So No ASSad is not the solution and should be wiped out too, same as ISIS and any extremist and dictators
They gathered some uneducated Syrians, gave them money and told them Allah will provide them with chocolate in heaven, (ES OP: embedded some troops with them and started fighting). Their command is foreign and has always been based in Turkey ever since the 'civil' war started. Didn't say he's a solution, I said the SAA should win it. Lastly, Erdogan fits the description of dictator.

It looks like the SAA and YPG(SDF) will remain in the end, one supported by Russia the other by the US, neither of which are friendly to Turkey. The ES operation might be the only 'victory' for Turkey, but who says they're safe from Russian/Syrian military attacks.. eventually.
They gathered some uneducated Syrians, gave them money and told them Allah will provide them with chocolate in heaven, (ES OP: embedded some troops with them and started fighting). Their command is foreign and has always been based in Turkey ever since the 'civil' war started. Didn't say he's a solution, I said the SAA should win it. Lastly, Erdogan fits the description of dictator.

It looks like the SAA and YPG(SDF) will remain in the end, one supported by Russia the other by the US, neither of which are friendly to Turkey. The ES operation might be the only 'victory' for Turkey, but who says they're safe from Russian/Syrian military attacks.. eventually.

So SAA (assad) or YPG are the only TRUE SYRIANS? I'm very sad to hear it... Maybe those few hundreds of thousand death is nothing to you...

As for @Kuwaiti Girl acknowledging it, is not very wise for your defence in other posts...
Anyway, best luck to those who rly suffered and fought for their freedom, despite getting F**ked by any " US/RUS/IRAN allies..
Very sad...

" A rat in my House , it's Horrible, But it's Funny in my Friend's house..."
So SAA (assad) or YPG are the only TRUE SYRIANS? I'm very sad to hear it... Maybe those few hundreds of thousand death is nothing to you...

As for @Kuwaiti Girl acknowledging it, is not very wise for your defence in other posts...
Anyway, best luck to those who rly suffered and fought for their freedom, despite getting F**ked by any " US/RUS/IRAN allies..
Very sad...

Can you focus on Tunisia instead, we are getting Tunisian IS fighters here and on top of that you're telling us who should rule us. I don't see Syrians or Iraqis traveling to blow up in Tunisia.
Can you focus on Tunisia instead, we are getting Tunisian IS fighters here and on top of that you're telling us who should rule us.
Are you syrian??
As for the Tunisians there , they are terro who went to fight for a pig, so you can kill them...

And I can say whatever I want... Do not FOrget it, it's may be different in your country or FOrums , but not Here. the only Motto is opinion with respect. PEriod
So SAA (assad) or YPG are the only TRUE SYRIANS? I'm very sad to hear it... Maybe those few hundreds of thousand death is nothing to you...

As for @Kuwaiti Girl acknowledging it, is not very wise for your defence in other posts...
Anyway, best luck to those who rly suffered and fought for their freedom, despite getting F**ked by any " US/RUS/IRAN allies..
Very sad...

" A rat in my House , it's Horrible, But it's Funny in my Friend's house..."
@TheCamelGuy is right. Most of the Euphrates Shield fighters are radical Islamic jihadists who've been funded by Qatar and armed by Turkey for so many years.

There's no good side in this war, but at least the SAA and SDF are secular and won't turn Syria into another Taliban-ruled Afghanistan.
@TheCamelGuy is right. Most of the Euphrates Shield fighters are radical Islamic jihadists who've been funded by Qatar and armed by Turkey for so many years.

There's no good side in this war, but at least the SAA and SDF are secular and won't turn Syria into another Taliban-ruled Afghanistan.

You seems to forget Assad rule bf the war... It wasn't A DEMOCRATY neither a COUNTRY OF LAW!! (secular do not make you an angel, Turkey is secular too..) Assad killed those who were against him, same as his father.. Come back from your hatred for a peculiar group and see it as it is.

Don't let me remind you that those arming and aiding ASSad are not Angel either, Iran is an ISLAMIC STATE, do not forget it, they are the same as those extremist you hate. (Kurds are hanged in Iran per exemple, Kurds do not like Iran either...) As for Russia, should i continue?? CHechenia? want more?

In the End no one is white, but as much you like to be "right" on definitions and facts, at least do it for the other side too.

Extremism is cancer, but supporting one to get ride of the Other do not Make you less guilty.

PS: Whatever you like it or not, Turkey is a Democraty and country of law, and it's still is.. it's going in the wrong direction, that's for sure, but Comparing Turkey/erdo to Assad is childish and dangerous...
If assad was an angel those 7 Mil syrians refugees will have gone to Assad... not Turkey, lebanon, jordan or EUrope..;
You seems to forget Assad rule bf the war... It wasn't A DEMOCRATY neither a COUNTRY OF LAW!! (secular do not make you an angel, Turkey is secular too..) Assad killed those who were against him, same as his father.. Come back from your hatred for a peculiar group and see it as it is.

Don't let me remind you that those arming and aiding ASSad are not Angel either, Iran is an ISLAMIC STATE, do not forget it, they are the same as those extremist you hate. (Kurds are hanged in Iran per exemple, Kurds do not like Iran either...) As for Russia, should i continue?? CHechenia? want more?

In the End no one is white, but as much you like to be "right" on definitions and facts, at least do it for the other side too.

Extremism is cancer, but supporting one to get ride of the Other do not Make you less guilty.

PS: Whatever you like it or not, Turkey is a Democraty and country of law, and it's still is.. it's going in the wrong direction, that's for sure, but Comparing Turkey/erdo to Assad is childish and dangerous...
What's the matter with you?

I don't really support any side in the Syrian war. If you think I support Assad, then you're sorely mistaken.

The only group I somewhat sympathize with is the SDF and that's because it has at least established secular democratic rule in northern Syria, although Erdogan and his cronies are desperately trying to destroy it and replace it with Taliban-style Islamic rule.

Most liberal secularists in the Arab World know very well that Islamic Iran is backing secular Syria, but it's not like they have another choice. The secularists in Syria were abandoned by almost everyone around the world. Iran is the only country that's ironically trying to preserve secular rule in Syria. So what choice do the Syrian secularists have? They either accept Iranian help or get decapitated by a bunch of radical jihadist lunatics from Idlib.

Like I said, there's no good side in this war, but when given the choice between secular rule and oppressive Islamic rule, I'd choose secular rule every single time. It's not like the FSA lunatics are going to transform Syria into a democracy either.
What's the matter with you?

I don't really support any side in the Syrian war. If you think I support Assad, then you're sorely mistaken.

The only group I somewhat sympathize with is the SDF and that's because it has at least established secular democratic rule in northern Syria, although Erdogan and his cronies are desperately trying to destroy it and replace it with Taliban-style Islamic rule.

Most liberal secularists in the Arab World know very well that Islamic Iran is backing secular Syria, but it's not like they have another choice. The secularists in Syria were abandoned by almost everyone around the world. Iran is the only country that's ironically trying to preserve secular rule in Syria. So what choice do the Syrian secularists have? They either accept Iranian help or get decapitated by a bunch of radical jihadist lunatics from Idlib.

Like I said, there's no good side in this war, but when given the choice between secular rule and oppressive Islamic rule, I'd choose secular rule every single time. It's not like the FSA lunatics are going to transform Syria into a democracy either.
so you support people who are sending us a suicide bombers?
so you support people who are sending us a suicide bombers?

And you support people (FSA) who worked with Islamic State Iraq (ISI) until 2013, people who shared their arms, sold their arms and were openly allied to ISI whom were sending us suicide bombers. They worked together in Raqqa until ISI took it from them in 2013 and became ISIS.

So many double standards.
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