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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Do you see me complaining? Just shared a tweet showing the opposite of her post.

So forget her, the individual here does not matter, all their support is vocal. Though that tweet is probably even true, Turkey's leadership tries to expand.
USA always support terrorists. It supported Usama Bin Laden before. Today it is YPG terrorists. Lets see when The US army will kill "Usama Bin Laden" of YPG/PKK/PYD/TAK etc..
Time , time, time..
USA always support terrorists. It supported Usama Bin Laden before. Today it is YPG terrorists. Lets see when The US army will kill "Usama Bin Laden" of YPG/PKK/PYD/TAK etc..
Time , time, time..

They are backing them because they have planned something. And this planning goes way further then just "we are backing them because they are fighting ISIS". I think many of their moves lately indicate from our point of view somethign extremly bad . they want to back or are backing another kurdish coridor in the north of syria same stuff they did in iraq and here it is important for turkey to act. It is the pentagon who backs PKK and it is the Pentagon which draw those ridiuclious "greater middle east" project maps. Those maps were not from journalists but by US generals - i think u should understand that. I do trust the turkish military that they see what is going on and work ona proper plan because with euprathes shield it wont be enough. East of eupraths is where these bastards have their terror camps and that is where u have to hit them.
They are backing them because they have planned something. And this planning goes way further then just "we are backing them because they are fighting ISIS". I think many of their moves lately indicate from our point of view somethign extremly bad . they want to back or are backing another kurdish coridor in the north of syria same stuff they did in iraq and here it is important for turkey to act. It is the pentagon who backs PKK and it is the Pentagon which draw those ridiuclious "greater middle east" project maps. Those maps were not from journalists but by US generals - i think u should understand that. I do trust the turkish military that they see what is going on and work ona proper plan because with euprathes shield it wont be enough. East of eupraths is where these bastards have their terror camps and that is where u have to hit them.

Which is what I have been saying from the start of this operation. Going after Bab was a mistake in my opinion considering that the YPG/SDF and covertUS forces are a bigger threat to Turkeys security.

Turkish Armed forces need to mobilize 20,000 troops and punch holes to the East of Euphrates to isolate SDF/YPG/PKK forces into enclaves, take manbij area and then create border security area 10km deep in the east covering most critical sections. + use money to convince local arab tribes to switch allegiances.

Turkish Armed forces need to act fast because it's a matter of time before the rats get better weaponry and become a nightmare.
the american pkk /ypg are diging our own graves and instead of doing something we are actualy helping them dig faster, and when i say we i mean tayyip and his buddies, time is running out. if we don't take manbij right now it could be the next qandil in the making...
Turkey has Plans A-B-C, the time of failed "deep (trap) strategy is over". There are negotiations with Massoud Barzani to clean together Sindschar from PKK ( the real second Qandil ) and then deploy 10000 heavy armed ROJAVA Peschmarga to Sindschar and Rojava. If the USA won't keep promises Turkey will clean Manbij alone and won't participate at operation Raqqa. Afrin will stay as a problem (cause the security of Russian influence area), but a FSA area south from Turkish D850 including TAL-Rifat in already in progress. The boarderwall will do the rest. It could all be realized within one year.
Most Turkish officials from the start said the goal of Euphrates shield is to create 5,000 KM2 safe zone along Turkish border including Albab and Manbij .

What is left now is to liberate northern Manjib country side and Manbij town from PYD , any further incursion in Syria makes no sense other than wasting resources .

The next step would be supporting Kurdish Syrian Peshmarga ( allied to Barzani ) to fight PYD in Sinjar , Riqqah and hassakah .
Turkey has Plans A-B-C, the time of failed "deep (trap) strategy is over". There are negotiations with Massoud Barzani to clean together Sindschar from PKK ( the real second Qandil ) and then deploy 10000 heavy armed ROJAVA Peschmarga to Sindschar and Rojava. If the USA won't keep promises Turkey will clean Manbij alone and won't participate at operation Raqqa. Afrin will stay as a problem (cause the security of Russian influence area), but a FSA area south from Turkish D850 including TAL-Rifat in already in progress. The boarderwall will do the rest. It could all be realized within one year.
Thanks for mentioning Barzani Pehsmerga for Syria, I saw an article about that but didn't understand the full scope but now you confirmed my suspicions. People need to understand that Barzani can not allow the PKK to surround him or he will be gone.

I think if we cut down the Afrin canton we can end PKK corridor dreams forever. Now Assad has completed it for them, there are 10,000 PKK militants in Afrin, they can now be transferred to other areas of Syria for PKK operations.
Most Turkish officials from the start said the goal of Euphrates shield is to create 5,000 KM2 safe zone along Turkish border including Albab and Manbij .

What is left now is to liberate northern Manjib country side and Manbij town from PYD , any further incursion in Syria makes no sense other than wasting resources .

The next step would be supporting Kurdish Syrian Peshmarga ( allied to Barzani ) to fight PYD in Sinjar , Riqqah and hassakah .
I am of the opinion that we need to take raqqa because that effectively cuts off PKK from Assad and the Afrin canton permanently. If we only take Manbij and leave Raqqa for the PYD then they can still bypass Manbij and Al-Bab. Turkey also needs Raqqa as a launching point for FSA into Eastern Syria, trade routes need to be cleared to the rest of the Arab world. Turkey can't afford to let Assad and the PYD control our land routes to the Arab world.
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Thanks for mentioning Barzani Pehsmerga for Syria, I saw an article about that but didn't understand the full scope but now you confirmed my suspicions. People need to understand that Barzani can not allow the PKK to surround him or he will be gone.

I think if we cut down the Afrin canton we can end PKK corridor dreams forever. Now Assad has completed it for them, there are 10,000 PKK militants in Afrin, they can now be transferred to other areas of Syria for PKK operations.

I am of the opinion that we need to take raqqa because that effectively cuts off PKK from Assad and the Afrin canton permanently. If we only take Manbij and leave Raqqa for the PYD then they can still bypass Manbij and Al-Bab. Turkey also needs Raqqa as a launching point for FSA into Eastern Syria, trade routes need to be cleared to the rest of the Arab world. Turkey can't afford to let Assad and the PYD control our land routes to the Arab world.
Yep, ES should invade both Mambij and Afrin!

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