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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

I did use google translate and then edited the text to save time and effort. My translation may not be good enough or it may contain mistakes for that i do apologize before hand.

US Chief of General Staff 54 km negotiation: divide PYD, enter Rakka.

"Ankara is making a power account for 9-10 thousand people, most of them ÖSO"


General Staff General Gen Akar, who met with US Chief of Staff General Dunford yesterday in Incirlik, told his counterparts about Turkey's possible operation. The first plan is for ÖSO forces to enter from Tel Abyad opposite Akçakale and head towards Rakka from the region under PYD control. The second plan is to reach Rakka from El Bab through Menbic.


Ugur Ergan from Hürriyet reports:

US Chief of Staff Gen. Joseph Dunford arrived in Turkey yesterday to discuss with Chief of General Staff Gen. Hulusi Akar, the different technical scenarios and plans of Ankara, the military technical dimension of possible operation against DAEŞ's Rakka in Syria. Two commanders talked, not in Ankara, General Staff Headquarters, but in Adana-İncirlik. In addition to Rakka, discussions about the operations carried out by Turkey in El Bab against DAESH and PKK caused the comments of "Operation center of Rakka operation may be İncirlik". The combat aircraft of the US-led coalition's own powers and the USA's armed unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) have already been deployed in Incirlik.

TWO PLAN IS ON THE TABLE: The main agenda of the meeting was the removal of DAESH from Rakka as it was on the telephone conversation of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and US President Donald Trump. According to information received from security sources, Gen. Akar told Dunford that he had prepared two plans for Turkey's possible operation.

ENTRANCE FROM TEL ABYAD: According to the first and the priority plan of Ankara, Turkish and US special forces, the amount of which will be determined later, and the Turkish Free Syrian Army (ÖSO) forces trained in Syria will enter into the Rakka from Tel Abyad opposite of Akçakale, The region will have to persuade the PYD that the US will not have a problem in the transition because it is in the hands of the PYD, which is close to the terrorist organization PKK. The most important reason why Turkey, which requested a distance of approximately 20 km for the transit, preferred 54 km distance from the border to Rakka was listed as "Actually dividing the PYD region into two and suitable for the land conditions" .

US-PYD PARTNERSHIP: But military observers also remind Trump's support for the Syrian Kurds before the elections, while Trump administration is unlikely to completely dismantle the severely armed PYD in Obama's time. For this reason, it is suggested that the US will be able to make accounts for both the PYD and Turkey at a common point. Ankara, on the other hand, favored the use of Arab elements in the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDG), which was the main component of the initiative from the United States.

COOPERATION WITH RUSSIA: Turkey is warmly welcoming the Arab elements within the SDG to the siege of Rakka. However, it expresses the condition that only the ÖSO forces should enter Rakka with Turkish and US troops. Military experts seem to be in need of cooperation and coordination with Russia besides PSD.

OPERATION FROM ALBAB: Ankara's second plan is to go from El Bab to Rakka. However, attention is drawn to the fact that the 180-kilometer route that passes through Menbic is mountainous, as well as the elements of PYD and the DAESH is a threat. Gen. Akar also recalled the condition that the elements of PYD in Menbic should be withdrawn to the east of the Euphrates.

9-10 thousand man power

Apart from Turkish and US troops, the majority of Rakka Operation's power accounts for 9-10 thousand people including ÖSO. It is calculated that the shift from the 2,500-strong ÖSO force in El Bab to Rakka is still being disgussed. The other 7-8 thousand power will be provided from the ongoing training program in Turkey with Kırşehir-Hirfanlı and Hatay. In both places it was reported that the training camps were full. However, it was emphasized that it is imperative for the US to meet the needs of the trained. It has been argued that the two sides could write reports about the evaluations made in İncirlik meeting and submit them to political will. It is stated that these reports can be handled in the next meeting between Erdogan and Trump.



ES Forces seem to be aware that DAESH and PKK share intelligence, weapons and cooperate.

1. FSA and Turkish Forces are cleaning booby traps in Al-BAB.

2. FSA and Türkish Forces concentrate on AZAZ and Manbij.

Summary :

Al-BAB is almost cleaned.
M4 is the so called green line between ES Forces and SAA. Norht is controlled by Turkish Forces, South by Russia.
Both countries agreed on an up to 10 km wide area which is evacuated from all civilians in the North and South of M4 highway,
cause difficult topgraphy the evacuated area decreaes sometimes to only 200 m.

Turkish Forces contribute 2000 soldiers to ES from following units,
90 % are from Land Forces.

Kara Kuvvetleri Komuranlığı İstihkam Biliği
Kara Kuvvetleri Topçu Birlikleri
Gaziantep 5. Zırlı Tugayı
İstanbul 2. Zırlı Tugayı
Tunceli 4. Komando Tugayı
Bolu ve Kayseri Dağ Komando Tugayı
Bingöl 49. Komando Tugayı
İzmir Foça Amfibi Tugayı
Bitlis Tatvan 10. Komando Biliği
Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı Muharebe Birlikleri
Genelkurmay Başkanlığı Özel Kuvvetler Komutanlığı
Hava Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı
Deniz Kuvvetleri Komutanlılığı Su Altı Savunma İstihkam Birliği

64 Turkish soldiers martyred, 386 wounded 14 in severe condition

FSA suffered 469 martyrs and 1712 wounded

Almost 3000 DEASH and PKK/YPG terrorists eliminated.
Last edited:
ES Forces seem to be aware that DAESH and PKK share intelligence, weapons and cooperate.

1. FSA and Turkish Forces are cleaning booby traps in Al-BAB.

2. FSA and Türkish Forces concentrate on AZAZ and Manbij.

Summary :

Al-BAB is almost cleaned.
M4 is the so called green line between ES Forces and SAA. Norht is controlled by Turkish Forces, South by Russia.
Both countries agreed on an up to 10 km wide area which is evacuated from all civilians in the North and South of M4 highway,
cause difficult topgraphy the evacuated area decreaes sometimes to only 200 m.

Turkish Forces contribute 2000 soldiers to ES from following units,
90 % are from Land Forces.

Kara Kuvvetleri Komuranlığı İstihkam Biliği
Kara Kuvvetleri Topçu Birlikleri
Gaziantep 5. Zırlı Tugayı
İstanbul 2. Zırlı Tugayı
Tunceli 4. Komando Tugayı
Bolu ve Kayseri Dağ Komando Tugayı
Bingöl 49. Komando Tugayı
İzmir Foça Amfibi Tugayı
Bitlis Tatvan 10. Komando Biliği
Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı Muharebe Birlikleri
Genelkurmay Başkanlığı Özel Kuvvetler Komutanlığı
Hava Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı
Deniz Kuvvetleri Komutanlılığı Su Altı Savunma İstihkam Birliği

64 Turkish soldiers martyred, 386 wounded 14 in severe condition

FSA suffered 469 martyrs and 1712 wounded

Almost 3000 DEASH and PKK/YPG terrorists eliminated.
New map please
All defence lines of DAESH in AL-BAB are destroyed. Most of the DAESH terrorists killed , some dozen terrorists hiding in tunnel systems. Civilians evacuated to camps in AZAZ. Cleaning operation goes on. FSA patrols streets.
Turkish Forces and FSA concentrate on, and plan already Manbij Operation.

As I earlier stated, Turkey is not ending the Euphrates Shield Operation on purpose. There are very good reasons, the only reason why Turkey can stay in Syria is due ISIS and its threat towards Turkey. To extent its stay, Turkey must not finish the al-Bab operation - up until there is a new excuse to further progress in Syrian soil - such as ar-Raqqah Operation.
And if anyone else recalls, the Commander of Chief Hulusi Akar of Turkey has recently discussed a joint ar-Raqqah Operation (2 days ago) with Commander of Chief of USA General Dunford - and I'm pretty sure they have come to an agreement. Turkey presented two plans. The first plan is entering Syria from Tel Abyad with 1000 FSA forces who will be transferred from al-Bab, and additionally 9.000-10.000 FSA fighters will join from the training camps in Hakkari and another city in Turkey. In this plan, the PYD lands will be seperated by a 20 km in width (a long thick line from Tel Abyad until ar-Raqqah).
Second plan is entering from al-Bab, then Manbij, and through Manbij to ar-Raqqah.

Americans finally realized that they supported the wrong group of people (PYD/Kurds), they realized that it is not an option to fight all groups in Syria with PYD, since Kurdish people in Syria has only limited areas that really belonged to them. Now it seems together with Hulusi Akar (Chief of the General Staff) Turkey has convinced the American authorities with more plausible scenarios. USA has finally realized that even if they lead the operation ar-Raqqah with only PYD, the Arab people won't accept it, and more blood will be spilled.
Now if you ask me, USA is convinced to support the Turkish-backed rebels/FSA (Sultan Murad brigade, and other Türkmen and Arab brigades), possible USA will arm the 9-10 thousand trained FSA brigade trained in Turkey, and there will be lead a joint operation in ar-Raqqah.

Turkey thus didn't leave al-Bab, because after this operation a home return would be obligatory.

If you ask me, very fast advancement may occur in the following days in al-Bab - if and only if we certainly have convinced and agreed with the Americans about a joint operation to ar-Raqqah.
If the al-Bab operation won't accelerate in speed in the coming few days, then it means we didn't come to any agreement with the Americans as of yet. I believe that we have come to an agreement.

Here's somewhat a proof:
And what was discussed in this meeting is the Euphrates Shield Operation of al-Bab and a potential operation of ar-Raqqah.
Russia AF bombed 12 Turkeys to their 72 virgins.

Putin says SORRY

Where do you find such news? I can't see it anywhere in the internet.

Next time you try to insult us, try atleast to provide some valid and reliable source you drunkard mongrel.

Now get lost from here imbecile drunkard.
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