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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Okay so many things to point out so i will number them for you.
1) People in Northern Syria came from all over the map. From Eastern Ghouta from Daraa from Damascus suburbs from Hama from Aleppo even Raqqa.Did you forget the Assad's Green Bus policy? Because i didnt.Check these out ;
So as you can see from those articles Assad ferried alot of ISIS members from recently captured zones to transfered to Idlib for deligitimizing the opposition and gaining legitimacy to attack them and it was a great success. Today there are many undercover ISIS members living in İdlip because of this fact. And also I would like to point out that ISIS leader Al Bagdadi was located and killed in İdlip. Lastly HTS is a terrorist organisation and its recognised by all parties that involved in Syrian Conflict. So as you can see not everyone in İdlip actually "Normal Syrians".
2)We dıdnt had to send all those soldiers and equipment to the front without adequate air defence and supplies and let those heroes die. With good policy and strategic thinking we could have get the same solution without a major confrontation. I know you cant speak Turkish but Retired Ex-Luitenent General Ahmet Yavuz predicted this deal 15 January. Honestly he coudnt have predicted more acurately.Check this out ;
3) Erdoğan went to TV and threatend the regime and its backers and promised full retailiation if they dont go back to Sochi lines by end of February ( at least 10 times ). Today is the March 05 and regime stays where it is but he is the one who retreats even though he had the upper hand. Everybody was shocked about the Turkish Drone Strikes even the Americans . Syrians in Damascus are in a such a bad shape people coudnt even buy bulgur these days. There soldiers were decimated and Air defence systems were blinded by Electonic warfare and targeted in a very professional way. And one of the top regime commander Tiger Forces commander Suheil al-Hassan were taken out by Turkish Precision Munitions from dozens of miles away. Even under these circumstances Erdoğan managed to kaputilate to Putin once again.
4)Today in the Outposts that surrounded by the regime and its allies , we cant sent water or fuel or food or medical support they are cut out from Anatolia. (Source below) Now what does that say about our beloved President ?
5) Erdoğan has no intention of "saving" Syrian People. If you dont know him by now nothing i say will change your mind so i wont even bother.
Thanks for putting in the effort.

Here is my reply to this.

Yes isis was transferred to idlib I know that but that was under a deal between USA Assad and Russia back in time but there are more isis members in kurdish controlled prisons in Syria and many of those are released to do terrorist activities against SAA and this starts confrontation between Syria and Turkey there are many things in play in Syria.

Regarding Air cover. First of please get one thing straight in your mind why would turkey need air cover in Syria? Turkey is not fighting a war in Syria. Turkey is there for policing the area so that turkey is effected by terrorism and Assad don't persecute civilians who form opposition. You need air cover when you are at war. Turkish presence in Syria is just like a UN force deployment. Europe chickened out of Syria and left the hell it created on Turkish shoulders. The attack on Turkish soldiers was out of context and this attack should have never happened because Turkey was in deal with Russia and Syria. So your point of air cover in first place is pointless. Why this attack happened? They attacked cause it suited them, now who are them? The purpose of attack was a make Turkey retaliate and take attention of Libya in this part the countries involved are some Arab and Europeans the second purpose and gain from attack was to take more territory away from Turkey in this part the countries involved were Russia and Syria. Third point for attack was to have a new deal on new ground and area.

Now on the part where Erdogan made the threats and gave up territory.

Yes he made the threat and lived upto it. In few days he made hell for SAA like no has ever done. He gave them the taste of real war which NATO and USA failed to do. Why he gave up territory? Cause he don't wants to fight in Syria. Syria is a Russian domain who is taking interest in keeping Assad there and in doing so Russia made USA and Europe look like Congolese. If turkey wants to push more in Syria tyrkey will have to prepare for full scale war with Russia which no one wants. So yes Erdogan gave territory cause it is Syrian territory and he is only trying to keep his border clear of anti Turkish activity. The misconception here is that some how you developed the idea that turkey is at war which is wrong. Yes he will take revenge from all who backed the attack so in coming days after the ceasefire is implemented keep an eye on Libya you will soon see a show there as well.
Then what is the point of the deal? Wasting taxes on that flight?
A phone call would have the same effect...

We will see, Assad clearly doesn’t care about a ceasefire, for him it just makes his battles easier, so he should thank Erdogan and Putin. There’s only two ways to this, you either slowly lose Idlib bit by bit , ceasefire by ceasefire. Or, you remove Assad himself. Personally, I don’t see a Turkish or HTS victory in Idlib. I hope I am proven wrong.
HTS terrorists
HTS are not terrorists thank you, they are the generation of sacrifice, and from their offspring will be born the generation of Liberation the army of Islam that will be victorious in the End and they will conquer both Istanbul and Rome, just watch !!
I feel sorry for Erdogan !!! wasting time on treacherous kuffars ..

They are not strong enough.
Allah swt will sort it out, something will happen, inshallah
Your policy failed , you arent able to manage Turkey. You sent soldiers to die for your failed policy.

They are martyrs because they worn Turkish uniform but you sucrifised Turkish soldiers not for Turkey's natinonal interests.
You sent poor soldiers to die for your personal histerics. What a shame you can still write here. All your hands and mouths are full of soldiers' blood
I have words for all of you but i cant write here.
Shameless, ignorance hillbillies totally fucked international affairs .. children can play game as you can herd cows.
İnternational affairs neither herding cows.
Poor soldiers were obligated to die for a stupid.

First of all where were you when TSK bombed the shit out of regime forces? I have not seen you post a message about this once. As soon as things go a little different, you come here again with your scheisse propaganda and emotional abuse.

Just **** off man we dont need troublemakers like you.
No one in the field who has the honor accepts this so-called agreement. I was surprised why Erdogan didn't leave his underwear in Moscow. On the other hand, as the great commander Cahar Dudayev said: "The agreement with the Russians is like writing on the water."
The game is afoot. In order to win the game you can't show your hand. The main objective is to destroy your enemy, so first you have to understand who the enemy is. That will be the main objective, everything else is smoke and mirrors.
Erdogan, Assad, Putin and Rouhani working all together. This ceasefire, Sochi, Astana and the refugees are just a strategy to kick the US and EU out of the Middle East and Eastern Mediterranean.
the real meaning of مالنا غيرك يا الله
Syrians muslims have no one , but Allah swt .


إِنَّا لِلَّهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ‎

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