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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

After a long time again it's like the Great European Powers are having "matches" among themselves like the way it was in the 19th century!!! And, the newly found "cowboy" state of the USA couldn't even mange a seat in the gallery...
Too many people talk nonsense here.

Put the cards on the table. Which cards does Turkey have, which cards does Russia, regime and Iran have?

Some people dont understand that Turkey cannot use its drones day in day out against rats that pop up like mushrooms after killing them. Also Russia keep supplying these rats with thousands of out-dated (but still efective to kill innocent people or rebels) vehicles and stuff.

Turkey is not in direct confrontation with the regime. If so, the Turkish army would already have launched an ground offensive. The use of proxies is a tough task and especially if you are dealing with undisciplined powers. This costs a lot of energy. What do you think? That you can win a battle with just using drones etc? Those drones and all other things don't throw bunches of flowers but stuff that costs millions. We must remain realistic.

Turkey has shown the last week what it is capable of when it MUST take action! Despite the lack of F-16s (outside of some situations), Turkey has caused the regime to suffer badly.

If Turkey and Russia could not reach an agreement, the fight would have continued.

Turkey is now trying to breathe and gain time. Don't forget that Turkey is also putting its energy into Libya, which is much more important for the future of Turkey.

Do you think this is all is child's play? Turkey is on its own against almost the entire world.

And stop insulting our martyrs by saying they died for nothing!
Refugees made their part... now back in TR...

Refugees are inside Greece actually and are not returning. They kiked 4000 back to Turkey but these again moved to Greek border, Turkey is clear that the refugees are allowed the pass and ur video is just greek/euro intelligence trying to capitalize on the current "ceasefire". https://t24.com.tr/haber/aa-cumhurb...teci-politikasindan-geri-adim-yok-dedi,864944

We wont keep the refugees and we are also clear with that.
Too many people talk nonsense here.

Put the cards on the table. Which cards does Turkey have, which cards does Russia, regime and Iran have?

Some people dont understand that Turkey cannot use its drones day in day out against rats that pop up like mushrooms after killing them. Also Russia keep supplying these rats with thousands of out-dated (but still efective to kill innocent people or rebels) vehicles and stuff.

Turkey is not in direct confrontation with the regime. If so, the Turkish army would already have launched an ground offensive. The use of proxies is a tough task and especially if you are dealing with undisciplined powers. This costs a lot of energy. What do you think? That you can win a battle with just using drones etc? Those drones and all other things don't throw bunches of flowers but stuff that costs millions. We must remain realistic.

Turkey has shown the last week what it is capable of when it MUST take action! Despite the lack of F-16s (outside of some situations), Turkey has caused the regime to suffer badly.

If Turkey and Russia could not reach an agreement, the fight would have continued.

Turkey is now trying to breathe and gain time. Don't forget that Turkey is also putting its energy into Libya, which is much more important for the future of Turkey.

Do you think this is all is child's play? Turkey is on its own against almost the entire world.

And stop insulting our martyrs by saying they died for nothing!
Very relevant points...

And, from Pakistan’s perspective, a “truce” b/w Turkey and Russia is also dead important....
Too many people talk nonsense here.

Put the cards on the table. Which cards does Turkey have, which cards does Russia, regime and Iran have?

Some people dont understand that Turkey cannot use its drones day in day out against rats that pop up like mushrooms after killing them. Also Russia keep supplying these rats with thousands of out-dated (but still efective to kill innocent people or rebels) vehicles and stuff.

Turkey is not in direct confrontation with the regime. If so, the Turkish army would already have launched an ground offensive. The use of proxies is a tough task and especially if you are dealing with undisciplined powers. This costs a lot of energy. What do you think? That you can win a battle with just using drones etc? Those drones and all other things don't throw bunches of flowers but stuff that costs millions. We must remain realistic.

Turkey has shown the last week what it is capable of when it MUST take action! Despite the lack of F-16s (outside of some situations), Turkey has caused the regime to suffer badly.

If Turkey and Russia could not reach an agreement, the fight would have continued.

Turkey is now trying to breathe and gain time. Don't forget that Turkey is also putting its energy into Libya, which is much more important for the future of Turkey.

Do you think this is all is child's play? Turkey is on its own against almost the entire world.

And stop insulting our martyrs by saying they died for nothing!

"In front of a wall... Humans imagine the skies..."
HTS officially said to pursue the fight... And now the "Rhetoric" is switching in their favors...
I never seen that much support from different side of this conflict in favor of HTS... it's only been an hour...
Even some "NFL/TFSA" are starting to join that "HTS rhetoric"... Even lambda guys who weren't HTS...are turning Pro... Be it Arabs and even among Turks answers...

Well... the coming days gonna be interesting...
all the hope lies on the mujahedines of HTS and TIP
Too many people talk nonsense here.

Put the cards on the table. Which cards does Turkey have, which cards does Russia, regime and Iran have?

Some people dont understand that Turkey cannot use its drones day in day out against rats that pop up like mushrooms after killing them. Also Russia keep supplying these rats with thousands of out-dated (but still efective to kill innocent people or rebels) vehicles and stuff.

Turkey is not in direct confrontation with the regime. If so, the Turkish army would already have launched an ground offensive. The use of proxies is a tough task and especially if you are dealing with undisciplined powers. This costs a lot of energy. What do you think? That you can win a battle with just using drones etc? Those drones and all other things don't throw bunches of flowers but stuff that costs millions. We must remain realistic.

Turkey has shown the last week what it is capable of when it MUST take action! Despite the lack of F-16s (outside of some situations), Turkey has caused the regime to suffer badly.

If Turkey and Russia could not reach an agreement, the fight would have continued.

Turkey is now trying to breathe and gain time. Don't forget that Turkey is also putting its energy into Libya, which is much more important for the future of Turkey.

Do you think this is all is child's play? Turkey is on its own against almost the entire world.

And stop insulting our martyrs by saying they died for nothing!
Your policy failed , you arent able to manage Turkey. You sent soldiers to die for your failed policy.

They are martyrs because they worn Turkish uniform but you sucrifised Turkish soldiers not for Turkey's natinonal interests.
You sent poor soldiers to die for your personal histerics. What a shame you can still write here. All your hands and mouths are full of soldiers' blood
I have words for all of you but i cant write here.
Shameless, ignorance hillbillies totally fucked international affairs .. children can play game as you can herd cows.
İnternational affairs neither herding cows.
Poor soldiers were obligated to die for a stupid.
ASSad Full shelling across idlib...

HTS and other opposition forces not willing to retreat will only play in favor of Russia's rethoric. Who thought anyway the Turk could convince them ?
Ceasefire was broken by ASSad and now it's all over Idlib.
HTS answer WAS known by TR the moment they begun thinking about the deal with RU... it's a surprise to no one. HTS will be alone in it... even though, among other rebel groups, there is this wish to continue.

As for that Terro excuse... TR have problems in diplomacy, they are very bad at it... Hezbollah was OPENLY mediatized by RU and ASSad for their participation around idlib since ever... And yet it seems some Terros are good and other are not.
Will not even go into Shia militia labeled as Terros that are taking part in this mess...
ASSad Full shelling across idlib...

Ceasefire was broken by ASSad and now it's all over Idlib.
HTS answer WAS known by TR the moment they begun thinking about the deal with RU... it's a surprise to no one. HTS will be alone in it... even though, among other rebel groups, there is this wish to continue.

As for that Terro excuse... TR have problems in diplomacy, they are very bad at it... Hezbollah was OPENLY mediatized by RU and ASSad for their participation around idlib since ever... And yet it seems some Terros are good and other are not.
Will not even go into Shia militia labeled as Terros that are taking part in this mess...

I do not expect Turkish retaliation at all, maybe shelling or drone strikes here and there at most, and that’s only if our soldiers are martyred again
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