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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

HTS are not terrorists thank you, they are the generation of sacrifice, and from their offspring will be born the generation of Liberation the army of Islam that will be victorious in the End and they will conquer both Istanbul and Rome, just watch !!

I feel sorry for Erdogan !!! wasting time on treacherous kuffars ..

Allah swt will sort it out, something will happen, inshallah

Go and burn yourselves with hts maniacs. Just keep your hands away in my country.
Look who are the supporters of Erdoğan? Turkish citizens or fundamentalist maniacs?
Too many people talk nonsense here.

Put the cards on the table. Which cards does Turkey have, which cards does Russia, regime and Iran have?

Some people dont understand that Turkey cannot use its drones day in day out against rats that pop up like mushrooms after killing them. Also Russia keep supplying these rats with thousands of out-dated (but still efective to kill innocent people or rebels) vehicles and stuff.

Turkey is not in direct confrontation with the regime. If so, the Turkish army would already have launched an ground offensive. The use of proxies is a tough task and especially if you are dealing with undisciplined powers. This costs a lot of energy. What do you think? That you can win a battle with just using drones etc? Those drones and all other things don't throw bunches of flowers but stuff that costs millions. We must remain realistic.

Turkey has shown the last week what it is capable of when it MUST take action! Despite the lack of F-16s (outside of some situations), Turkey has caused the regime to suffer badly.

If Turkey and Russia could not reach an agreement, the fight would have continued.

Turkey is now trying to breathe and gain time. Don't forget that Turkey is also putting its energy into Libya, which is much more important for the future of Turkey.

Do you think this is all is child's play? Turkey is on its own against almost the entire world.

And stop insulting our martyrs by saying they died for nothing!
You have my respect.

Too many people here are immature children who start screaming things like “why are we not closing the bosphorus right now???”, “why are we not bombing Russian air bases in Syria??” “We should start attacking moscow with SOMs to teach them a lesson?”

No one realizes or does not want to realize that we are not in GTA V.
Iranian politicians and IRGC are dropping like flies. :o:

I hope supreme bastard is infected too.

Go and burn yourselves with hts maniacs. Just keep your hands away in my country.
Look who are the supporters of Erdoğan? Turkish citizens or fundamentalist maniacs?
Most of the people who support Erdogan is because he is doing something for the oppressed be it Rohingyas or Syrians. He is bringing honor to your country. Anyway HTS or any organization that is fighting Assad are not terrorists. They haven't killed even 1 percent of civilians compared to what Assad and his Shia bastard army did. If he can't be called a terrorist even though he is a real one then keep this stupid west double standard to yourself. We will keep supporting the Muhajideens whether they are fighting in Afghanistan or Syria.
HTS are not terrorists thank you, they are the generation of sacrifice, and from their offspring will be born the generation of Liberation the army of Islam that will be victorious in the End and they will conquer both Istanbul and Rome, just watch !!

HTS is the US,S.Arabia and the Uae backed terror organization

and HTS gives reason to Russia and Assad Regime for bombing Idlib
HTS atacking Russian - Assad Regime Forces
and Russia-Assad Regime are killing innocent sunni muslim civilian population in Idlib under the mask of fighting against HTS and other terrorist groups

and HTS doesnt fight , ran away like bitches , if Turkish Army did not stop Assad Regime,Iran backed terrorist groups and Russia , whole Idlib would have been destroyed and millions of Syrians would have moved to Turkiye from Idlib

never forget that , the US,S.Arabia and the Uae backed HTS , ISIS and PKK/YPG terror organizations are working to design Syria for Israeli interests

btw Constantinople was conquered by the Turks
yes Rome also will be conquered but not by HTS-ISIS terror organizations which were created by CIA , MI6 and MOSSAD
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A few days ago I called for no more ceasefires... yet here we are again. With our technological advantage we could have decimated every enemy in the entire north. We could have captured a large swathe of the Misak-ı Millî borders. Instead we just lost dozens of troops for nothing. Absolutely nothing.

This government is a a freaking joke. They should stay out of TSK's business.

I seriously wonder what Putin is blackmailing Erdoğan with. I have no doubt that it's footage of Erdoğan with a Russian prostitute. If that footage is released Erdoğan's reign will come to an end.
A few days ago I called for no more ceasefires... yet here we are again. With our technological advantage we could have decimated every enemy in the entire north. We could have captured a large swathe of the Misak-ı Millî borders. Instead we just lost dozens of troops for nothing. Absolutely nothing.

This government is a a freaking joke. They should stay out of TSK's business.

I seriously wonder what Putin is blackmailing Erdoğan with. I have no doubt that it's footage of Erdoğan with a Russian prostitute. If that footage is released Erdoğan's reign will come to an end.

You know what. Its good that this happend. Turkish people are against İdlip deployment.This deal is a clear indication that Regime will take Idlib and surroundings. I want our Armed forces to focus on YPG on the east of Fırat.
My point of view on this cease-fire is that tayyip didn't get enough support from NATO/USA and EU.
If he would have gotten the support that he was expecting, he could keep fighting against asshead, russia and iran in Syria but the plans didn't go he way he was expected.
From now on, asshead troops will advance inch by inch and russia will force us to accept the advance of asshead's arm and back to our border.
You know what. Its good that this happend. Turkish people are against İdlip deployment.This deal is a clear indication that Regime will take Idlib and surroundings. I want our Armed forces to focus on YPG on the east of Fırat.

YPG hold a large amount of land but will get utterly crushed once an operation starts. Idlib is a powder keg and is also strategically important. It's right next to Hatay. Our soldiers there died for nothing. The whole region should be captured in return for the deaths of our soldiers.

To be honest we never should have signed a ceasefire for the operation which we started last year. We should have just crushed YPG and captured all their land.. but you know Erdoğan....

Tayyip: Eyyy Kılıçtaroğlu you traitor, you were asking for a peaceful solution in Syria look at us how did we solve the issue by winning the war...
Ministry of foreign affairs: Sir we had done it yesterday the way he was suggested. He was asking for a peaceful solution.
Tayyip: Eyy Kılıçtaroğlu, you traitor. You wanted war and blood in idlib but we have solved the issue peacefully.
Akpeans: hulloooggggg götünün gılıyah. Alkış....
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