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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions


However Erdoğan has been accomplice of KSA and USA to have brought all terrorists from Afghanistan and Iraq to Syria.

Turkish government has been accused of supporting jihadist for a longtime.

Finally Turkish nation have opened eyes and noticed Turkish Army covers jihadists.
Do you think how we lost 37 soldiers?
Because terrorists organisations such as HTS and Turkistan Islamic Party used Turkish observation points like live shield.
So 37 soldiers were sucrificed for HTS terrorists.
HTS is the US,S.Arabia and the Uae backed terror organization
Come on man, HTS is cornered in Idlib , from where would the backing come to them if we supposed ur claim to be true ? it would come from the turkish borders .it would mean from under ur noses, it would mean u r the ones supposting HTS, I dont think you would allow Saudi or UAE to back no one since they are adversaries to Turkey and I know bc all they talk about in their media is about gow evil MBs are and how evil Turkey is and that they want Turkey out of the Arab world and Syria and Lybia , in this they are 100% agreeing with Assad, they would never allow one bullet or one Dollar to be sent to HTS or even the (moderate rebels ), so NO BACKING is coming from the Arab regimes .
Secondly , I have seen many video is which HTS are killed and desecrated by the enemy, they seem the only ones fighting really not the rebels ..
Third, the US and EU and Israel are really supporting YPG/PKK terrorists this time , look at the European media and the European politicians ... it is clear that SDF are backed by the US and PKK .

the truth is that HTS is fighting ALONE, they r devastated , they fight with captured weapons and they are outnumbered , if Turkey considers them the cause of the suffering of Idlib, bc they decided to fight back against the Russian agressors then join Russia and fight them, it is as simple as that .
I think we need to build up stronger insitutions to make a more succsesfull foreign policy because Erdogans 4d-chess moves dont work out.

If he doenst succeed in the mediterranian i will agree 100% with you.
Come on man, HTS is cornered in Idlib , from where would the backing come to them if we supposed ur claim to be true ? it would come from the turkish borders .it would mean from under ur noses, it would mean u r the ones supposting HTS, I dont think you would allow Saudi or UAE to back no one since they are adversaries to Turkey and I know bc all they talk about in their media is about gow evil MBs are and how evil Turkey is and that they want Turkey out of the Arab world and Syria and Lybia , in this they are 100% agreeing with Assad, they would never allow one bullet or one Dollar to be sent to HTS or even the (moderate rebels ), so NO BACKING is coming from the Arab regimes .
Secondly , I have seen many video is which HTS are killed and desecrated by the enemy, they seem the only ones fighting really not the rebels ..
Third, the US and EU and Israel are really supporting YPG/PKK terrorists this time , look at the European media and the European politicians ... it is clear that SDF are backed by the US and PKK .

the truth is that HTS is fighting ALONE, they r devastated , they fight with captured weapons and they are outnumbered , if Turkey considers them the cause of the suffering of Idlib, bc they decided to fight back against the Russian agressors then join Russia and fight them, it is as simple as that .

HTS are a bunch of brainless scumbags like ISIS. They have the same tendencies of khawarij. When alnusra was doing really good in the early days and became popular that donkey leader of theirs julani gave his allegiance to al qaida publically so that the enemies could find an excuse to attack Muslim with impunity. This donkey if he had any brains should've known that the defeated alqaida is a punching bag for everybody including media, dictators, and the world at large. These donkeys have no long term strategies or visions and dont care about consequences to other muslim, they only care about narrow twisted interpretations. When Turkey made a deal about the deescalation zone they should've just disbanded HTS and pretended to have laid down their weapons and joined other groups. Their ego is too big like ISIS. Isis allowed enemies to take vast territories and helped Assad to sway world opinion away from him despite committing genocide.

HTS and ISIS are just tools for the enemies of Islam.
Experts on TV says that unless we can subdue HTS, ceasefire won't be permanent.

As surely, a few says later these Jihadists will attack Russia or Regime forces and conflict will began again.
Russian and Turkish forces seen driving near Saraqib as ceasefire comes into force. Medical evacuation of Turkish soldier from sieged observation point

I didn’t see any medical vehicle in the video but nothing surprises me anymore
Yesterday turkish soldier was martyred after the fake ceasefire so everything is possible
I didn’t see any medical vehicle in the video but nothing surprises me anymore
Yesterday turkish soldier was martyred after the fake ceasefire so everything is possible
That is sad... An Army that crushed them like flies for an entire week as to be "escorted"... That Kirpi should have been in front and them following by the thousands...

Experts on TV says that unless we can subdue HTS, ceasefire won't be permanent.

As surely, a few says later these Jihadists will attack Russia or Regime forces and conflict will began again.
Did you forget who broke the Ceasefire? I think you know...
The south is HTS... That in the Idlib op were "asked" to take part... Now that same south is given away as a gift... and you wish them to just say: " you know what, YEah let's give that to ASSad, bc TR want to honor a DEAL with RU"
I mean, There is a limit... So let's not be blind...
That is sad... An Army that crushed them like flies for an entire week as to be "escorted"... That Kirpi should have been in front and them following by the thousands...
Assadists should have been demoralized and we should have been celebrating instead it’s the opposite....
I still hope there’s something important given to Turkey behind the curtain otherwise this is nothing but straight capitulation
Erdogan talked about wagner support to haftar maybe the trade is south idlib in exchange for libya!?!?
Assadists should have been demoralized and we should have been celebrating instead it’s the opposite....

I still hope there’s something given to Turkey behind the curtain otherwise this is nothing but straight capitulation
The Thing is " RU promises never hold" Even if they "promise" some land here and there... they will not honor it... Remember Afrin... When Tel Rifaat was in the Deal... But what the Ruskies do? Well at the last minute they sent their "military police" and Voila...

Remember Latest OP in the East? The entire strip was in sight... things were going nicely... the Americans were out... BUT Surprise... The Ruskies came in... and made it stop...

If Ppl think it's the End, they are clearly lost... What we are seeing right now... is the same than years ago... The same exact same thing... What Erdogan did... is called "Pushing the inevitable"...
I'm pretty sure all of it is get some sort of "status quo" till 2023 Election...

Wagner aren't doing much... It's not Wagner that is winning the war...
The Thing is " RU promises never hold" Even if they "promise" some land here and there... they will not honor it... Remember Afrin... When Tel Rifaat was in the Deal... But what the Ruskies do? Well at the last minute they sent their "military police" and Voila...

Remember Latest OP in the East? The entire strip was in sight... things were going nicely... the Americans were out... BUT Surprise... The Ruskies came in... and made it stop...

If Ppl think it's the End, they are clearly lost... What we are seeing right now... is the same than years ago... The same exact same thing... What Erdogan did... is called "Pushing the inevitable"...
I'm pretty sure all of it is get some sort of "status quo" till 2023 Election...

Wagner aren't doing much... It's not Wagner that is winning the war...
But this “status quo” is literally destroying erdogan
He has only one option left 30-40 km safe zone in idlib and 30-40 km safe zone across entire northern syria
If he fails to deliver this until next election he will suffer heavy humiliating defeat I can bet on this for all money i got
The defeat will be so huge that maybe akp wouldn’t even pass the required parliament threshold
But this “status quo” is literally destroying erdogan
He has only one option left 30-40 km safe zone in idlib and 30-40 km safe zone across entire northern syria
If he fails to deliver this until next election he will suffer heavy humiliating defeat I can bet on this for all money i got

If Status quo is made this year or the next, then Erdogan has 2-3 years to work on it.
I mean, ppl can ultimately accept everything as long as they are not "personally" involved...
Most of Turks aren't seeing beyond Their country, Like most of Citizens across the world. What matter is their "Daily Life".
We, may see things beyond just the border of TR, and the implications of such "deals", but the majority doesn't.

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