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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Hey Hannibal Your main mistake is "you think Turkey is led by trustable and powerful leadership" but actually no , it is big no. mistakes later compromise and mistakes and more compromise etc... that is what our government now. Erdo should go ASAP , otherwise Turkey will be last victim of Arabian winter. There is also no serious Military leadership in Turkey. Erdo fired Military officers who are against Syrian adventure. You may not aware of that but Erdo shares his power with ex commies (Dogu Perincek- ex maoist commie) so you need to aware of that and make more logical comments.
I Hope you aware... that your PKK/YPG stayed alive in those last decades thanks to the ASSad dynasty?
Or are you of those who don't care because your history lessons start in 2011?

As for your Syrian betrayed us... can you stop it...it's becoming childish... do you want a list of what Seljuks did? Ottomans? Arabs? etc... to each others in the past 1400 years?

As I don't judge you by your father actions neither should you... thats' the basic of Islam...if Muslim you are ofc... otherwise... no wonder...

of course, i am aware of assad family's actions against turkey. but we also supported armed organizations during syrian civil war against them. we even caused more damage to syria than they inflicted to us. i am not saying we should befriend with assad. what i am saying is he won the war so we need to make a deal with him to focus the real threat to turkey which is ypg.

about the second issue, turks didnt face such betrayal they faced in ww1 in their history and they will never forget about it. if some nationalist military officers and bureaucrats didnt started a nearly impossible war against the allies after that, turks might be completely defeated in a way that they cannot develop again. of course, i cannot judge them because of their ancestors' actions. but some syrians, palestinians, jordanians and nearly all saudis and emiratis are proud of that betrayal. so as long as this continues i am not gonna act them as my friends.
Hey Hannibal Your main mistake is "you think Turkey is led by trustable and powerful leadership" but actually no , it is big no. mistakes later compromise and mistakes and more compromise etc... that is what our government now. Erdo should go ASAP , otherwise Turkey will be last victim of Arabian winter. There is also no serious Military leadership in Turkey. Erdo fired Military officers who are against Syrian adventure. You may not aware of that but Erdo shares his power with ex commies (Dogu Perincek- ex maoist commie) so you need to aware of that and make more logical comments.
Nowadays no Gov is working for it's people... whatever the side... Political structure IS MADE for politicians... to thrive and enjoy their advantages... so having a nationalistic or communist or Islamic driven political maiden will not change much... They are all limited in their powers...

I still believe that TR main mistake was her inability to act fast in the Syrian conflict... she was too late and couldn't hold her "legitimacy" Maybe she believed that ASSad will fall, like any other Revo in the region... She should have acted at the same moment the US started their airstrikes...not years after with the Jerablus op... they should have seized this opportunity to send ground troops in the North... If she did that... the US would not be in Syria today... neither SDF/YPG/PKK... and All of the Eastern side of Syria+Northern side and Idlib region and Aleppo will have been under TR control...

of course, i am aware of assad family's actions against turkey. but we also supported armed organizations during syrian civil war against them. we even caused more damage to syria than they inflicted to us. i am not saying we should befriend with assad. what i am saying is he won the war so we need to make a deal with him to focus the real threat to turkey which is ypg.

about the second issue, turks didnt face such betrayal they faced in ww1 in their history and they will never forget about it. if some nationalist military officers and bureaucrats didnt started a nearly impossible war against the allies after that, turks might be completely defeated in a way that they cannot develop again. of course, i cannot judge them because of their ancestors' actions. but some syrians, palestinians, jordanians and nearly all saudis and emiratis are proud of that betrayal. so as long as this continues i am not gonna act them as my friends.

ASSad will not drop YPG/PKK support... they didn't when you guys were in peace... let alone today... But if you can believe that a traitor and a murderer is someone you can strike deals with then so be it... but look at Idlib... Where they were a "DEAL"... look what happen... the moment they could strike... they did it... with no remorse and no care for you... and they are enjoying it... by directly targeting your Observation points with TR soldiers...

Today Animosity is a Political one... Most of Muslims wish for days like before... But since most of today Muslim nation are being build on the foundation of a racist/self centric ideology aka Nationalism... everyone think they are better than the other... or that their life/future is more worthy than their neighbor...

Little did they know... alone they are weak... alone they will be eaten by the others... while they watch their neighbor being eaten... they will think "it's not my problem..." BUT if only they knew... that one day... they will be next in line to be targeted... and at this moment... no one will come either...
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Nowadays no Gov is working for it's people... whatever the side... Political structure IS MADE for politicians... to thrive and enjoy their advantages... so having a nationalistic or communist or Islamic driven political maiden will not change much... They are all limited in their powers...

I still believe that TR main mistake was her inability to act fast in the Syrian conflict... she was too late and couldn't hold her "legitimacy" Maybe she believed that ASSad will fall, like any other Revo in the region... She should have acted at the same moment the US started their airstrikes...not years after with the Jerablus op... they should have seized this opportunity to send ground troops in the North... If she did that... the US would not be in Syria today... neither SDF/YPG/PKK... and All of the Eastern side of Syria+Northern side and Idlib region and Aleppo will have been under TR control...

ASSad will not drop YPG/PKK support... they didn't when you guys were in peace... let alone today... But if you can believe that a traitor and a murderer is someone you can strike deals with then so be it... but look at Idlib... Where they were a "DEAL"... look what happen... the moment they could strike... they did it... with no remorse and no care for you... and they are enjoying it... by directly targeting your Observation points with TR soldiers...

Today Animosity is a Political one... Most of Muslims wish for days like before... But since most of today Muslim nation are being build on the foundation of a racist/self centric ideology aka Nationalism... everyone think they are better than the other... or that their life/future is more worthy than their neighbor...

Little did they know... alone they are weak... alone they will be eaten by the others... while they watch their neighbor being eaten... they will think "it's not my problem..." BUT if only they knew... that one day... they will be next in line to be targeted... and at this moment... no one will come either...

Assad's father was using the pkk because during that time pkk wasnt the threat against syria. it was just a puppet for them but now things have changed. the existence of pkk is an existential threat to syrian unity. if our only focus will be the annihilation of the pkk/ypg, i am pretty sure they will be more than happy to work with us about this issue. moreover, assad didnt break the agreement with us about idlib because we are refusing to deal with assad. remember our agreement is with iran and russia not with syria. that is why assad do not trust us. btw before we made an agreement with them (adana agreement) and that agreement was extremely successful.

finally, the batrayel against ottoman emprie wasnt about the nationalism. nor the rebels and neither their followers today are nationalists. they are just puppets of western imperialists, they are greedy cowards who sell their brothers for money. turkish nationalists have perfect relations with bosniak, pakistan, chechen, algerian and many other nationalists from islamic countries
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Assad's father was using the pkk because during that time pkk wasnt the threat against syria. it was just a puppet for them but now things have changed. the existence of pkk is an existential threat to syrian unity. if our only focus will be the annihilation of the pkk/ypg, i am pretty sure they will be more than happy to work with us about this issue. moreover, assad didnt break the agreement with us about idlib because we are refusing to deal with assad. remember our agreement is with iran and russia not with syria. that is why assad do not trust us. btw before we made an agreement with them (adana agreement) and that agreement was extremely successful.

finally, the batrayel against ottoman emprie wasnt about the nationalism. nor the rebels and neither their followers today are not nationalists. they are just puppets of western imperialists, they are greedy cowards who sell their brothers for money. turkish nationalists have perfect relations with bosniak, pakistan, chechen, algerian and many other nationalists from islamic countries

The Ottoman_Arab revolt is driven by Pan Arabism... A nationalist Movement...
BUT I will not put everything on Arabs or they wish for Independence... Because the Ottoman Empire in it's later days, was the thing to reform... it wasn't paradise either being under Ottoman rule at those later days... it was sick... and since it couldn't be reformed... for multiple reasons whatever inside Turkey or Outside... it's fall was a must...
The Ottoman_Arab revolt is driven by Pan Arabism... A nationalist Movement...
BUT I will not put everything on Arabs or they wish for Independence... Because the Ottoman Empire in it's later days, was the thing to reform... it wasn't paradise either being under Ottoman rule at those later days... it was sick... and since it couldn't be reformed... for multiple reasons whatever inside Turkey or Outside... it's fall was a must...

I am not saying that ottoman empire should have stayed or if arabs didnt revolt, it could have survived. i am not saying that ottoman empire in its later days was the best place to live (although this is true for everyone including turks) i am saying that it was the worst betrayal because it came during the darkest days of whole turkish history. turks were nearly disappearing from history because of the ww1 and they hit us in the worst time can be imagined. we had seen them as our brothers and always acted according to it. they answered with treachery. i am not angry with them because they revolted. yemenis revolted against ottomans before ww1 and neither me nor any other turks have bad feelings against them. because they were brave enough to face with ottoman forces and was fighting for something they think it is legitimate. arab rebels in ww1, on the other hand, were a bunch of cowards who were fighting for money as you can read from lawrence's memoir. they were only bold enough to attack us when we were fighting with superior forces of britain, russia, and france and even then they only hit us from the back like attacking supply routes, etc. what's worse many of them are still proud of this betrayal. just yesterday lebanon's president tweeted something supporting this. i don't see these people (saudis, emiratis, some of the jordan-syria-palestine arabs) as my brothers or even my friends and i dont have any commitment to them. they can go to hell i dont care. many turks feel this way as well. that is not about nationalism. i love and respect libyans, iraqis, yemenis, algerians, egyptians, bosniaks, circassians, persians etc. we also had some problems with these people in history but i dont hate them. they are brave people who fight like a man.
I am not saying that ottoman empire should have stayed or if arabs didnt revolt, it could have survived. i am not saying that ottoman empire in its later days was the best place to live (although this is true for everyone including turks) i am saying that it was the worst betrayal because it came during the darkest days of whole turkish history. turks were nearly disappearing from history because of the ww1 and they hit us in the worst time can be imagined. we had seen them as our brothers and always acted according to it. they answered with treachery. i am not angry with them because they revolted. yemenis revolted against ottomans before ww1 and neither me nor any other turks have bad feelings against them. because they were brave enough to face with ottoman forces and was fighting for something they think it is legitimate. arab rebels in ww1, on the other hand, were a bunch of cowards who were fighting for money as you can read from lawrence's memoir. they were only bold enough to attack us when we were fighting with superior forces of britain, russia, and france and even then they only hit us from the back like attacking supply routes, etc. what's worse many of them are still proud of this betrayal. just yesterday lebanon's president tweeted something supporting this. i don't see these people (saudis, emiratis, some of the jordan-syria-palestine arabs) as my brothers or even my friends and i dont have any commitment to them. they can go to hell i dont care. many turks feel this way as well. that is not about nationalism. i love and respect libyans, iraqis, yemenis, algerians, egyptians, bosniaks, circassians, persians etc. we also had some problems with these people in history but i dont hate them. they are brave people who fight like a man.

Arab Revolt was actually collapsing even before it started a lot of times arabs rebels got smashed in head on fights which made Te Lawrence rethink his strategy because the Arabs themselves barely even knew how a proper modern warfare would be fought. Arab rebels were scared of the sight of artillery and planes along with trains. A lot of the times they got smashed in face to face engagements.

So lawrence made the Arab rebels drop fighting head on and made them focus on guerilla warfare lets be honest the Arab Bedouins were quite the masters of that since the desert was their playground. They sabotaged and assassinated Ottoman officers and they also sabotaged communication lines which made various garrisons cut from the main Ottoman army after these places were isolated which made it ripe for the Rebels to attack.

Rebels whether Armenian, Arab, Greek and Assyrian usually got their asses handed to them in face to face engagements their only contribution was delaying the Ottoman army nothing else. As the heavy fighting was usually done by the Allies like the British, French and the Russians. Middle Eastern front you also had Germans and the Austro-Hungarians backing the Ottoman Empire.

It is often a overlooked front in WW1.

In middle eastern front we also had Jabal Al Shammar backing the Ottoman Empire. In North Africa you had the Senussis of Libya. Ahmed Sharif Senussi also helped in the Turkish independance war.
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Arab Revolt was actually collapsing even before it started a lot of times arabs rebels got smashed in head on fights which made Te Lawrence rethink his strategy because the Arabs themselves barely even knew how a proper modern warfare would be fought. Arab rebels were scared of the sight of artillery and planes along with trains. A lot of the times they got smashed in face to face engagements.

So lawrence made the Arab rebels drop fighting head on and made them focus on guerilla warfare lets be honest the Arab Bedouins were quite the masters of that since the desert was their playground. They sabotaged and assassinated Ottoman officers and they also sabotaged communication lines which made various garrisons cut from the main Ottoman army after these places were isolated which made it ripe for the Rebels to attack.

Rebels whether Armenian, Arab, Greek and Assyrian usually got their asses handed to them in face to face engagements their only contribution was delaying the Ottoman army nothing else. As the heavy fighting was usually done by the Allies like the British, French and the Russians. Middle Eastern front you also had Germans and the Austro-Hungarians backing the Ottoman Empire.

It is often a overlooked front in WW1.

In middle eastern front we also had Jabal Al Shammar backing the Ottoman Empire. In North Africa you had the Senussis of Libya. Ahmed Sharif Senussi also helped in the Turkish independance war.

This is exactly what i am saying. i dont understand what you are criticizing. I already told that i am distinguishing arabs. i respect most of the muslim nations including libyans. the ones that i dont like are those who still support that coward treachery against their brothers in turkey's darkest days. not interestingly those countries still continue betraying their fellow muslim nations. therefore, i dont see them as my friends and i am not gonna help them in any condition.
Explained quite well. I doubt most of the crowd here are Muslims. Racism and "Ataturk"-worship is a common trait among them here.

BTW this thread is so out of topic. I came here to read up on Turkish military operations in Syria. Are there still any?

You came to read about Turkish Military operations but left it with another "off topic" comment.

200 IQ
This is exactly what i am saying. i dont understand what you are criticizing. I already told that i am distinguishing arabs. i respect most of the muslim nations including libyans. the ones that i dont like are those who still support that coward treachery against their brothers in turkey's darkest days. not interestingly those countries still continue betraying their fellow muslim nations. therefore, i dont see them as my friends and i am not gonna help them in any condition.

Im not critising you im just saying the arab revolt usually failed until the British propped them up. Arab revolt is nothing to be celebrated about when the Arabs themselves got shafted pretty badly.

Not just Arabs but other various ethnic groups that took up arms against the Ottoman Empire got shafted by the Allies after WW1.
my solution is , get out syria now, open all borders at west , send refugiees to europe. current situation doesnt give us any profit. they harass our soldiers every day. it doesnt mean bow down, syria is not our territory, we will not stay there for long term.

The current problems with the whole Middle East, Northern Africa, Med. Sea Oil Drill, Syrians in Turkey, Arabization/Salafi/Whahabi inrease in Tarikat/Cemaat teachings and etc...

...lie in the so-called Muslim Brotherhood founded by British.

The AKP prioritizes the so-called Muslim Brotherhood existance and interests over all the interests of Turkey as seen in the first sentence.

Simple proof: why 900.000 of Male Syrians at 18-44 age in Turkey are not sent back to fight in Syria but let breeding like rabbits in Turkey is becuase Arabization/Salafi/Whahabi cancer need demographic number to spread in the long term without ''melting'' among the Turks, despite the transformation hesitates nowadays due to lack of physical and mental resources.. (remember turning all schools into Imam schools, attacking women with short clothes, kids eating in streets, pervert ''fatvas'' of Islam abusers like sexual interests to his own daughters or mothers, making everything ''Islamic''(salafi/wahabi/arab) etc. stop suddenly nowadays.)
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