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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

why are they angry? we provide them humanitarian aid for years they broke doors and enter Turkey but they still angry? they can go to ...
why are they angry? we provide them humanitarian aid for years they broke doors and enter Turkey but they still angry? they can go to ...

How would you react, if a military from another country enter's Turkey and proclaims itself as a savior for the people, arms militants that fight against your own country's government and military? Basic principle of peace, is for you to put forward your best intent with your best action and help by working to prevent war, not escalate it.
How would you react, if a military from another country enter's Turkey and proclaims itself as a savior for the people, arms militants that fight against your own country's government and military? Basic principle of peace, is for you to put forward your best intent with your best action and help by working to prevent war, not escalate it.

Oh yes the good old bashar al *** dindu nuffin wrong afterall syria became a shitshow thanks to him.
Instead of fleeing and rioting perhaps these idiots should go and fight or throw rocks at bashar and russia.
Syrian flooding at the border gates is a surprise to no one... Idlib was the last defense line to keep Syrians there and pushing for re-immigration from TR to SY...
So here the result to those HOPING that IDLIB fall...

Next... You can't blame people for fleeing from Bombardment... We are 8 years in the conflict and NEVER ANY groups was supplied by AA...

and Last... It's only the beginning... when you play a game... the first golden rule... is to win... not playing buddy buddy... with those who see you as an enemy like Russia/ASSad/IRan...

People of power believe in one thing... Those who can throw punches... not those saying sorry after throwing it...

PS: the extreme majority of Syrians hold highly Turkey in their hearts... no propaganda biased mind can say otherwise... now... Currently some People maybe frustrated because of TR-RU relationship and TR promises that didn't hold up ie Idlib safe zone and Current situation with RU advance/bombardment ... many among those people see TR playing with their life...
ah! syrains are expected us to shoot down Ruskie airforce planes? later? full scale war with Russia again. Ottomans fought with Ruskies and lost its power, later Brits sweep out the rest. we cant do the same mistake.
ah! syrains are expected us to shoot down Ruskie airforce planes? later? full scale war with Russia again. Ottomans fought with Ruskies and lost its power, later Brits sweep out the rest. we cant do the same mistake.
so what is your solution? keep your head down? let them humiliate you every time they are shelling your Observation points or making fun of how weak you are?
At least whatever it was the Ottomans or Attaturk... they didn't bow down to anyone... whatever they were losing or winning...

I really hope the majority of Proud Turks don't think like you... as a defeatist...

Please refrain from saying such thing in public spaces like this forum... you are giving the image that Turks are afraid/weak
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my solution is , get out syria now, open all borders at west , send refugiees to europe. current situation doesnt give us any profit. they harass our soldiers every day. it doesnt mean bow down, syria is not our territory, we will not stay there for long term.
Oh yes the good old bashar al *** dindu nuffin wrong afterall syria became a shitshow thanks to him.

He did do things wrong, how Turkey can help is by restoring Syrian territory to it's natural borders. Once this is accomplished, Turkey and Russia would pressure Assad to hold free and fair elections. Observers shall be sent by both Turkey and Russia to establish and confirm that fair elections were held. As this is accomplished, the North Eastern part of Syria, held hostage to zionist-American military, will revolt against it's backers and will fight to restore Syria as whole. Peace would return to the country and a solution shall be found to give the kurds autonomy but borders shall be manned by both Syrian and Turkish militaries.
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