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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

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Please try to translate Arab or Turkish thank you

What's the battle strategy here is it FSA infantry attack supported by tanks artillery etc or is it fsa using mechanized attacks and are you enveloping before taking over ,sieges ,blitz etc please tell
"After an AFP report claimed that the Turkish military and the YPG reached "a loose agreement" to stop shooting at each other, a top Turkish official told Daily Sabah Tuesday that the Turkish military will hit YPG forces if the terrorist group does not retreat to the east of the Euphrates."

Turkey determined to hit YPG if it does not move east of Euphrates

Doğru değilmiş çok şükür, başka türlü böyle şeyler o *bnelere cesaret, moral verir..
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NTV reports that one of our tanks has been lightly damaged and 3 of the crew members have been injured due to a rocket attack. Attack took place in the isis held territory in the west of Cerablus.
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Fast recovery to the personel. I am wondering what type of tank they shot.
"After an AFP report claimed that the Turkish military and the YPG reached "a loose agreement" to stop shooting at each other, a top Turkish official told Daily Sabah Tuesday that the Turkish military will hit YPG forces if the terrorist group does not retreat to the east of the Euphrates."

Turkey determined to hit YPG if it does not move east of Euphrates

Doğru değilmiş çok şükür, başka türlü böyle şeyler o *bnelere cesaret, moral verir..
We just wait and see the map next days

The Turkish foreign ministry said in a statement Tuesday that comments from the United States about the target of the Turkish military operation in Syria were unacceptable and Ankara expected a U.S. pledge that the YPG would remain east of the Euphrates to be fulfilled.

Asserting that Turkey's military operation in Syria would continue until all militant threats to Turkish security were removed, the ministry said that it had not yet agreed any ceasefire with the YPG in northern Syria.

On the matter, the ministry had also summoned U.S. ambassador to Ankara John Bass on Monday.

Ankara has frequently voiced its concern over the the PYD's armed People's Protection Units' (YPG) activity along the Turkish border and has been rigid in its stance in not allowing the PYD militant group to found any kind of de facto Kurdish state in northern Syria. Ankara claims the PYD enjoys close connections with the PKK, including militant and ammunition support through underground tunnels.

Seems Americans have now completely dropped the ball in Syria
Dutch news reporting that YPG commander told that there is a ceasefire between YPG and Turkish troops also it reports that Turkey denies these claims.

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