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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Actually it looks quite logical, but it can bring also some troubles because after people start rise up against PYD, PYD can more pressure on people by massacres and other criminals.

We have to be more speddy to get their positions so that they can't find a way.
I am sure, people wouldn't rise against US backed terrorists, at least not anytime soon but that would cause, deepen mistrust until Turkish intervention. I also mean all PYD held areas in Syria as Turkey willl intervene eventually. Turkey has to.
dead americans...

Please try to translate Arab or Turkish thank you

What's the battle strategy here is it FSA infantry attack supported by tanks artillery etc or is it fsa using mechanized attacks and are you enveloping before taking over ,sieges ,blitz etc please tell
These are major towns in the area:


Names of the villages are not really important.
dead americans...


USA accept PKK as terrorists group with our pressure but they still keep supply sub branches of PKK with heavy weapons, political supports, soldiers and trainings. This is obvious they wanna divide middile east countries peice by piece so that they can exploit us easly...

We see the big picture
Btw a lot of armoured vehicles transferred Şanlıurfa as well, Hello KoBaNeee :)
We did cross border operations in Iraq involving 40-50 thousand soldiers in the 90s. Why aren't we doing a similar operation in Syria?
We did cross border operations in Iraq involving 40-50 thousand soldiers in the 90s. Why aren't we doing a similar operation in Syria?
Probably because the army decided it was enough to use the fsa instead of our soldiers for the scale of operation. If anything, i think we dont need regular Turkish foot soldiers in Syria, we just need a few thousands more of fsa members to control and patrol the captured ground and to avoid become too thinly spread out at the frontlines.
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