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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Turan vs Ummah
Dont bring it in this thread. We will have 12123 pages of information that is being talked for 2132th time and usually ends with insults like "Kafirs!" or "Ataniz haindir 1453!" and ban fest. We really dont need this.
Dont bring it in this thread. We will have 12123 pages of information that is being talked for 2132th time and usually ends with insults like "Kafirs!" or "Ataniz haindir 1453!" and ban fest. We really dont need this.
Right. I did not intend to fire an endless debate over it, nor will i join such debate. But let us just keep in mind how the Arab League takes stance against Turkey for every operation it carries out against terrorism not only The Olive Branch in Syria but also operations in The North Iraq.

The American citizen and terrorist Jake Klipsch is being send to hell in Afrin by the Turkish Armed Forces.



“He is not one of us who calls for ‘asabiyyah or who fights for ‘asabiyyah or who dies for ‘asabiyyah.”
[Abu Dawud]


In another Hadith Prophet(S.A.W) said about asabiyyah

"Leave it. It is rotten." [Muslim & Bukhari]

National pride is haram in Islam, to feel you are better than other people just because you hail from a certain tribe or nation.
These Kurds and our Baloch separatists deserve nothing but death. Playing in the hands of foreign powers to destabilize our countries. They are traitors.

you can fight these separatist for decades you won’t get anywhere until the root of the problem is solved

I have been around long enough to tell you this even our grandchildren will be fighting terrorism if we don’t first fix the root of the problem

The root is Israel and America, take Al Aqsa then see rival of ummah al Aqsa is highest priority it’s under siege

When ottoman was poor and hungry they fight for Al Aqsa Allah give them victory in Gallipoli

Today Muslims army’s are vast with full stomach but empty in soul
Right. I did not intend to fire an endless debate over it, nor will i join such debate. But let us just keep in mind how the Arab League takes stance against Turkey for every operation it carries out against terrorism not only The Olive Branch in Syria but also operations in The North Iraq.

Arab league is a joke... Better say KSA/UAE and that's it.
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