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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

So there are reports that YPG handed over Tel Rifaat, Minagh airbace etc to Assadist forces. Any conformation on that?
As long as SAA does not have presence there, it won't be a problem for Turkey. FSA and Turkish Army do not hesitate to hit NDF units, as it seemed in Raco-sharanli fronts.
"They hide PKK/YPG Terrorist" as a excuse and we can keep bomb the shit out of them.
"They hide PKK/YPG Terrorist" as a excuse and we can keep bomb the shit out of them.
If they are NDF... IF...
Otherwise, if it's the official "SAA administration" Then it's over... at least in this current situation...
Lol Al Bab is 2x as big as Afrin, and we took the city 6 months after the coup.
Tel Rifaat has a population of 25000 and Afrin of 35000. Not that much of a distance.
He's talking about the capabilities of the YPG, which are laughable compared to ISIS at Al Bab.

BTW I know you're probably being sarcastic.
The problems we had in Al Bab compared to Afrin were not due to better capabilities from ISIS side. The planning and conducting of the operation was terrible. The man power and its skills was not enough. Also the political situation led to limited resources and high tech equipment that we are using now in Afrin as complicated high technology surveillance systems. The fail in Al Bab was due to repeating tactical mistakes that leaded to high casualty numbers and ping pong situations around the villages and then the hospital and the hill. The already captured positions were exposed to high number sniper fire, ATGMs and VBIEDs that were not spotted on time and because of the lack of proper equipment to neutralize the threat and the slow reaction of the tank crews because of the lack of information on time as I said it turned to hell. Almost all of the casualties of that operation were preventable. I am not 100% sure about the following thing I have to say but I personally think that one of the main reasons of the "pacification" of the commander of OKK Korgeneral Zekai Aksakalli was the bad performance in Al Bab.
The wannabe ypg fanboy liveuamap admins didn't update more than half of the today's gains.
Today was "calm"... not much taken. Mostly Bulbul region, and few ones in South.
Thank you for telling me what's happening right under my nose.

Whatever, I'm going to Islahiye FOB on Wednesday. I may take some pictures no promises (No exif data of course). I'll be stationed there for two weeks.
The interesting thing is how they can count the turkish side casaulties when they at same time loose more and more soil everyday :-):-):-):-)

Also they somehow have the capacity to kill that much in 24 hours but don't take a single picture or video for evidence. While we have hundreds of pictures of their corpses after clashes.
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