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Do westerners actually gives a shit?? ]
Not actually. This is drawn by a German :

The PKK admin there must have taken it down, he was taking forever to update the Afrin map because his PKK buddies were getting killed every day lol

I don't know where you people are getting this. PKK admins don't decide what goes on the map (comments might be another story). SyrianCivilWarMap is pro-PKK biased, Liveuamap is pretty neutral.

Also, Afrin is not besieged yet as of 1 hour ago:

Do westerners actually gives a shit?? Other than die hard lefties I don't think anybody gives a fu** about afrin

It is called the Black Propaganda, based on Lies to fool regular people in short term, but brings the discredibility for the event and people who do that in the end.

Among plenty of same examples, your quoted tweet is the latest one.

The picture(also seen on the tweet you posted) actually taken by AA after Russian airstrikes in Aleppo in 11 july 2016, whereas used by US-backed PKK terrorists on the truck in New York streets.

the source: http://www.hurriyet.com.tr/dunya/new-york-sokaklarinda-akil-almaz-afrin-yalani-40770457
This moron will not have the balls to set foot in Turkey and if he does he will try to sabotage any deal made. Turkey needs to give clear answer in such a case by amassing troops and armor near Manbji if not even start small skirmishes. There are two options for the US. 1. Kick out ypg, tighten the leash and hand over Manbji and other areas to TAF and FSA 2. Complete break down of relations, Manbij operation and a Turkey that sides with russia.
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