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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

The Operation seems advancing much faster. FSA is about to enter Afrin center.
I think the Olive Branch will end up within several weeks..
The Operation seems advancing much faster. FSA is about to enter Afrin center.
I think the Olive Branch will end up within several weeks..
There is one interesting thing coming to my mind but I am sure if they will make it happen. We know that the total cutting of Afrin from Tal Rifat is matter of time but I am curious if they are going to cut Afrin also from the west part.

I love Greek, Arab and Kurdish war experts like this, TSK and even TFSA is capable of taking Afrin & Tel Rifat, they will and this moron will eat his words. PKK is already sh@tting there pants and looking for ways to escape the city, there top levels have already left or leaving.

Lose 10 or 100 soldiers, wars are not won with the numbers of casualties but the strategic outcome i.e Turkey kicks out PKK from Afrin. Turkish people will be willing to lose 1000s for there sovereignty, we are not US or EU to cry at every coffin because we believe in this op and our army.

Before the op these people were saying "Afrin will be Vietnam for Turkey" now look they are rejoicing as if they won the war at every single Turkish martyr while they have lost terrorists in there 1000s.
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There is one interesting thing coming to my mind but I am sure if they will make it happen. We know that the total cutting of Afrin from Tal Rifat is matter of time but I am curious if they are going to cut Afrin also from the west part.
I dont know much about the details but i am sure they act in accordance with the agreements made by all sides in the region. Russia, Iran and even Syria.. Maybe The USA too..
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