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We are giving a propaganda war against these savages we should be better than this.

Now, most people will only look at the title, not at the actual video...Ever heard of the saying "Çamur at izi kalsın" that's what the terrorists are doing against us, even if what they share is fake people believe in them because they don't feel the need to research further to confirm the claim.

The title says "Drone films terrorists plant bombs to kill civilians" What would you understand as someone from Europe or America for example?

-To which country does the drone belong to?
-Who are these so-called "terrorists" mentioned in the title?

A better suiting title could be like: "Turkish drone films YPG terrorists planting bombs to block civilians trying to escape out of Afrin."

l know it's long but you get the point.

This video is quite important but like always we miss the chance to use it.

You are right in that the title is important to convey a message. Propaganda is the wrong word to use. It gives the message the information is manipulated and false. Trust is important if you want your information to be spread and believed.
Media relations is much better term to use, but Turkey's problem is Erdogan has destroyed so much of the public relations between Turkey's state institutions and western media outlets that no one even listens to us.
Which is why the YPG's media arms exaggerated figures are routinely spread whereas Turkey's more realistic figures are either ignored or doubt is cast upon them.
Erdogan isn't the only reason, but the main one. Anti Turkish lobbyists and organisations in the west are much better organised than anything to counter it whereas Turkey spends most of its energy agitating the west when it should be building better relations instead.

Yes, the title is way too long and confusing. Keep it short and simple. What is the message you want to portray? "YPG are terrorists who are caught killing civilians who want to leave afrin."
So a title like "YPG terrorists caught killing civilians fleeing Afrin" is all you need. You don't need to fill it with Turkish drones filming, that can be added into the body of the story itself. Main objective is to expose the YPG as murdering terrorist scum.
To further that message the subheading could have some reference to international institutions to give it added weight.
"Civilians Used as human shields as the U.N. Undersecretary General Mark Lowcock finds evidence of the YPG preventing locals from leaving"

It's already been geolocated as described in the video
This could of been a killer blow to the YPG's credibility but poor media relations by Turkey means this will mostly be overlooked and forgotten about quickly.

TRT World is a great start but they still have a long way to go to effectively project information. They already have a lot of great staff doing a great job, in time with experience and training, even more will be doing a great job too.
Some of the biggest "propaganda" outlets like the BBC or DW are also the most trusted due to its credibility among the public's they serve. If it seems like your just trying to spew out propaganda you wont be trusted.
This made me sad..

Mehmed, a mentally handicapped man, had been hiding in his basement for a week. When he heard that FSA and TSK had taken control and the area was safe, he rushed outside. Sadly, just a short time after he went outside, he stepped on a PKK mine buried near his house. Despite all afforts, Mehmed could not be saved..

This made me sad..

Mehmed, a mentally handicapped man, had been hiding in his basement for a week. When he heard that FSA and TSK had taken control and the area was safe, he rushed outside. Sadly, just a short time after he went outside, he stepped on a PKK mine buried near his house. Despite all afforts, Mehmed could not be saved..

:( Allah rahmet eylesin.
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