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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

sentetik used to be cool man, it's a sad state of affairs if he became an erdo fan.

no I got in an argument with sailordream over dive bombing in 21st century :)

Sailordream is respected user, as far as i know he is not moderator, there must be something else.. I know you from trmilitary, i read your posts we are both old users 8-9 years. It's sad to see old members getting banned by new moderators.. anyways
Welcome back
Sailordream is respected user, as far as i know he is not moderator, there must be something else.. I know you from trmilitary, i read your posts we are both old users 8-9 years. It's sad to see old members getting banned by new moderators.. anyways
Welcome back
he probably is but he doesn't know me so he called me a troll and within 2 hours I got banned.
moron, you can't prove a negative, I can't prove there isn't an UAV over Afrin right now neither can you.

+There's such a thing as operational readiness, just because you have 15-20 planes doesn't mean you can keep even 5 of those planes in the air at the same time. Turkey has 240 F16s but having an air campaign with 72 planes is a RECORD. You're too retarded to waste my breath on. I can't be bothered.

Is it possible to turn off Transponder on UAV?

Still don't know why they decided to post it ... it's clearly a fail... Maybe even after posting it..;they didn't see they got tricked...

Btw That's the Iranian Toophan ATGM under PKK/YPG hands... (yellow rings on tripod)
@era_shield is right. You're talking nonsense. Even PKK sources are claiming that Turkey is using drones. Just because you can't see them on the radar map doesn't mean we're not using them in the first place. Ridiculous. @cabatli_53 do something, he's insulting people.

He doesn’t not insulting members, it only his own kind of slang.
notice the Iranian Toofan ATGM, we should mobilize the army immediately and tell Iran we will invade them if we lose a single soldier to an Iranian missile. Force them to take action. And if they don't, follow through with that threat.

This is enough reason to invade Iran for me.
Is it possible to turn off Transponder on UAV?
I don't know for sure but it should be possible to shut down all communications and maintain radio silence. I know Anka can execute its mission completely autonomously.

If that's not possible, we might aswell go back to RF4
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notice the Iranian Toofan ATGM, we should mobilize the army immediately and tell Iran we will invade them if we lose a single soldier to an Iranian missile. Force them to take action. And if they don't, follow through with that threat.

This is enough reason to invade Iran for me.

I don't know for sure but it should be possible to shut down all communications and maintain radio silence. I know Anka can execute its mission completely autonomously.

Yes. That same transponder also applicable on Sikorskys, F16's even Peace Eagle's UAV's. But thats for identification. Also warships and submarines and Cargo vessels also have similar transponders . Cargo ships have AIS(Automatic Identification System). Warships and submarines have WAIS(Warship Identification System). You can close it anytime you want. But that doesnt make you invincible. Radar stations could still see you. These systems are there to avoid collisions and track movement(only in Peace).
Yes. That same transponder also applicable on Sikorskys, F16's even Peace Eagle's UAV's. But thats for identification. Also warships and submarines and Cargo vessels also have similar transponders . Cargo ships have AIS(Automatic Identification System). Warships and submarines have WAIS(Warship Identification System). You can close it anytime you want. But that doesnt make you invincible. Radar stations could still see you. These systems are there to avoid collisions and track movement(only in Peace).
yes, radio silence is still important though... there are active radars and passive radars. Active ones you can detect and destroy quite easily then this sort of thing is the only way they can detect you.
Turkish FM Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu receives a very warm welcome by his Iranian counterpart Javad Zarif in Tehran today.

Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and his Turkish counterpart Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu discussed issues of mutual interest in a Wednesday meeting in Tehran.

During this meeting, the two sides exchanged views on various ways of strengthening bilateral relations, especially in the economic and cultural sectors.

Zarif and Çavuşoğlu also discussed the situation in the region, as well as the results of the Sochi Congress on Syria.

The Turkish FM’s visit came a day after Iranian President Hassan Rouhani vehemently criticized Ankara for Afrin Operation saying that the entry of a foreign army into the soil of another country should be done with the authorization of that country.

“This is not justified and we would like that it ends as quickly as possible,” added Rouhani.

Ankara launched the Afrin operation some two weeks ago after the US said it would work with Kurdish militants to set up a 30,000-strong border force near Turkey.

Turkey views those militants as terrorists linked to the homegrown Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), which has been fighting for independence for decades.

The ‘Operation Olive Branch’ is currently focused on the Afrin region, but Turkey has said it could extend to the nearby Kurdish-controlled city of Manbij and beyond.



Turkish FM Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu receives a very warm welcome by his Iranian counterpart Javad Zarif in Tehran today.

Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and his Turkish counterpart Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu discussed issues of mutual interest in a Wednesday meeting in Tehran.

During this meeting, the two sides exchanged views on various ways of strengthening bilateral relations, especially in the economic and cultural sectors.

Zarif and Çavuşoğlu also discussed the situation in the region, as well as the results of the Sochi Congress on Syria.


Question is, did he have the balls to bring up the Iranian made ATGMs in the hands of PYD-YPG-PKK-SDF or whatever the fvck they decided to call themselves this week.
Hassad Ridha guy is annoying me. Is this guy Syrian or Kurdish? He became pro Kurd now and supporting their side. Kind of weird since YPG occupies Assad’s lands while we try to save it and give it back.
The pro government guys in Syria are torn between **** Turkey for supporting FSA and **** YPG for splitting the country. I guess that Ridha guy is part of the first group.

Also on topic of attacking Tal Rifaat: Thats probably the most fortified position in the hands of YPG. It would also make Assad and Russia nervous because of its closeness to the Idlib pocket.
Question is, did he have the balls to bring up the Iranian made ATGMs in the hands of PYD-YPG-PKK-SDF or whatever the fvck they decided to call themselves this week.
Nope, look at them, they are laughing and acting like good friends. The only thing that will be exchanged will be more business for more money to be made. You dont understand how proxies work. Iran and Turkey were always on the opposite side of the war in Syria but still worked together and did business like normal.

A good example is Israel and Russia.
Russia supported the Syrian government and Israel supported the Rebels and even bombed Syrian army positions and yet Israel and Russia are best friends, the Israeli president constantly visits Russia.

The pro government guys in Syria are torn between **** Turkey for supporting FSA and **** YPG for splitting the country. I guess that Ridha guy is part of the first group.

Not really, The FSA has been fighting the Syrian government and Iran for 5 years now, while there has only been a few skirmishes between the YPG and SAA around Hasaka and Deir Izor. If Turkey takes Afrins, the FSA will replace the YPG in the Area and they are very hostile to the SAA.

So its obvious who the Syrian government will prefer.

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