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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Well they won't be an exactly "30km wide entity" as we would have already connected Manbij and even Ayn Issa with Idlib. But you are right about the land lock. They could always use İskenderun but it is not the same thing.
But none of these don't mean that we will be able to annex that area. Economics is still very hard. If half of the refugees went there and if we annexed the area, we still would have to establish a complete infrastructure there. Annexation doesn't just happen when you paint the area with your colors. You need to establish a government structure, borders, patrols, health institutions, schools, social opportunities etc. If you start handing out Turkish IDs to these people, you need to take care of their health benefits, retirement, social rights... We have 2.8 million people living in İzmir. Think of what would happen if we were to create another İzmir. Think of the budget. It is not like we will create the next Apple or Samsung in Afrin. That area is not enough to feed all those people as well. So, in the end, we will have to leave all these areas to either the Syrian government or the Rebels, who will take orders from us and live poor and perished lives for a long time, until the country is in order.

Perhaps another solution could be a new leader in Syria that could reunite it all. Such a leader could also take care of the Kurdish presence in the East of Euphrates. Syria needs to unite under a single flag. Assad won't be able to do it anytime soon. So they really need a new leader. They need to make peace and elect someone new.
No newLeader... till ASSad die by some sort of Miracle or destitution from smthing/one...
About the 30km... it's in width/depth...
All Infrastructure needed to make it into TR lvl could be done and with limited investment... it's not like you need to build 20 cities... . only 2-3 cities that could accomodate 500k max and keep the village around as they are... Road exist, Schools too... it' s not a no man's land... the majority of the past infrastructure are still up all along the border... only few places were hit...

TR gov... will gladly take that land... if it wasn't for international pressure... it' snothing for her...

What will be the reaction of international community? Turkey may face huge international pressure. Even Russia will not support this annexation.
If Russia stay there... she will find herself into another Afghanistan 2.0...and it's precisly what she's doing right now to not make the same mistake , by making those political move with Turkey etc...
But if she can't get out after years of conflict... then she will accept anything to stop that...
Annexing it wouldn't improve Turkey's border security but decrease it. If the land is ours then it can't work as a buffer. I think Afrin will be the same as with Euphrates Shield areas, not annexed but self-administered. Later on, by the time Assad wants to take it back, it should be full of returned refugees and heavily armed and able to defend itself with Turkey as security guarantor (to protect it from air attack).
Well you can always search for another buffer zone...beyond the annexed land...
And no more YPG influence after 50-60km from TR border... since down south of Syria..; they are Arabs... no more Kurds, therfore no more YPG influence...
In Augustdorf or Pfreimd ?

Man kann viel von den Israelis lernen macnhe Änderungen an der Panzerzng kosten nicht viel Geld und Zeit, zum Beispile Käfig Panzerrung oder hängende Ketten rund im den Turm:

Thema hängende Ketten:

@Signalian something to adopt for Pakistan Army ?
"This chain and weight arrangement protects the interface between the turret and the hull where armour is likely to be weakest. The heavy chains and their attached weights will detonate the RPG shell and prevent it from exploding in a site where it may cause more damage."

Ich finde es schade, dass die türkischen Panzer Einheiten so halbherzig in die Schlacht geschickt werden. Ehrlich könnten besser ausgerüstet sein. Aber wahrscheinlich sollen die türkischen Panzer ehe den Feind aus großer Entfernung bekämpfen und dienen mehr als Macht demonstration und Feuerunterstützung.
Pasewalk, Mecklenburg Vorpommern !

Ok , now classified Communication Center. Augustdorf Brigadegeneral was afaik Turk General, who is now in Brussels ACOS G9 and Senior National Representative - ‎NATO HQ LANDCOM.

Well Good Luck with that... When many Turkish members right here... are already afraid to annex... only a mere 300km² of lands...

He made a joke IMO

Ich finde es schade, dass die türkischen Panzer Einheiten so halbherzig in die Schlacht geschickt werden.

You are a good brother. But to be honest I don't wanna talk about it.
I wanna only remark you are right the kill of TR Leos was cause of hydraulic system kill and following immobility.
A Leo without remote weaponstation and electric turret plus Era or Marder IFV as buddy is a dead Leo .
We have left 150 active Leo2-A5 in Germany to be soon upgraded to A-7 with ADS.
You know the Dutch have no more MBTs.
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These areas in the north that we captured will be given back to Syria. And more precisely: Assad. Wait and see. Some people are getting certain things to their heads. Today Turkey relies on Russia’s approval to conduct this Afrin operation on certain preconditions and one of them is to recognize Assad. Only Assad can unite Syria.
Annexing it wouldn't improve Turkey's border security but decrease it. If the land is ours then it can't work as a buffer. I think Afrin will be the same as with Euphrates Shield areas, not annexed but self-administered. Later on, by the time Assad wants to take it back, it should be full of returned refugees and heavily armed and able to defend itself with Turkey as security guarantor (to protect it from air attack).

Giving it back to Assad would be a wrong decision , he might use it in the future again as a launch pad for PKK to attack Turkey.

Any land taken over should be used as a buffer zone against
Well... if rivalery stay and ASSad can't accept a syrian "entity in the North"... then we are mostly going there... or maybe even "annexation"...

And what will happen? well... it depends on how much TR will fight for it...

The future depend on what the East Syrian side ( beyond Euphrate) will behave or fall into... if it will stay yellow or not...

Turkey would not give back any territory liberated but it will never be annexed. This region will be a security zone filled with Syrian refugees who reside currently in Turkey.

The Adana agreement between Turkey and Syria allows Turkish army to be present 30 km within Syrian territory to fight PYD/PKK.

Eastern Syria will remain under PKK control as long as American bases exist there , they are planning to stay there for decades so it means even after Assad dies naturally .
if Turkey creat esome sort of a belt along the border... to get back Syrian refugees in... Then we can be sure it's gonna be some sort of annexation... since that "to be state" will be land locked and have nothing... (No ressources, no backing etc...) if left alone...

However... if in the future the Eastern Syrian side do switch or get incorporated ( whatever the way) into that Northern belt... then Annexation will mostly not occur... But we could get two syrian state...

And if the latter scenario happen... we are also" sure" that the conflict will continue... since both sides will have the manpower/ressources etc... to sustain further wars...in the coming years that follow or decades after...

That Syrian problem is even worst than afghanistan tbh...

Turkey cant afford absorbing 3.5 million Syrian peasants, the region will remain under Turkish occupation and act as a buffer zone against any future Kurdish entity.

The other question you should ask what the Americans will do in Syria in the next few decades, PKK/SDF is their tool to keep Syria contained outside any future Arab/Israeli conflict.

The Americans long-term plan is to control Iraqi/Syrian border through their SDF proxies and link Kurdish held regions with Jordan.

The Americans have control over Tanf 3000 KM zone inside Syria bordering Iraq and Jordan .
Americans have bases in Hassaka , Riqqah and Northern Dier El Zor .
They are currently building one of their Biggest air-bases there to eventually abandon incirlik .



our country is enough for us man.. we just need strong Turkey

Wise words


Turkey needs this buffer zone

Nice Dreams , you should join isis .

Well Good Luck with that... When many Turkish members right here... are already afraid to annex... only a mere 300km² of lands...

Colonization era has ended, now big countries out puppets in power and steal their natural resources.
Turkey only needs a buffer zone with Syria they will prevent the creation of any future Kurdish state and a proxy Army like FSA to counter PKK militias in Syria and Northern Iraq.


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