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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

What would happen if Turkey creates "Turkish Republic of Northern Syria" like "Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus"?
Well... if rivalery stay and ASSad can't accept a syrian "entity in the North"... then we are mostly going there... or maybe even "annexation"...

And what will happen? well... it depends on how much TR will fight for it...

The future depend on what the East Syrian side ( beyond Euphrate) will behave or fall into... if it will stay yellow or not...
Well... if rivalery stay and ASSad can't accept a syrian "entity in the North"... then we are mostly going there... or maybe even "annexation"...

And what will happen? well... it depends on how much TR will fight for it...

Question will be how much Syria is willing to fight for it, not Turkey, after is losing martyrs in Syria there is no way Turkish people will allow the gov to give back land to the Syrian Arab Army.

The question remains, if these areas will become a part of Turkey via some vote or a new unrecognised de facto state with heavy Turkish backing like TRNC or a similar status to the Golan heights.
Question will be how much Syria is willing to fight for it, not Turkey, after is losing martyrs in Syria there is no way Turkish people will allow the gov to give back land to the Syrian Arab Army.

The question remains, if these areas will become a part of Turkey via some vote or a new unrecognised de facto state with heavy Turkish backing like TRNC or a similar status to the Golan heights.
if Turkey creat esome sort of a belt along the border... to get back Syrian refugees in... Then we can be sure it's gonna be some sort of annexation... since that "to be state" will be land locked and have nothing... (No ressources, no backing etc...) if left alone...

However... if in the future the Eastern Syrian side do switch or get incorporated ( whatever the way) into that Northern belt... then Annexation will mostly not occur... But we could get two syrian state...

And if the latter scenario happen... we are also" sure" that the conflict will continue... since both sides will have the manpower/ressources etc... to sustain further wars...in the coming years that follow or decades after...

That Syrian problem is even worst than afghanistan tbh...
Question will be how much Syria is willing to fight for it, not Turkey, after is losing martyrs in Syria there is no way Turkish people will allow the gov to give back land to the Syrian Arab Army.

The question remains, if these areas will become a part of Turkey via some vote or a new unrecognised de facto state with heavy Turkish backing like TRNC or a similar status to the Golan heights.

I don't think that Turkish economy can support the development of yet another province. We can't allocate a budget for this area. Its population is too high and if we can even bring some of the refugees to this place, their expenses will be just too high. We've also constructed an entire wall along this line. Our leaders are not probably planning on staying there forever. I don't think the region's people would want that anyway. Foreign intervention always causes tension in the end. Nobody would want to constantly go through Turkish patrols or check points. Cultural difference is just too much.

I believe that we will just arm and supply FSA in that region and give them the required "push" to start rebuilding and develop. Perhaps Turkish companies will take over the oil fields or as a result of our support, we will receive some of their revenues and perhaps Turkish constructers will build their roads and buildings. But we won't be able to have complete control over that area.

And it is not actually possible to just annex an entire area by vote. If that was the case, the entire Mexico would have wanted to be a part of the US. :D
I don't think that Turkish economy can support the development of yet another province. We can't allocate a budget for this area. Its population is too high and if we can even bring some of the refugees to this place, their expenses will be just too high. We've also constructed an entire wall along this line. Our leaders are not probably planning on staying there forever. I don't think the region's people would want that anyway. Foreign intervention always causes tension in the end. Nobody would want to constantly go through Turkish patrols or check points. Cultural difference is just too much.

I believe that we will just arm and supply FSA in that region and give them the required "push" to start rebuilding and develop. Perhaps Turkish companies will take over the oil fields or as a result of our support, we will receive some of their revenues and perhaps Turkish constructers will build their roads and buildings. But we won't be able to have complete control over that area.

And it is not actually possible to just annex an entire area by vote. If that was the case, the entire Mexico would have wanted to be a part of the US. :D
And how do you think a 30 km wide "Entity" will develop? in a land locked mode? with the South waiting at the first opportunity to take it?...
The ansswer is... there is none... if the conflict do not evolve anymore... with growing tension... that northern part will mostly be annexed...

As for Budget... well it will not cost that much for Turkey...since they could win in that field...with cheap labor...
As it's already the case in many manufacturing line or small biz made by Turks... but you multiple it by 50... and the north have quite interesting fertile lands...

As for the Wall... well it's just a Lego Concret wall..; that could be moved at any time... or removed...
What will be the reaction of international community? Turkey may face huge international pressure. Even Russia will not support this annexation.
And how do you think a 30 km wide "Entity" will develop? in a land locked mode? with the South waiting at the first opportunity to take it?...
The ansswer is... there is none... if the conflict do not evolve anymore... with growing tension... that northern part will mostly be annexed...

As for Budget... well it will not cost that much for Turkey...since they could win in that field...with cheap labor...
As it's already the case in many manufacturing line or small biz made by Turks... but you multiple it by 50... and the north have quite interesting fertile lands...

As for the Wall... well it's just a Lego Concret wall..; that could be moved at any time... or removed...

Well they won't be an exactly "30km wide entity" as we would have already connected Manbij and even Ayn Issa with Idlib. But you are right about the land lock. They could always use İskenderun but it is not the same thing.
But none of these don't mean that we will be able to annex that area. Economics is still very hard. If half of the refugees went there and if we annexed the area, we still would have to establish a complete infrastructure there. Annexation doesn't just happen when you paint the area with your colors. You need to establish a government structure, borders, patrols, health institutions, schools, social opportunities etc. If you start handing out Turkish IDs to these people, you need to take care of their health benefits, retirement, social rights... We have 2.8 million people living in İzmir. Think of what would happen if we were to create another İzmir. Think of the budget. It is not like we will create the next Apple or Samsung in Afrin. That area is not enough to feed all those people as well. So, in the end, we will have to leave all these areas to either the Syrian government or the Rebels, who will take orders from us and live poor and perished lives for a long time, until the country is in order.

Perhaps another solution could be a new leader in Syria that could reunite it all. Such a leader could also take care of the Kurdish presence in the East of Euphrates. Syria needs to unite under a single flag. Assad won't be able to do it anytime soon. So they really need a new leader. They need to make peace and elect someone new.
@HAKIKAT abi, why I see so many turkish Leopard Tanks without board Machine guns Mg-3 on the afrin frontline, and also the M-60 Tanks have no Era or extra armour ?

What’s your problem? What will you gain when you talk about f@cking politic over martyres in this thread ?

A selam Abi why is turkish Army sending M-60 Tanks without ERA or extra armour ? And all Leopard Tanks have no Mg-3 on board ? Is that a tactic ?
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Because government has money to buy thousands of luxury automobiles every year, but doesn't have money to modernise out tank fleets o_O

The Soldiers should try to install a cage armour and than put sand bags isnide the cage space, better than nothing, in guerilla warfare Tanks need two machine guns, more fire supression is required to hold down the enemy, but I agree with you Pakistan has the same problem.

@Signalian See Israeli Tanks have always two machine guns, something we could adopt for our our Tanks ?

And how do you think a 30 km wide "Entity" will develop? in a land locked mode? with the South waiting at the first opportunity to take it?...
The ansswer is... there is none... if the conflict do not evolve anymore... with growing tension... that northern part will mostly be annexed...

As for Budget... well it will not cost that much for Turkey...since they could win in that field...with cheap labor...
As it's already the case in many manufacturing line or small biz made by Turks... but you multiple it by 50... and the north have quite interesting fertile lands...

As for the Wall... well it's just a Lego Concret wall..; that could be moved at any time... or removed...

Annexing it wouldn't improve Turkey's border security but decrease it. If the land is ours then it can't work as a buffer. I think Afrin will be the same as with Euphrates Shield areas, not annexed but self-administered. Later on, by the time Assad wants to take it back, it should be full of returned refugees and heavily armed and able to defend itself with Turkey as security guarantor (to protect it from air attack).
The Soldiers should try to install a cage armour and than put sand bags isnide the cage space, better than nothing, in guerilla warfare Tanks need two machine guns, more fire supression is required to hold down the enemy, but I agree with you Pakistan has the same problem.

You clever and right . Where did you made your military service ?
You clever and right . Where did you made your military service ?

Thank you, you are welcome, nn Germany, anti Tank Brigade !

ERA and CAGE armour filled with Sand baggs can HELP not STOP to protect from RPG-7 threat, which is the main weapon of the YPG ! Also I noticed the turkish Tanks are in duty without side skirts, not good for the tracks !

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