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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

No annexing will be happen. Syria belongs to Syrians and it would damage our cause. What we will do a safe-zone under loyal proxies' control coordinated with Turkish state. We will have indirect presence there which works with locals for future threats.


I know, not every soldier needs a scope, but ampoints and/or eotechs are always better than iron sights. My only explanation is that these aren't available in enough numbers.

For infantry maybe but special forces uses it just for long distance or night vision. Close one eye is mean you havent seen half of your sight.
Giving it back to Assad would be a wrong decision , he might use it in the future again as a launch pad for PKK to attack Turkey.

Nobody will give it to Assad right away....Only after some years (5 years, maybe 10) when PKK/YPG precense is minimize and when Assad agree to don't help them to attack Turkey, then Turkey can give it back.
Syria's is not Cyprus, they are no Turkish minority which will welcome us, we cannot and should not be here for long time.
Nobody will give it to Assad right away....Only after some years (5 years, maybe 10) when PKK/YPG precense is minimize and when Assad agree to don't help them to attack Turkey, then Turkey can give it back.
Syria's is not Cyprus, they are no Turkish minority which will welcome us, we cannot and should not be here for long time.

What about the 1,5 to 3,5 million of Syrian Turkmens who mostly live around Northern (and Western) Syria? I am sure that they will be glad if the lands where they are the majority join Turkey which is right across the border. They will be much safer under the protection of Turkey anyway.

Syria is in the past and has no future as a country so every big power is now working for a piece of the cake.
History will come back. It is a reality not a dream. Now we are living Yıldırım Beyazıt Period and fighting againt todays Mongol, USA and this is the reason why it is so stressful. We may loose for now but we will concuest the Constantinapole in fifty years.
I think more like against the crusaders right now .
What about hundred of thousands of Turkey born (that means also citizen of Turkey) Syrians in 6 years (and still counting) ? What about billions of dollars this war costs us?

We have rights in those lands as much as Syrian government. If at the end, they want lands back, they have to pay us a massive amount of compensation! (cash or let's say 20 years of oil flow etc.)
History will come back. It is a reality not a dream. Now we are living Yıldırım Beyazıt Period and fighting againt todays Mongol, USA and this is the reason why it is so stressful. We may loose for now but we will concuest the Constantinapole in fifty years.

So, you are going to invade Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Omman, Jordan, Israel, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Caucasus part of Russia, Kazakhstan, Iran, Greece, Bulgaria, Bosnia, Serbia, Kosovo, Ukraine, Moldovo, Macedonia, Albania, Croatia, Hungary, Romaia, Tunusia, Algeria?

ahahahaha :rofl::rofl:
So, you are going to invade Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Omman, Jordan, Israel, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Caucasus part of Russia, Kazakhstan, Iran, Greece, Bulgaria, Bosnia, Serbia, Kosovo, Ukraine, Moldovo, Macedonia, Albania, Croatia, Hungary, Romaia, Tunusia, Algeria?

ahahahaha :rofl::rofl:

Probably he means the sphere of influence. I don't wanna think otherwise
In my eyes the Turkish operation in Syria will be over when Syria is united again. FSA, YPG and IS are obstacles in this. Yes I included FSA because this is an Islamist group that wants to control all of Syria but they have no support. I do support using FSA as canon fodder but at some time we have to drop this FSA in the garbage bin and switch to Assad who is secular and represents everybody in Syria. Perhaps Assad can step down and somebody else can come in his place. Same counts for Turkey, we have to drop Erdoğan because at this point he made too many enemies. If Turkey has a new leader we will regain our old prestige in the Middle East and the world, and solving Syria’s issues will be like making coffee.
Probably he means the sphere of influence. I don't wanna think otherwise
Me too. I mean president wanted to "pray in Damascus" in the end of 2013 lol, even taking over Syria is not possible in military means. But of course, if you hand shake with Assad, agree with Russia and Iran, then you can also put your radar base/air base in Syria which will give huge amount of influence in region. Currently, our only aim should be the total destruction of PKK in Syria and Iraq, then cooperation with Iran against PKK in North-West Iran.

If there will be more cleanse operation against PKK in Tal-Abyad, Ayn Issa, Ayn Al Arab etc after Afrin operation, that would be enough to ensure border security.
It was a joke lol
A joke is sometimes a way to unconsciously express a fantasy... a statement..a wish.
Expressing as a joke...Is a way to not "feel" and "Deal" with the consequences of such "thinking"... whatever by antagonist "inside" feelings or by "outside" critics from others...
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