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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

This is what ISIS news agency claims:

Yes, Government will never let Russian AF bomb our troops, and they cant declare war on Russia as well. So if Russia and Turkey will oppose again, we will just leave Syria. It is that simple.
Yes, Government will never let Russian AF bomb our troops, and they cant declare war on Russia as well. So if Russia and Turkey will oppose again, we will just leave Syria. It is that simple.
Doesn't Russia need us in Syria? Please, quote me next time so I get alerted.
Doesn't Russia need us in Syria? Please, quote me next time so I get alerted.

No, why would they need us ? We are in Syria for our own interests. The only reason that we are able to get in syria is fixed relations with Russia. If we couldnt fix our relations with Russia, we wouldn't enter Syria. They will be cool as long as we won't touch SAA. Russia will not let SAA attacked by Euphrates Shield area.

Our army should tighten collars on FSA's neck. They shouldnt do anything without TSK's orders.
No, why would they need us ?
Why wouldn't they? You are the most important NATO player on west's war against the Russian's.
The only reason that we are able to get in syria is fixed relations with Russia.
That's not the only reason but one of them.
If we couldnt fix our relations with Russia, we wouldn't enter Syria.
How did we manage to fix our relations with Russia, don't tell me that Erdogan apologized and that's it.
They will be cool as long as we won't touch SAA.
We won't touch, we don't need to. Do we?
Russia will not let SAA attacked by Euphrates Shield area.
We can not say the same thing about YPG/SDF, right?
Our army should tighten collars on FSA's neck. They shouldnt do anything without TSK's orders.

Such thinking about Russia is also dangerous for Euphrates Shield and our interests.
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Doesn't Russia need us in Syria? Please, quote me next time so I get alerted.

They need us only in one single possible scenario: if they want to leave Syria without demaging their international reputation.

In this case, Putin will tell at home and in the world that their relation with Turkey is far more important and that Americans actively try to drag both 'brotherly' nations in to a war. An evil imperialistic game blablabla.

But this is a worst case scenario for Russia and at the moment very unlikely. This scenario is likely to happen if the Western world impose extremely hard sanctions on Russia which even destabilise Putin's power base in Moscow.
That's not the only reason but one of them.

That is literally only reason about why Russian airforce doesn't fly above FSA and our boys and doesn't bomb them all. We will stay in Syria as long as our relations keep it's warmth, or else we will be kicked out by Russia.

The biggest danger for Euphrates Shield is turning the operation into "for Aleppo!" operation. Who the f cares Aleppo? It is one huge rubble pyramid. Our biggest interest is removing PKK and IS from border line, Putin can keep enjoying to blowing up Idlib and Aleppo. We will not care at all.
They need us only in one single possible scenario: if they want to leave Syria without demaging their international reputation.
Bro, If that's the case they'd be lucky when compared to other scenarios :D

That is literally only reason about why Russian airforce doesn't fly above FSA and our boys and doesn't bomb them all.
They directly will bomb a NATO army and give hyenas the chance they want? I don't think they are stupid.
or else we will be kicked out by Russia.
If that's the case then we are under Russian mercy, we shouldn't stay a second in Syria. That is no shield.

The biggest danger for Euphrates Shield is turning the operation into "for Aleppo!" operation.
Nobody turns it into an Aleppo operation, who tells you that?
Don't give ultimate trust to rebels. Keep in mind that in the end they are still foreigners, they have their own agenda and only cooperating with us because its for their profit. You can't make them do everything you want. There are limits.
They will bomb a NATO army and give hyenas the chance they want?

Article 5 doesnt cover you when you are in Syria with your own operation. It covers you only if you attacked in your own State, and if you arent the offansive side.

If that's the case then we are under Russian mercy

Congratz :D

we shouldn't stay a second in Syria.

What? PKK and IS still exist, why you dont want to stay in syria and remove them but instead go back to Turkey? What is the Turkish benefit in this action? o_O

Nobody turns it into an Aleppo operation

Baboons in FSA announces that "We will attack Aleppo from North/Euphrates Shield's 4th phase will be sieging SAA in Aleppo" day and night. It seems you didn't follow recent events and don't know which speechs have been made. I suggest you to check them up.
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If you believe that Euphrates Shield could be started even if Turkey and Russia kept their rivalry, then you are delusional. I dont think that you are in a position to tell people forgetting real facts. There is no such thing as "We Turkey strong, we will do anything we want and you will accept our actions". We will leave Syria tomorrow morning if our relations turned into rivalry again tonight, period. We are not playing BF4, our troops are real people with blood and flesh..

Those "some militias" are the factions we use them as a Proxy. A proxy shouldnt be able to announce something. They are in that region not to talk, but fight against IS and PKK, and die for Turkish interests.
Those "some militias" are the factions we use them as a Proxy. A proxy shouldnt be able to announce something. They are in that region not to talk, but fight against IS and PKK, and die for Turkish interests.

Problem, thoses "proxy" too are people with flesh and blood....they certainly have their own interest.

I think we should be clear with them, saying cleary we have common ennemy, we will use you, you will use us, but if will not risk our interest for you sake.
Of course, we could have launched Euphrates Shield even without the approval of Moscow but we would have lost hundreds of soldiers. We should not focus on hypothetical questions.
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