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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

But we must do something. If we do not, russia will continue attack harder and harder. two russian warships passed boshporus today to go to syria. We could have blocked them. But Our biggest weakness is aour government mentality. Months ago .. befor idlib conflict Assad soldiers(really assad soldiers) Killed our soldiers on observetion spots. What did we do? Nothing. Then another attack come. What did we do.. Again nothing. Then assad started to attack idlib and sorruounded turkish base in idlib. What did we do. Again nothing. We should have taken actions before all this happened

It's been a disaster from the start. No clear mandate, no strategy. The lack of response from Turkey to the killing of their soldiers emboldened Assadists, who're already emboldened by having the Russians on their side.

But one must keep a clear head and realise that hitting the Russians directly risks an ugly war. Turkish troop positions appear to be vulnerable partly because of lack of air cover and SAMs it seems. A smart move just now would be to first prioritise cover for the troops.

Any retaliation on Russia should be done by third parties that Turkey supports.
Russia: We attacked.
Media: No U didnt
Russia: Yes we did.
Turkish media: No assad did it.

Correction, not Turkish media but akp government. Even media says that Russia attacked to TSK but tayyip and the other akp staffs saying assad attacked.
Just hit russian targets, take back lost land in idlib and then have a talk with putin.
This putin is gonna convince our guy for sure.
Let me get this straight. Russia kills 30+ of our soldiers in Airstrikes and our Government not only does not block the Bosphorus to Russian Warships, which it can easily do, or our Airspace. They don't even have the balls to call out Russia directly and Erdogan calls Putin like a bitch to top it all off.

What a leadership we have guys, aren't you proud?

Russia was not friend of Turkey.
Russia is not friend of Turkey.
Russia never be friend of Turkey.

Russia has no friends. It has puppets and proxies and the few morons who believe it to be its friend.

Imagine bombing a countries soldiers, killing dozens and then getting to use their waters and air space as a last **** you to that country.

Why should anyone take this country and its threats serious anymore? Why should anyone take the TSK serious anymore?

They turned the whole country into a big fat joke for the rest of the World.

Imagine bombing a countries soldiers, killing dozens and then getting to use their waters and air space as a last **** you to that country.

Why should anyone take this country and its threats serious anymore? Why should anyone take the TSK serious anymore?

They turned the whole country into a big fat joke for the rest of the World.

The cringeworthy part is that they killed our guys and didn't let us send the choppers to bring the wounded ones back to Turkey.
Many of 'em lost their lives on the way back to Turkey.
Russia has no friends. It has puppets and proxies and the few morons who believe it to be its friend.
Russia is bigger than a continent and has huge natural resources. She can survive without friends.
First and foremost accept my sincere condolences. May God Rest Their Souls.

Some members here urge to strike Russians. Well I guarantee you, based on drone strikes(very impressive btw) Russians did take numerous casualties. Both from Wagner and regular troops. You guys wiped out an entire self propelled battery and Russians are known to man those guns.
considering that you’ve been droning them for the past 2 weeks it’s safe to assume Russians retaliated by killing your troops.
On a different note, yours and pro-rebel bloggers need to be very careful with content. Showing your troops firing MANPADs justifies russian position. So media black-out must be implemented and totally justified
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