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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

R.I.P. .Turkish martyrs. For whose interests you sucrifice Turkish soldiers. Again for sunnith arab brothers?

İnstead of fighting against a pig, you had better mass deportate others pigs. Lets move all syrians refugees back on battle , back on fight.
Can you understand even syrians dont fight against their interests!!!
Lets enforce all refugees turn back. Why do you refrain violating rights of refugees? are The human rights of Syrian more expensive than lives of Turkish soldiers.
In 1980ies any refugees couldnt approach Turkish borders thanks to militarist administration. Finally you achieved fighting between neighboors.

More bullcrap sunni arabs?? Assad the animal kills Syrian Turkmens. If it was me I would carve out a country for Syrian Turkmens.

This operation had to be done long ago. I hope assad gets what he deserves this whole refugee problem is his fault.

The chickens are coming home to roost.
R.I.P. .Turkish martyrs. For whose interests you sucrifice Turkish soldiers. Again for sunnith arab brothers?

İnstead of fighting against a pig, you had better mass deportate others pigs. Lets move all syrians refugees back on battle , back on fight.
Can you understand even syrians dont fight against their interests!!!
Lets enforce all refugees turn back. Why do you refrain violating rights of refugees? are The human rights of Syrian more expensive than lives of Turkish soldiers.
In 1980ies any refugees couldnt approach Turkish borders thanks to militarist administration. Finally you achieved fighting between neighboors.

İ am totally shocked seeing that some of Turkish people are jubilant with the fights.
Savaş çığlıkları atmaya başladınız, Allah sonumuzu hayretsin.

You talk shit as always.
More bullcrap sunni arabs??
If Syrians had knew " Turkey wasnt safe for them, They wouldnt have come Turkey.

When the first wave of refugees seeked asylum if Turkey hadn't accepted them , there wouldn't have been second thirt, fourth waves of migrations.

If they hadnt moved to Turkey, Today residents of Idlibs people wouldn't plan to to escape Turkey.

If today 500.000 residents of Idlibs didn't plan to escape to Turkey, today Turkish army wouldn't wait in Idlib.

If Turkish army didnt secure syrians in Syria, Turkish soldiers were alive.

It is the simple logic of great countries such as USA and Uk.

Regarding Turkmens: How many Turkmens live in idlib? If you want to secure them why you are in Idlib?

Turkmens are not just suffered from Assad regime they have been suffered fundamentalist pigs which you support.

Please stop using Turkmens. If Turkey really sincere to secure them , there are lot of things to do.

I don't want my army to involve any arab interests.

Just need mass deportation of Syrian refugees back moreover to YPG territory.
If you need to go crazy , it will be best choice.

Instead of pulling Turkish soldiers into Syrian hell , just enforce refugees back. In both situation you need to use weapons and kill. I would prefer second one.

Let's make Turkey not safe for refugees and your all problems are done.

Misaki Milli look it up the Turkish army defends the Turkish homelands. This is law and part of the Turkish constitution. Turkish independance was not just about kicking the occupiers out but also getting back land that belong to the Turkish homeland.

Turkey is not sacrificing anything for Arabs. What matters is Turkey and its interests along with protecting the Turkish homelands.

Sorry to say but peace at home and peace in the world no longer works. Times have changed.

Assad has threatened the Turkish homeland not to mention wants to flood Turkey with refugees. Not to mention he also killed our Syrian Turkmen brothers.

This is not for Arabs this is for Turkey. Everybody who has half a brain knows how important syria is to Turkey.

Idlib is going to get slaughtered this could be the next sebrenica you never know. If Turkiye wants to stop another refugee problem it has to do something now.

This is common logic.
Misaki Milli look it up the Turkish army defends the Turkish homelands. This is law

Turkey is not sacrificing anything for Arabs. What matters is Turkey and its interests along with protecting the Turkish homelands.

Sorry to say but peace at home and peace in the world no longer works. Times have changed.

Assad has threatened the Turkish homeland not to mention wants to flood Turkey with refugees. Not to mention he also killed our Syrian Turkmen brothers.

This is not for Arabs this is for Turkey. Everybody who has half a brain knows how important syria is to Turkey.

Listen my full brains
The War has been 10 years in Syria, not in Turkey !understand? Has Assad any time attacked Turkish soil?if Syria was very important for your country, you shouldnt have involved, you should have stopped that nonsense war.

Just make Turkey not safe for refugees as it was before in the1980ies.
Hmm I agree with both of you. The situation in Idlib is very complex. Because of past mistakes we must do something now.

However after this is settled we must never give our civilian government the power to control our operations, strategic moves and border policy.

We must create a safe zone by the way, if we are to ever get rid of these stupid refugees.
Hmm I agree with both of you. The situation in Idlib is very complex. Because of past mistakes we must do something now.

However after this is settled we must never give our civilian government the power to control our operations, strategic moves and border policy.

Tsk needs a prussian model style military. The final word was always the generals and the chief of staff.

I agree politicians or civilians who know fck all about the military and its affairs should be kept away.

Listen my full brains
The War has been 10 years in Syria, not in Turkey !understand? Has Assad any time attacked Turkish soil?if Syria was very important for your country, you shouldnt have involved, you should have stopped that nonsense war.

Just make Turkey not safe for refugees as it was before in the1980ies.

The rebels screwed it up, turkey beated around the bush too long, refugee crisis was a global problem which no country wanted to solve. Also america backstabbed turkey then you have russian intervention plus the ypg. It was a clusterfck of epic proportions.

Many factors to why Turkey stuffed up.

Turkey is in a deep hole here. At times I feel like Turkey can overcome it. Remember the assad crime family should have been taken out by the Turks decades ago if the chance arrived.
You all seem to have forgotten the aim of Turkish existence in Idlib. To avoid new refugees or to destroy Assad regime?

If you want to collapse any country, don't sacrifice Turkish soldiers. Never do it.
Such things happen when you use Turkish Soldiers as meat shield, why are these f*cking d*ck head politicans making the military decision?

In Olive Branch OP Tel Rifaat was left because of foreign pressure —> terrorists start many attacks from there.

In Peace Spring OP you stopped because US ceasefire and then Russian ceasefire —> terrorists are still there and you literally acknowledged them by not continue the OPs.

How many times you want say „aldatildik“, how much lives you want sacrifice for „YOUR“ adventures and mistakes?
The two outpost which are behind SAA lines are also threatened.
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Listen my full brains
The War has been 10 years in Syria, not in Turkey !understand? Has Assad any time attacked Turkish soil?if Syria was very important for your country, you shouldnt have involved, you should have stopped that nonsense war.

Just make Turkey not safe for refugees as it was before in the1980ies.

Not in Turkey?? So PKK/YPG isnt a fact? The terror attacks isnt a fact? What is PKK build for in first place?

You forgot how Syria protected and used PKK against Turkey?? Wasnt the co-op between asad and ypg not enough material to let your little brain think?
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