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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

After this (very credible) source no Turkish casualities reported.
2 of our soldiers were martyred and 9 injured. The situation of one soldier is serious.

• Syrian regime attacked Turkish observation points in Serakib and Morek

• TSK reacts with artillery fire against Syrian regime

• Turkish helicopters enter Idlib


Let's tell the truth, Sochi agreement was collapse. All of these peace efforts did not yield results. On the contrary, this caused someones to evaluate the situation incorrectly.

For the Idlib region, the TSK started the biggest military preparation to date. We are talking about several times the size of the Peace Spring operation. Electronic dimming started for the first time in the Idlib region.

TAF elements in Idlib(as parts of Astana agreements before) started patrol and blockade activities for the first time. Saraqib town entrances and exits are directly closed by the TAF.

In the past 72 hours, 6 major convoys entered Idlib (and western Aleppo). And supplies from Izmir and Manisa to Hatay continue by sea and railway. Finally, also the 203mm's are also bringing to Idlib from Manisa and Izmir. The symbolic meaning of these howitzers is that they fired each time they are moved. Like Chekhov's gun.

On the northern theater, Al-Bab-based SNA elements launched operations for the first time in order to weakening the regime's reinforcement, and supporting opposition's western Aleppo operation. Regime militants and mercenaries in Aleppo must keep the 3-direction line of defense alive.

Currently Regime forces have recently begun to lose +10 armored vehicles and +60 militas everyday. With only on Idlib offensives and Aleppo's Han-Toman/Halsa defense lines. This is never sustainable. For these reasons, they needs that Turkey quickly be deterred. Because the scale will multiply in a few weeks.On the other hand joint operations structure of opposition elements will soon announce somethings within weeks.

PKK elements stationed at Tel Rıfat and Sheikh Maksud support the regime just like in the past. Because if the occupation of IranRussiaAssad elements in Aleppo ends, Pkk will not be able to live on western side of Euphrates river.

Those who block the Constitutional talks by ignoring the 10 years of massacres and exiles and insisting in the war, still cannot see that the biggest thing they can achieve is only Pyrrhic victory, if they lucky. We can no longer be held responsible for anything.
2 of our soldiers were martyred and 9 injured. The situation of one soldier is serious.

• Syrian regime attacked Turkish observation points in Serakib and Morek

• TSK reacts with artillery fire against Syrian regime

• Turkish helicopters enter Idlib


Let's tell the truth, Sochi agreement was collapse. All of these peace efforts did not yield results. On the contrary, this caused someones to evaluate the situation incorrectly.

For the Idlib region, the TSK started the biggest military preparation to date. We are talking about several times the size of the Peace Spring operation. Electronic dimming started for the first time in the Idlib region.

TAF elements in Idlib(as parts of Astana agreements before) started patrol and blockade activities for the first time. Saraqib town entrances and exits are directly closed by the TAF.

In the past 72 hours, 6 major convoys entered Idlib (and western Aleppo). And supplies from Izmir and Manisa to Hatay continue by sea and railway. Finally, also the 203mm's are also bringing to Idlib from Manisa and Izmir. The symbolic meaning of these howitzers is that they fired each time they are moved. Like Chekhov's gun.

On the northern theater, Al-Bab-based SNA elements launched operations for the first time in order to weakening the regime's reinforcement, and supporting opposition's western Aleppo operation. Regime militants and mercenaries in Aleppo must keep the 3-direction line of defense alive.

Currently Regime forces have recently begun to lose +10 armored vehicles and +60 militas everyday. With only on Idlib offensives and Aleppo's Han-Toman/Halsa defense lines. This is never sustainable. For these reasons, they needs that Turkey quickly be deterred. Because the scale will multiply in a few weeks.On the other hand joint operations structure of opposition elements will soon announce somethings within weeks.

PKK elements stationed at Tel Rıfat and Sheikh Maksud support the regime just like in the past. Because if the occupation of IranRussiaAssad elements in Aleppo ends, Pkk will not be able to live on western side of Euphrates river.

Those who block the Constitutional talks by ignoring the 10 years of massacres and exiles and insisting in the war, still cannot see that the biggest thing they can achieve is only Pyrrhic victory, if they lucky. We can no longer be held responsible for anything.

4 deaths now and 9 wounded
4 deaths now and 9 wounded
correct figure is 4, there was a typo above. Ty.

TSK has to pummel these bastards with no mercy!!!!
Do you see how regime elements and proxy forces are worn out in the field?

The only thing the TSK will do "for now" is to take secure the Latakia-Aleppo road. Installation of 203mm and 155mm howitzer battalions continues. EA/ED systems installation is about to be completed. But the most important thing is starting a military aid to opposition on an unprecedented scale. ATGMs will fall like rain. Those who want to demolish Idlib will have to flee from Aleppo.
Being in Australia we are far away from this. Strength to my Turkish brothers and sisters.

But man the middle east is such a clusterfck of epic proportions.

If the kurds want hell I think the TSK is more than willing to give it. Dirty *** kurd.

Tipini siktimin k*rdu.
Shit, there's some useful (for our enemies to use against us) propaganda vids on that fags twitter. Greeks, Jews, Christians falling over themselves to bag us. One Aussie c@nt boasting about defeating us in WW1... Never understood why we allow Australia to do a yearly pilgrimage to Canakkale - they don't deserve it with all the Anti-Turkish scum they've allowed to migrate to this country and fester.
Shit, there's some useful (for our enemies to use against us) propaganda vids on that fags twitter. Greeks, Jews, Christians falling over themselves to bag us. One Aussie c@nt boasting about defeating us in WW1... Never understood why we allow Australia to do a yearly pilgrimage to Canakkale - they don't deserve it with all the Anti-Turkish scum they've allowed to migrate to this country and fester.

Which person is that from Australia??

Yeah I know in this country Aussies take credit credit for defeating the Germans, Ottomans and the Japanese various others. Honestly its bullcrap when Australians were commanded by the British and their armed forces were basically from the British.

Everybody is trying to take credit for the defeat of the Ottoman Empire. You have indians too lmaoooooo
These pkk subhumans dogs are happy but they don’t know that they woulb de sacrificial lamb between assad-turkey conflict
But I understand them donkey can’t think thry are limited creatures
Bad news for heval is they don’t have cages to hide in NE syria either death or escape in assadistan/barzanistan

Which person is that from Australia??

Yeah I know in this country Aussies take credit credit for defeating the Germans, Ottomans and the Japanese various others. Honestly its bullcrap when Australians were commanded by the British and their armed forces were basically from the British.

Everybody is trying to take credit for the defeat of the Ottoman Empire. You have indians too lmaoooooo
I can’t understand how fake artificial states can boast about something that has nothing to do with them
Probably they suffer from inferiority complex


i hope this is true but for restoring deterrence 0 must be added to regime casualties like 300-350 dead assad terrorists
Which person is that from Australia??

Yeah I know in this country Aussies take credit credit for defeating the Germans, Ottomans and the Japanese various others. Honestly its bullcrap when Australians were commanded by the British and their armed forces were basically from the British.

Everybody is trying to take credit for the defeat of the Ottoman Empire. You have indians too lmaoooooo
Check out the tweet by the Greek shit. It’s in that article...


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Nothing less than massacre on assad dogs should be made

Kill the assad dog bomb the shit ouf of damascus parliament president and most importantly SYRIAN CENTRAL BANK SHOULD BE DESTROYED MAKE THE LIFE UNBEARABLE FOR THE DOGS
All oilffields in der er zor should be striked as well when this animal assad stays without money he will begging turks not to take damascus from him
What a moronic move by assad to mess with TAF now and in the future turkey can strike him as long as they want
Assad hevalcopters bomb assad dogs hahahahah
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R.I.P. .Turkish martyrs. For whose interests you sucrifice Turkish soldiers. Again for sunnith arab brothers?

İnstead of fighting against a pig, you had better mass deportate others pigs. Lets move all syrians refugees back on battle , back on fight.
Can you understand even syrians dont fight against their interests!!!
Lets enforce all refugees turn back. Why do you refrain violating rights of refugees? are The human rights of Syrian more expensive than lives of Turkish soldiers.
In 1980ies any refugees couldnt approach Turkish borders thanks to militarist administration. Finally you achieved fighting between neighboors.

İ am totally shocked seeing that some of Turkish people are jubilant with the fights.
Savaş çığlıkları atmaya başladınız, Allah sonumuzu hayretsin.
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