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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

whether Secular Turks likes it or not
Who the fck are you and where did you get the right to discriminate my people as secular or religious?
You and your fcking country do anything for those people? How many refugees do you have in your country from Syria?
Which side your France worshipper king supports?
Let me give the answers of these questions.
You are a fcking Moroccan who can't even speak your mother language as official language in your fcking country. And your country plus your people have done nothing for those people and most probably you have 0 refugee from Syria.
Your fcking king supports Israel and onboard the train of Saudi alliance. Because your king a fcking pigTurd and worships Jews and Christians.
Your entire nation is a drug addicted mf zombies who can't even do anything against their tyrant while he is raping entire of your nation.
But you fcking turd think that you have right and can discriminate my people and insult at Atatürk.
Bro this creature was insulting at Atatürk in a thread which been running in middle-east and Africa section. Can you please stop him to come here and share his s.ht ideas.
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Syrians storming walls at the turkish-idlib
border at the same time there are reports that turkey have declared the road between aleppo and latakia as military zone others say that turkey will announce safe zone between idlib and western aleppo
Syrians storming walls at the turkish-idlib
border at the same time there are reports that turkey have declared the road between aleppo and latakia as military zone others say that turkey will announce safe zone between idlib and western aleppo

What a sh!tshow.

Let's hope we don't get bogged down.
Can some quess what was used by TAF cause I don’t think aircraft was used
Most likely koral or similar jammer systems
Maybe this account is wrong about radar locking but indeed helicopter was forced to go back that was reported by much more credible accounts
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Pro-Assad forces target the new Turkish observation post in the vicinity of the village of Tarnaba, west of Saraqib in the eastern Idlib countryside. No information about caused damage


Meanwhile,Syrian troops supported by the Russian air force are approaching Saraqib while the Turkish army is setting observation posts around and in the city. Future confrontation with Syrian/Russian forces ?

Idlib is not that far anymore..
Pro-Assad forces target the new Turkish observation post in the vicinity of the village of Tarnaba, west of Saraqib in the eastern Idlib countryside. No information about caused damage


Meanwhile,Syrian troops supported by the Russian air force are approaching Saraqib while the Turkish army is setting observation posts around and in the city. Future confrontation with Syrian/Russian forces ?

Idlib is not that far anymore..
Jeffrey said they would support turkey against any attack
These so called targeting is worthless unless they have balls to directly shoot at turkish troops
Saraqib is blocked there are 3 choices by assad/russia
Turkey withdraws in exchange for northwestern idlib plus continuation of peace spring operation
Assad/russia withdrawal
Limited or full assad-turkish war
I exclude last option because russia would have done the biggest geopolitical mistake since 2000
Injured or dead the message to TAF is the same
Assad has crossed red lines he needs punishment so that level of deterrence is restored
That’s why we hear news of turkish warplanes in idlib

It’s better to quote turkish sources
These pro-rebel syrian sources are not always right

They mocked erdogan for years about ummayad mosque
Now it’s time for liberation of damascus ;)
Let’s be serious now
The tweet says tfsa soldiers that means fsa/sna soldiers are death only at least for now
Injured or dead the message to TAF is the same
Assad has crossed red lines he needs punishment so that level of deterrence is restored
That’s why we hear news of turkish warplanes in idlib

It’s better to quote turkish sources
These pro-rebel syrian sources are not always right

They mocked erdogan for years about ummayad mosque
Now it’s time for liberation of damascus ;)

Well... Taking into account previous TR actions... Most ppl fear that it will be like before over again... Actions here and there... Some Ceasefire...meetings and that's it...
There is always hope that TR do something in current events... But highly unlikely.
This is not my favorite turkish source but he claims TuAF F-16 have bombed hama airbase
Same source claimed turkish casualties but for now take it with a pinch of salt until main turkish accounts don’t confirm the strike and the casualties
now we have correction
Hama air base was targeted with GRAD missiles by rebels not turkish F-16s

Well... Taking into account previous TR actions... Most ppl fear that it will be like before over again... Actions here and there... Some Ceasefire...meetings and that's it...
There is always hope that TR do something in current events... But highly unlikely.
F-16s and helicopters are in action according to main accounts but for now we can’t say whether it’s only air support for the medevac helicopter or there will be airstrikes as well

Jeffrey said they would support turkey against any attack
These so called targeting is worthless unless they have balls to directly shoot at turkish troops
Saraqib is blocked there are 3 choices by assad/russia
Turkey withdraws in exchange for northwestern idlib plus continuation of peace spring operation
Assad/russia withdrawal
Limited or full assad-turkish war
I exclude last option because russia would have done the biggest geopolitical mistake since 2000
@HannibalBarca here’s my prediction
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