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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

no hope..
They can't do anything, HTS is overpowering them in every sense...
They are isolated meaning they can't get reinforcement or supplies...

Even though HTS is a problem to them...it isn't the Enemy... ASSad is...Therefore the "Die till the last one" isn't on the menu...

Good! Bring them in Sasha!




HTS will save you all.
This WorldOnAlert dude is a HTS propagandist.


I hope Turkish troops remove the Observation points to the Turkish - Syrian (Idlib) border, and let Russia handle this mess.
Every citizen in Idlib who supported HTS should die with them, they don't deserve Turkey's help.

Both of you who are begging for Russia to massacre Idlib's civilians are sick in the head.

This is what happens when people get brainwashed by Russian propaganda.
Both of you who are begging for Russia to massacre Idlib's civilians are sick in the head.

This is what happens when people get brainwashed by Russian propaganda.
They are begging HTS to save them. This means that Russia will save them from the earthly concerns if they don't take us as their saviors. They are to dumb to believe that HTS will survive. The bad thing is that with HTS other groups will also perish.
Both of you who are begging for Russia to massacre Idlib's civilians are sick in the head.

This is what happens when people get brainwashed by Russian propaganda.

They bet on the false team.
Turkey was the only one who hold Russia and SAA out.

No FSA no reason for us to stay there and protecting a terrorist shithole.
The really sick thing here is that you think TSK would protect HTS and it's supporters.
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@Fenasi Kerim No more rude words please.

because people like Kemal, who divided the Muslim into peoples, who made the Kurds call Turks and other terrible things.

Warning issued... Next time, If you talk about Mustafa Kemal Atatürk with such a terrible logic to justify the sins/crimes of others against Turkiye, I will directly ban you. Either respect the forefathers/values of Turkish Republic or witness to be cleaned from Turkey section. Thx.
Arab natinalism was response to the rise of natinalistic movements in ottoman empire and europe. Also before the arab revollt the were many revolts like in egypt under muhammad ali, the kurds under rowandozi al muntafiq in southern iraq and in bosnia and albania against the mistreatment of the ottomans specially their taxes, soldier drafting policies and centraliziation of power

@Fenasi Kerim No more rude words please.

Next time, If you talk about Mustafa Kemal Atatürk with such a logic to justify the sins/crimes of others against Turkiye, I will directly ban you. Either respect the forefathers/values of Turkish Republic or agree to be cleaned from Turkey section. Thx.

@cabatli_53 I was referring to the US Iraqi above, I asked for proof he mentions Muhammed Ali Pasha and Shia tribes of southern Iraq is there a more inaccurate version of history this is a pure diversion and manipulation to insult the Ottomans and Young Turks.

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