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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

there is no way in hell that Turkish Intelligence or Army wasnt notifyed for this. They must have known this all along. Something fishy is going on here.

Yeah, like wtf is happening. I know that HTS is one of the most well armed, well trained and well equipped militant groups, but holy sh*t. I wonder what we're gonna do.
there is no way in hell that Turkish Intelligence or Army wasnt notifyed for this. They must have known this all along. Something fishy is going on here.
Yeah, like wtf is happening. I know that HTS is one of the most well armed, well trained and well equipped militant groups, but holy sh*t. I wonder what we're gonna do.

For TR that doesn't cchang much, HTS is keeping his end of the deal. TR is free to drive around freely , maintain her observation post, and that HTS shall respect what was put in place concerning the idlib delimitation ( no heavy equipments and no direct push).

The real problem is those small FSA groups in Idlib,who are losing their influence.
For TR those groups are pro TR but doesnt get/have the support like we see in the north,like hamza brigade per exemple.

But the problem is that some northern FSA groups want to join the fight against HTS and thzt could be a problem for the northern situation... They shall be sure to win otherwise Hts influence gonna spread outside of Idlib
The rebels are useless!!

They fight like rabble. Only way they are going to be useful is with Turkish training and weapons.

Turkey needs to create a new one because a lot of these rebels are useless.
U.S stopped their withdrawal to ensure "the security of the kurdish people".

Im not suprised by this as we know what the strategy of U.S is in the M.E.
U.S stopped their withdrawal to ensure "the security of the kurdish people".

Im not suprised by this as we know what the strategy of U.S is in the M.E.

Trump suddenle says it's withdrawing immediately, Turkey moves recources for an offensive, HTS suddenly takes over half idlib and the US suddenly is having a harsher stance. Coincidence?
Trump suddenle says it's withdrawing immediately, Turkey moves recources for an offensive, HTS suddenly takes over half idlib and the US suddenly is having a harsher stance. Coincidence?

What are you suggesting? Personally, I do not think the two matters are connected.
Trump suddenle says it's withdrawing immediately, Turkey moves recources for an offensive, HTS suddenly takes over half idlib and the US suddenly is having a harsher stance. Coincidence?

The "American" Agenda isn't equal to Trump Agenda...
One is behaving like it always did and One behave as a Day to Day "feeling".

The "American" agenda is to Maintain/gain Influence wherever she goes in... at any cost...and the "Kurdish" excuse is their way to keep it...
The "American" Agenda doesn't like the TR rhetoric... Because it isn't 100% pro-US and became even less when TR "Announced" that they will "WORK/COORDINATE" with RU in East Euphrate.

So ofc Trump and the American administration agenda differ and fight each others and Trump failed in it.
Same goes for TR administration... their coordination announcement with RU wasn't the best move... they could have kept it for themselves instead of pushing the knife deeper...

There is few mistakes in both sides on Why the "East Euphrate" leadership switching didn't resulted as both parties wished...

(Not speaking about the Buffer zone)...

And no... US stance isn't becasue of HTS... HTS move was already predicted AND already happened in the past in Afrin/Bab op... The East Euphrate op pushed for a power/manpower vacuum... and HTS used that chance... to the point that even core FSA armed forces didn't even lift the finger to help the Zenki brigade...

The US has basic needs in ME... Don't lose too much influence(and resources)... Keep Iran as far as possible...and Gain allies in the region... and for Them Turkey does not fulfill all those conditions... it's not about Kurds or not... the US just don't believe in TR ability to check those boxes...
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The rebels are useless!!

They fight like rabble. Only way they are going to be useful is with Turkish training and weapons.

Turkey needs to create a new one because a lot of these rebels are useless.

Maybe not then being useless, radicals like HTS are well supplied, funded and trained, a lot of them have had former experience and are more ready to die for their Umayyad style thiefdom. 6 years on what is the FSA fighting for?

In fact I don’t know what the FSA is for at the moment, the TFSA you can say are moderate or tamed to a degree with Turkish training. I’m not sure what they will gain with such small portions of land at hand.

It’s interesting the Syrian war has gone from a genuine civil war & people’s rebellion to an extremist heaven and global chess board.
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Maybe not then being useless, radicals like HTS are well supplied, funded and trained, a lot of them have had former experience and are more ready to die for their Umayyad style thiefdom. 6 years on what is the FSA fighting for?

In fact I don’t know what the FSA is for at the moment, the TFSA you can say are moderate or tamed to a agree with Turkish training. I’m not sure what they will gain with such small portions of land at hand.

It’s interesting the Syrian war has gone from a genuine civil war & people’s rebellion to an extremist heaven and global chess board.

The FSA started to die when half of the groups became radicalized and joined ISIS or Al Nusra/HTS.
The FSA started to die when half of the groups became radicalized and joined ISIS or Al Nusra/HTS.

This what happens when you try to unite several ideologies under one group.

Fsa destroyed itself in the long run even if they tookoever the country another civil war would happen due to secularists vs islamists, nationalists vs islamists and so on.

Then you have moderate islamists vs ultra radical islamists.
Maybe not then being useless, radicals like HTS are well supplied, funded and trained, a lot of them have had former experience and are more ready to die for their Umayyad style thiefdom. 6 years on what is the FSA fighting for?

In fact I don’t know what the FSA is for at the moment, the TFSA you can say are moderate or tamed to a degree with Turkish training. I’m not sure what they will gain with such small portions of land at hand.

It’s interesting the Syrian war has gone from a genuine civil war & people’s rebellion to an extremist heaven and global chess board.

The FSA was never meant to "Conquer" but to Defend those who said no to ASSad. And in this job, they did not so good, neither not so bad.
FSA never got the international support of what she wanted in the beginning "Support in every level against ASSad". No country did it...the most they did was giving them some equipment/ammunition and that's it... The sponsors will cheer in private for your success, but that's it.

HTS isn't what many people think they are... The equipment that they have, few of it comes from the "Sponsors wave" done by some EU countries/US etc... you know the "East European Soviet selling party"... The majority of what they have is from looting, whatever by conquering other groups/fighting with ASSad etc...

In Syria, money doesn't work that well if the market is empty... it's not like they can get a shipments of Rockets or Tow at the first Green bill...
As for HTS training in comparison to those FSA groups, people have to understand, that training comes with battle field experiences...you can train 24-7 and yet be a retard on the battlefield... When why are they better "Trained"... well they have more experience...in comparison to other FSA groups... they have the most battlefield experience by to this day, keep in fighting whatever ASSad or other local groups, while FSA was mostly on the "Defensing side".

Look at Aleppo OP... HTS and affiliate were the spear head of it... or Hama op.

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