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Turkish Navy and PM to accompany more aid ships to Gaza

Nato is not about to go to war over this nor is Turkey. A week from now this will finally sink in with all the fanboi's.
Along with the possibility of another stunt like this one.
Nato is not about to go to war over this nor is Turkey. A week from now this will finally sink in with all the fanboi's.

And yet the israelis will keep killing people and Americans will keep tapping their back. And the world will live in agony, and some day some one will get p!ssed over it and retaliate. And then the American press will sell the bs that the poor pews got attacked. Oh the poor pews.
And yet the israelis will keep killing people and Americans will keep tapping their back. And the world will live in agony, and some day some one will get p!ssed over it and retaliate. And then the American press will sell the bs that the poor pews got attacked. Oh the poor pews.
The world is not living in agony...:lol:...I have to applaud you for being a master of the hyperboles. Before you speak of 'the world', look at the ME first. Look at the region's apathy for decades as each despotic regime exploit the Palestinians for their own purposes. Even Arafat and his cronies stole who knows how much aid money destined for the Palestinians.

All eyes on the loot and Arafat's widow - Middle East Conflict - www.smh.com.au
The man in the coma and the squabbling heirs, the bottle-blonde vamp and the missing billions. Yasser Arafat may have lived an epic life but his death this week played like the season finale of a Brazilian soap opera.

At the heart of the drama was Arafat's semi-estranged wife, Suha, who shot into the international limelight last week by taking charge of the comatose Palestinian leader as he lay in a French intensive care ward.

For several days Suha Arafat, who lives in luxury in France and had not visited her embattled husband for three years before his collapse two weeks ago, used her wifely prerogative to prevent her husband's political followers from visiting him or even learning his true condition.
Along with the possibility of another stunt like this one.

I'm sure there will be. with all the attention they gathered from this one. IF the ship was in international waters Israel did screw up. but no matter what the outcome would have been the same. Because Israel would have still boarded the ships and received the same welcome of steel bars and attempts to throw them over board. Once the ships entered Israels waters. I think they wanted an incident and that's why Al Jazeera was there. In the U.S. a policeman is justified to shoot a criminal if he comes at them with a deadly weapon. which a steel rod would be considered.

If I was one of the commando's and someone came at me with a steel rod or tried to throw me overboard I would have shot them as well. Though personally I would have aimed for the legs if possible.
I'm sure there will be. with all the attention they gathered from this one. IF the ship was in international waters Israel did screw up. but no matter what the outcome would have been the same. Because Israel would have still boarded the ships and received the same welcome of steel bars and attempts to throw them over board. Once the ships entered Israels waters. I think they wanted an incident and that's why Al Jazeera was there. In the U.S. a policeman is justified to shoot a criminal if he comes at them with a deadly weapon. which a steel rod would be considered.

If I was one of the commando's and someone came at me with a steel rod or tried to throw me overboard I would have shot them as well. Though personally I would have aimed for the legs if possible.
My take is that if the ship was allowed such violation of Israeli territorial waters, Israel would have responded the same and the condemnation would have pointed out on focused on that it was a humanitarian mission. Being in international waters added very little fuel to the fire.
The words 'legitimate questions' mean questions that are relevant to the actions that Turkey could take on behalf of itself. Sheeessshhh...

What is relevant that Israeli mercenaries killed unarmed civilians and as usual American mercenaries supporting this act by remaining silent. and then the americans ask 'Why the world hate us'.
It looks stupid that people on board used rods in order to break the blockade and get to Gaza. There must be some sort of provocation(apart from stopping ship in international waters) from Israeli commandos before they received this treatment.
What is relevant that Israeli mercenaries killed unarmed civilians and as usual American mercenaries supporting this act by remaining silent. and then the americans ask 'Why the world hate us'.
May be the US should do what the Arabs have been doing all this time regarding the Palestinians, that is to loudly condemn Israel but nothing more than that. After all, the oily ME despots do make a lot of noise about the plight of the Palestinians but it is the West that contribute the bulk of aid. So we should do something similar to Israel: Condemn Israel for this and that but nothing more. Hmmm...Am starting to feel the love already.
The world is not living in agony...:lol:...I have to applaud you for being a master of the hyperboles. Before you speak of 'the world', look at the ME first. Look at the region's apathy for decades as each despotic regime exploit the Palestinians for their own purposes. Even Arafat and his cronies stole who knows how much aid money destined for the Palestinians.

All eyes on the loot and Arafat's widow - Middle East Conflict - www.smh.com.au

I am glad that you bought up this topic so where shall I start, lets see.

Lets start from the very first pure diplomatic gov of the ME, shall we. Do you know the answer to this question Mr. Gambit. You know what happen to that Gov and who did what to it. I am sure that you are not aware of it. The Gov was that of Iran, the then prime minister of Iran, a person who was democratically elected. Mohammed Mossadegh Guess what your CIA along with the British Overthrew him to strengthen the Shah because he wanted to nationalize the oil of his country for the betterment of his people. And he wanted to stop the un acceptable high profiting of the British companies from the Iranian oil. He wanted to end the inhumane treatment of his people by the brits, and what he gets a military que and he is gone comes in the shah with a brutal regime supported by the US, and a catalyst the Islamic revolution is put in place.
Was it not Donald Rumsfeld shaking hands with Saddam, and your country was so eager to work with their friend even sold them arms during the Iran Iraq war. Was Saddam not a dictator then.
How about Hosne Mubarak, the guy who is stuck to the presidency like a leach, supported by and the friend of the Americans. Viva democrazy. Every single dictator in the ME is supported by your country because they lick the boots of the Americans. So what happens to the hues and cries of the freedom and democracy them, I will tell you what happens. If the countries ruling elite dont agree with your country then they get deposed under the magic of something, or imprisoned in Gaza like Hamas. Now what the Palestinian authority had done, nothing. Are they corrupt hell yeah. What are they supported by Well the good old USA. Some times its better to look at your history and your own countries dealing before opening your mouth.

The reason that I gave you the above examples, of looting and corruption. Please do pay attention to who support these corrupt leaders when they come to power. And with the blessing of whom do they do all they want to.

And Ps if you would like to bring into light the plight of my countries leadiers dont bother, I will tell you they are a bunch of pigs, corrupt to the core, and yes friends of the Americans. Thank you. :pakistan:
My take is that if the ship was allowed such violation of Israeli territorial waters, Israel would have responded the same and the condemnation would have pointed out on focused on that it was a humanitarian mission. Being in international waters added very little fuel to the fire.

yes, but it was indeed a humanitarian mission which went wrong due to Israel gone mad with power..
I wonder how the Jews were justified after they suffered the tragedy of holocaust,Time is the best teacher and there will be justice..:agree:
I think they wanted an incident and that's why Al Jazeera was there.
All the reason why this will be discarded soon. The ME despots and the UN knows this is a set-up. But the appropriate noise must be made.
I'm sure there will be. with all the attention they gathered from this one. IF the ship was in international waters Israel did screw up. but no matter what the outcome would have been the same. Because Israel would have still boarded the ships and received the same welcome of steel bars and attempts to throw them over board. Once the ships entered Israels waters. I think they wanted an incident and that's why Al Jazeera was there. In the U.S. a policeman is justified to shoot a criminal if he comes at them with a deadly weapon. which a steel rod would be considered.

If I was one of the commando's and someone came at me with a steel rod or tried to throw me overboard I would have shot them as well. Though personally I would have aimed for the legs if possible.

My take is that if the ship was allowed such violation of Israeli territorial waters, Israel would have responded the same and the condemnation would have pointed out on focused on that it was a humanitarian mission. Being in international waters added very little fuel to the fire.

You guys need to take a break from fox news. :woot:
Diplomatically/Internationally everything is going Turkey's way with the U.N. now officially condemning Israel demanding the aid be taken to Gaza and the civilians returned. So there is no need for military involvement at this point. Of course we still need too look to Israel to honor these set remarks by the security council.

Might i add the blockade is the main issue to be pushed now imo.
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