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Turkish Navy and PM to accompany more aid ships to Gaza

The news is fake.There has been no confirmation over this by turkish government more over this news was spread by ibn-live an indian news channel who have the habit of bringing up everyone on false alarm.Now every blog discuss this.

If anyone think turkey will retaliate are living in fools paradise.Not that the aid convoy was not sponsor by turkey or that the turks are not experienced in war.
But they are part of NATO and EU.I dont think turkey will risk that membership to send another aid convoy which according to them will be initiation of the war.
It will be same old story Israel will attack innocent people, Israel and its friends will come up with bull **** story like those repoters were risk to there national security since they had knives in there kitchen or the word hezbolla will be used to justify any actions.
Muslims will be on there roads protesting and some even destorying there own country properties and after a month it will be forgotten.
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Ofcourse Turkey wont attack Israel. Why should we? Where are the Arab Countries? Sleeping? They wouldnt give a **** bout Turkey if this would happen to us.


Even that Opinion gets a "lol" from me.. Better Check out our History..
Turks mourn dead, president warns Israel on ties

Thursday, 03 Jun, 2010

ISTANBUL: Thousands thronged an Istanbul mosque on Thursday for the funeral of Turkish activists killed in an Israeli naval raid on a Gaza-bound aid ship, as President Abdullah Gul told an outraged nation that ties with Israel would never be the same again.

Draped in Turkish and Palestinian flags, the coffins of eight of the nine dead were brought to Fatih mosque, a grand Ottoman structure in one of Istanbul's most pious areas for a service before being dispersed around the country for burial.

“You head to heaven. May God bless your martyrdom,” read a huge banner on one side of a square brimming with mourners, among them some who had been aboard the Gaza-bound aid flotilla and had arrived back in Istanbul just hours earlier.

“We are deeply sad but at the same time we are outraged,” said Hulya Sekerci, a charity worker from Istanbul.

“Nine people were killed. The whole world must react to this. The government must do more than just speak angry words.”

All nine dead men, eight Turks and US citizen of Turkish origin, were aboard the converted cruise ship Mavi Marmara when Israeli commandos boarded it in international waters.

“Four of the dead were brought to us for resuscitation, but it was too late... It was a bloodbath, we had no special equipment and had to lay the injured on the floor,” said British housewife Laura Stuart, a mourner at the funeral who had tried to perform first aid aboard the Mavi Marmara.


Gul issued a stark warning, echoing the words of Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan, declaring Turkey would never forget such an attack on its ships and people in international waters.

“Israel made one of the greatest mistakes in its history. It will see in time what a huge mistake it made,” the president told a news conference east of Ankara.

The killing of Turks has outraged the Muslim country and brought already strained ties between the Jewish state and Ankara's Islamist-leaning government close to breaking point.

Turkey has recalled its ambassador and Erdogan, charging Israel with “state terrorism”, has called for those responsible for the deaths to be punished.

Other activists, who have given harrowing accounts of their ordeal on the high seas, arrived in Istanbul earlier on Thursday to a hero's welcome by thousands of cheering supporters.

DAWN.COM | World | Turks mourn dead, president warns Israel on ties
Turkey says ties with Israel 'will never be the same'

ANKARA : Turkey's ties with Israel suffered ‘irreparable’ damage and ‘will never be the same’ after the deadly raid on aid ships bound for Gaza, Turkish President Abdullah Gul said Thursday.

"From now on, Turkish-Israeli ties will never be the same. This incident has left an irreparable and deep scar" on relations, he said in televised remarks.

Gul added that Monday's attack by Israeli forces, in which eight Turks and a US national of Turkish origin were killed, "is not an issue that can be forgotten... or be covered up."

"Israel has made the biggest mistake in its history. It will realize this better in the future. Turkey will never forgive this attack," he said.

The bodies of the nine victims were brought to Turkey early Thursday along with more than 450 activists and 19 wounded deported by Israel after being captured in the raid.

Turkey's Anatolia news agency reported that the victims were shot dead after forensic experts found bullet marks on their bodies.

Turkey has already recalled its ambassador to Tel Aviv and scrapped joint war games with Israel in an angry response to the attack.

Copyright AFP (Agence France-Presse), 2010:tup:
When is the next flotila due to be shipped.? Anyone have any idea

Will Turkey go for confrontation with Israeli navy.?
Twelve Reasons for the International Community to Bomb Israel

Wednesday June 02 2010 23:03:29 PM BDT

By Yamin Zakaria , UK

"Maybe because we all grew used to seeing the Israelis kill Arabs, maybe the Israelis grew used to killing Arabs. Now they kill Turks" (Robert Fisk)

1--Iraq never had weapons of mass destruction; Iran or any of the other peaceful countries in the region does not have any nuclear weapons, except Israel.

2---Israel refuses to become a signatory of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), and denies international inspection of its nuclear weapons; the recent declassified documents shows Israel offered nuclear weapons to the old apartheid regime of South Africa. One can see Israel’s natural affinity towards another racist regime; it is a clear threat to the proliferation of nuclear weapons.

3---Iran has not attacked any of its neighbours, whereas Israel has constantly attacked its neighbour, and repeatedly in some cases, killing thousands of innocent civilians. It has now sent two of its submarine equipped with nuclear weapons to the coast of Iran. In the words of Norman Finkelstein, Israel is a lunatic state, armed with nuclear weapons, constitutes a real threat to the peace and security in the region.

4---Israel has been violating UN resolutions almost from its illegitimate birth in 1948, and it continues to steal lands by building illegal settlement in the West Bank. Israel is a bastard child that fails to see the legitimate fathers of the land; they are the Palestinians.

5---Israel operates like the criminal mafia organisation, resorts to cowardly assassination; recently it murdered the Hamas commander in Dubai, and earlier Sheikh Ahmed Yasin.

6---The Gaza slaughter in 2009 has been certified as a war crime by the UN Judge, Richard Goldstein, where Israel broke the norms of warfare and used chemical weapons on the civilian population, attacked ambulances carrying the dead and injured. They killed 1500 Palestinians, bulk of them innocent women and children.

7--Israels disregard for the UN goes beyond ignoring UN resolutions; it attacked the UN compound during the carnage in Gaza. It also attacked and killed Journalists.

8---Israel has an official policy of ethnic cleansing; accordingly, it systematically targets Palestinian women and children. This is partly because the Palestinian population is growing at a much faster rate, and the Israelis cannot compete on demographic front, perhaps the Zionist seeds are weak; this is compounded by a religion that emphasises on racial exclusivity.

9---Israel is not the democracy of the Middle East, but symbolises tyranny and oppression that has no place in the civilised world. It regularly demolishes Palestinian homes and continues to prevent the building of basic facilities; thus, deprive them of the most basic human rights. Far from being a democracy, Israel displays all the traits of a Fascist state that has no regard for anyone else.

10---Israel is a racist state that practices hate and intolerance of non-Jews. The policy of the right to return means, any Jew can come and occupy the Arab land, whereas the Palestinians displaced in 1948 cannot return, which is a clear violation of international law.

11---Israel is responsible for creating the largest concentration camp of Gaza by the illegal blockade placed over it for the last three years, which the Amnesty International has called a flagrant violation of international law. It defies belief that these were the people put in concentration camp by the Nazis only 60 years ago, yet they find it so easy to treat other human beings in a similar way.

12---Now, Israel has shamefully attacked a peace convoy in international water, killing innocent peace activists carrying aid for the desperate people of Gaza. Subsequently, Israeli authority imprisoned the activists, which is akin to holding them as hostages.

Why was there a need to conduct the raid in the middle of the night using live ammunition, instead of rubber bullets? Those boats would have come to the ports, and the Israelis could have easily inspected the boats for weapons. In any case, the boats had already passed through several European ports and cleared by customs. Maybe Israel has become accustomed to attacking the weak and defenceless, but it is the shame in seeing that many people around the world coming to break the criminal siege of Gaza that prompted the shameless Israelis to react in a shameful way.

If this were Iran or any other Muslim nation, condemnation would have been swift; the US would have been preparing to send bombing raids, the politicians and the media would have made the usual howling noise about terrorism and militancy, demonising the entire civilisation of Islam. The initial reaction from the US shows great caution, rather than a single word of condemnation for the murderous acts of Israel.

So, where is the will of the international community now? The arrogant US always talks as the ‘international community’ when it speaks to Iran. However, the real international community has spoken today in response to Israeli terrorism and piracy, as they did over the Gaza carnage. Will the UN Security Council reflect the voice of the real international community now? Unlikely, because the US will most likely use its veto power to protect the tiny pariah nation, and ignore the voice of the majority nations, in line with its democratic credential!

A military response of Israel needs to be met with a military response, and it would be within Turkey’s right to bomb Tel-Aviv. At the very least, Turkey should demand compensation, UN sanctions, and the extradition of the Israeli soldiers responsible for the crimes committed in the international waters.

Peace cannot take place without justice; Israel is an obvious obstacle to peace. It is time for the real international community to demand the current international trend of bombing a nation, to bring about a regime change. Israel has committed war crimes, state terrorism, piracy, theft of land, murder of innocent civilians, assassination, ethnic cleansing. Why should it be any different for Israel? Bringing Israel to account would be the first step to bring about real justice, which would allow real peace to prevail in the region.

Yamin Zakaria
E Mail : yamin@radicalviews.org
London, UK
Published 1/06/2010
A Moderate View in a Radical World

Twelve Reasons for the International Community to Bomb Israel

Wednesday June 02 2010 23:03:29 PM BDT

By Yamin Zakaria , UK

"Maybe because we all grew used to seeing the Israelis kill Arabs, maybe the Israelis grew used to killing Arabs. Now they kill Turks" (Robert Fisk)

1--Iraq never had weapons of mass destruction; Iran or any of the other peaceful countries in the region does not have any nuclear weapons, except Israel.

2---Israel refuses to become a signatory of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), and denies international inspection of its nuclear weapons; the recent declassified documents shows Israel offered nuclear weapons to the old apartheid regime of South Africa. One can see Israel’s natural affinity towards another racist regime; it is a clear threat to the proliferation of nuclear weapons.

3---Iran has not attacked any of its neighbours, whereas Israel has constantly attacked its neighbour, and repeatedly in some cases, killing thousands of innocent civilians. It has now sent two of its submarine equipped with nuclear weapons to the coast of Iran. In the words of Norman Finkelstein, Israel is a lunatic state, armed with nuclear weapons, constitutes a real threat to the peace and security in the region.

4---Israel has been violating UN resolutions almost from its illegitimate birth in 1948, and it continues to steal lands by building illegal settlement in the West Bank. Israel is a bastard child that fails to see the legitimate fathers of the land; they are the Palestinians.

5---Israel operates like the criminal mafia organisation, resorts to cowardly assassination; recently it murdered the Hamas commander in Dubai, and earlier Sheikh Ahmed Yasin.

6---The Gaza slaughter in 2009 has been certified as a war crime by the UN Judge, Richard Goldstein, where Israel broke the norms of warfare and used chemical weapons on the civilian population, attacked ambulances carrying the dead and injured. They killed 1500 Palestinians, bulk of them innocent women and children.

7--Israels disregard for the UN goes beyond ignoring UN resolutions; it attacked the UN compound during the carnage in Gaza. It also attacked and killed Journalists.

8---Israel has an official policy of ethnic cleansing; accordingly, it systematically targets Palestinian women and children. This is partly because the Palestinian population is growing at a much faster rate, and the Israelis cannot compete on demographic front, perhaps the Zionist seeds are weak; this is compounded by a religion that emphasises on racial exclusivity.

9---Israel is not the democracy of the Middle East, but symbolises tyranny and oppression that has no place in the civilised world. It regularly demolishes Palestinian homes and continues to prevent the building of basic facilities; thus, deprive them of the most basic human rights. Far from being a democracy, Israel displays all the traits of a Fascist state that has no regard for anyone else.

10---Israel is a racist state that practices hate and intolerance of non-Jews. The policy of the right to return means, any Jew can come and occupy the Arab land, whereas the Palestinians displaced in 1948 cannot return, which is a clear violation of international law.

11---Israel is responsible for creating the largest concentration camp of Gaza by the illegal blockade placed over it for the last three years, which the Amnesty International has called a flagrant violation of international law. It defies belief that these were the people put in concentration camp by the Nazis only 60 years ago, yet they find it so easy to treat other human beings in a similar way.

12---Now, Israel has shamefully attacked a peace convoy in international water, killing innocent peace activists carrying aid for the desperate people of Gaza. Subsequently, Israeli authority imprisoned the activists, which is akin to holding them as hostages.

Why was there a need to conduct the raid in the middle of the night using live ammunition, instead of rubber bullets? Those boats would have come to the ports, and the Israelis could have easily inspected the boats for weapons. In any case, the boats had already passed through several European ports and cleared by customs. Maybe Israel has become accustomed to attacking the weak and defenceless, but it is the shame in seeing that many people around the world coming to break the criminal siege of Gaza that prompted the shameless Israelis to react in a shameful way.

If this were Iran or any other Muslim nation, condemnation would have been swift; the US would have been preparing to send bombing raids, the politicians and the media would have made the usual howling noise about terrorism and militancy, demonising the entire civilisation of Islam. The initial reaction from the US shows great caution, rather than a single word of condemnation for the murderous acts of Israel.

So, where is the will of the international community now? The arrogant US always talks as the ‘international community’ when it speaks to Iran. However, the real international community has spoken today in response to Israeli terrorism and piracy, as they did over the Gaza carnage. Will the UN Security Council reflect the voice of the real international community now? Unlikely, because the US will most likely use its veto power to protect the tiny pariah nation, and ignore the voice of the majority nations, in line with its democratic credential!

A military response of Israel needs to be met with a military response, and it would be within Turkey’s right to bomb Tel-Aviv. At the very least, Turkey should demand compensation, UN sanctions, and the extradition of the Israeli soldiers responsible for the crimes committed in the international waters.

Peace cannot take place without justice; Israel is an obvious obstacle to peace. It is time for the real international community to demand the current international trend of bombing a nation, to bring about a regime change. Israel has committed war crimes, state terrorism, piracy, theft of land, murder of innocent civilians, assassination, ethnic cleansing. Why should it be any different for Israel? Bringing Israel to account would be the first step to bring about real justice, which would allow real peace to prevail in the region.

Yamin Zakaria
E Mail : yamin@radicalviews.org
London, UK
Published 1/06/2010
A Moderate View in a Radical World


Also please telll who are top 12 countries who will bomb Israel and the countries who will support israel.......
Also please telll who are top 12 countries who will bomb Israel and the countries who will support israel.......

Do you disagree with the reasons and why shouldn't this mother of all source of terrorism should not be blown up? :coffee:
Evil dosnt win in the long run thats what we know.

Though Evil will prevail for long but not forever

some people think some people are evil , you think some are evil , we think some are evil, but the thing is our thinking does not match.....:what:
Notice how bharati taking zionist side. A reminder for us that there was a very good reason for us to separeted from them terrorist.
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