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Turkish Naval Programs

İ ever mentioned about this as swarm tactic , used by some countries . but our FAC is too much armed to be boit. we can have 4+6 FAC while with cost reduction can have 20- 30 OPV or smaller FAC , i can share a document mentions about an OPV with some harpon and fore gun against some small boats using swarm tactic. or vice versa , somehow you are right too with example of sub and FAC but we know well a sub isnt easy to be sunk and hit . and its same for FAC too , a FAC cant be hit easily by a Sub, their missions are different. i will give refernce articles when i had time, nowadays busy with thesis little. :)


No dude... Don't send these kind of articles to me... I won't be able to understand them... :undecided:

But i think others can read and understand these articles... :enjoy:

I tried to express my idea with a simple understanding...
Dont say so,i am not expert either and just same as you i give my own opinion based on something,also telling what i know. To understand those articles should know more than some science,like organization ,tactics etc, i just look at their pictures :D :D
Okay mate, let me tell you what i understood from this article:
1st batch (Ships 1-2)
2nd batch (Ships 3-4-5-6-7-8)
3rd batch (Ships 9-10-11-12)
1st batch: has been finished by Istanbul Naval Shipyard and they have commissioned
2nd batch: 3-4 numbered ships will be built by Istanbul Naval Shipyard , 5-6-7-8 numbered ships will be built by a private Turkish shipyard.
3rd batch: This article says 9-10-11-12 numbered ships will be TF-100s

There is only a given pathway until TF-100 nothing officially told yet about armanement or others.

There is only a given pathway until TF-100 nothing officially told yet about armanement or others.

Conclusion is this...

1-4 Block I (Current Milgem-100m)
5-8 Block II (MİLGEM-G-110m)
9-12 Block III (TF-100-110m+)
1-4 TF-2000 (135m-140m+)
This design of STM will not be built for our navy right ?..


From TRAHMET's post...

"unfortunatelly we havent got any info about it... we saw it first time on navyrecognition.com from fair photos of DIMDEX 2014


they only published a photo and no info regarding this.... we guess it will replace our older patroal boats like kartal klass. and Turkish forum members says speed can be about 42 knots,

weapon systems looks like that:

-8 SSM
-4 torpedos
-two sides soft-kill
-1 RAM
-1 76 mm main gun

Design must be made by STM


Also Cabatli added as...

"Design is from STM & ArMerKom..."

Well we do have some info:

But more promissing for the Turkish FAC program I regard the MRTP65 that is in development with Yonca Onuk shipyards, that is more or less like the Swedish Visby class:
This wasnt in tender, even it was, it couldnt achieve to be in top 3 for last tender, all designs in last tender had a flat top and more like LHD with a wet stern dock .


There is 2 projects i'll show you and i never saw 1 of their design...


From SSM...

Denizde İkmal Muharebe Destek Gemisi

Design is this... From STM...

Deniz Projeleri > Projeler

BUT i couldn't find this project's design...

2- LDG

From SSM....

Lojistik Destek Gemisi (LDG)

Did you ever see design of it ?... And by the way in last SSİK this project's result announced and SELAH SHIPYARD won the tender...
Turkey to issue RfP for FAC programme


The New Turkish National Fast Attack Craft (Türk Tipi Hücumbot) programme is progressing towards the issue of a request for proposal (RfP) in 2014, industry sources have told IHS Jane's .

The Turkish Naval Forces Command is understood to prefer its next-generation FAC to be a compact vessel smaller than the missile-capable Kiliç-class vessels (which are based on a 62 m Lürssen design) and to be capable of sprinting at 60 kt, reaching about 800 n miles at 28 kt, and operating in up to Sea State 5.

The vessels are also due to be equipped with a substantial systems suite, comprising a 76 mm main gun, two smaller-calibre naval guns, a Rolling Airframe Missile (RAM) launcher, anti-ship missiles, torpedo decoy systems, a 3D surveillance radar, and an electronic support measures/electronic countermeasures (ESM/ECM) system.

However, several sources have suggested this challenging combination of requirements may be revised by the time the RfP is issued.

Design challenges include accommodating the specified systems in a vessel less than 60 m in length, and also finding the right hull shape and level of installed power to propel the vessel at the required speeds.

Innovative hull concepts may provide one answer. The Norwegian Skjold composites-built surface-effect-ship concept may provide a reference point, for example. However, local industry is not convinced that it would offer the required seakeeping and crew comfort in higher sea states. As a result, most design approaches considered to date appear to favour steel monohulls.

One company noted that a state-funded research and development project into advanced high-speed hull designs would be a useful precursor approach. Failing that, installed power of about 40 MW will likely be required and, given the planned compact size of the vessel design, would have to be based around gas turbines. The propulsion system design will also have to consider the challenge of power output drop-off in higher ambient temperatures, particularly for turbines.

ADIK is understood to have proposed a steel-hulled 64 m, 800-ton vessel with a combined gas and gas turbine (COGAG) propulsion system centred around an LM2500 boost turbine.

Dearsan, meanwhile, has worked on a 65 m steel-hulled vessel with a combined diesel and gas turbine (CODAG) propulsion system powering the vessel to around 45 kt.

ARES' initial proposal uses a wave-piercing, very low radar cross section, 70 m steel hull designed by Rolls-Royce and capable of speeds of about 50-55 kt.

RMK Marine said it has worked on a proposal in co-operation with partners in the United States and Sweden, but would not be drawn on details.

Yonca-Onuk noted that a derivative of its 250-ton composite-hull MRTP 48 design with diesel propulsion able to generate 40 kt-plus speeds may fit the bill. If fitted with gas turbines, the craft could also meet the 60 kt requirement. The company currently has a very busy export order book.

According to the request for information (RfI) issued by the Turkish Defence Industries Undersecretariat (SSM) in July 2013, Turkish companies STM, Aselsan/Havelsan, and Roketsan are leading the development work in the areas of propulsion, combat systems, and armaments respectively.

The initial buy is expected to cover four vessels, with a further six craft possible under optional later batches. Initial batch deliveries may commence in the 2018-19 timeframe, if a contract can be signed by the end of 2015.

Turkey to issue RfP for FAC programme - IHS Jane's 360

There is 2 projects i'll show you and i never saw 1 of their design...


From SSM...

Denizde İkmal Muharebe Destek Gemisi

Design is this... From STM...

Deniz Projeleri > Projeler
View attachment 33789

BUT i couldn't find this project's design...

2- LDG

From SSM....

Lojistik Destek Gemisi (LDG)

Did you ever see design of it ?... And by the way in last SSİK this project's result announced and SELAH SHIPYARD won the tender...
İ ever passed by Selah shipyard, honestly i didnt see any kind of work inside :D there would be a ceremony i think if its keel laid. btw i didnt get point of LDG for our navy , when i look at mission of LDG , its told be deliverance of non military equipment, vehicles (like medical things, or other supportive units ) i expect a design mix of DİMDEG and LST design . i havent seen design of it yet.
İ ever passed by Selah shipyard, honestly i didnt see any kind of work inside :D there would be a ceremony i think if its keel laid. btw i didnt get point of LDG for our navy , when i look at mission of LDG , its told be deliverance of non military equipment, vehicles (like medical things, or other supportive units ) i expect a design mix of DİMDEG and LST design . i havent seen design of it yet.

I'm sure it will be so good otherwise our navy will never accept it... LDG will be an amphibious ship...

Amfibi Gemi Grubu
Turkey to issue RfP for FAC programme


The New Turkish National Fast Attack Craft (Türk Tipi Hücumbot) programme is progressing towards the issue of a request for proposal (RfP) in 2014, industry sources have told IHS Jane's .

The Turkish Naval Forces Command is understood to prefer its next-generation FAC to be a compact vessel smaller than the missile-capable Kiliç-class vessels (which are based on a 62 m Lürssen design) and to be capable of sprinting at 60 kt, reaching about 800 n miles at 28 kt, and operating in up to Sea State 5.

The vessels are also due to be equipped with a substantial systems suite, comprising a 76 mm main gun, two smaller-calibre naval guns, a Rolling Airframe Missile (RAM) launcher, anti-ship missiles, torpedo decoy systems, a 3D surveillance radar, and an electronic support measures/electronic countermeasures (ESM/ECM) system.

However, several sources have suggested this challenging combination of requirements may be revised by the time the RfP is issued.

Design challenges include accommodating the specified systems in a vessel less than 60 m in length, and also finding the right hull shape and level of installed power to propel the vessel at the required speeds.

Innovative hull concepts may provide one answer. The Norwegian Skjold composites-built surface-effect-ship concept may provide a reference point, for example. However, local industry is not convinced that it would offer the required seakeeping and crew comfort in higher sea states. As a result, most design approaches considered to date appear to favour steel monohulls.

One company noted that a state-funded research and development project into advanced high-speed hull designs would be a useful precursor approach. Failing that, installed power of about 40 MW will likely be required and, given the planned compact size of the vessel design, would have to be based around gas turbines. The propulsion system design will also have to consider the challenge of power output drop-off in higher ambient temperatures, particularly for turbines.

ADIK is understood to have proposed a steel-hulled 64 m, 800-ton vessel with a combined gas and gas turbine (COGAG) propulsion system centred around an LM2500 boost turbine.

Dearsan, meanwhile, has worked on a 65 m steel-hulled vessel with a combined diesel and gas turbine (CODAG) propulsion system powering the vessel to around 45 kt.

ARES' initial proposal uses a wave-piercing, very low radar cross section, 70 m steel hull designed by Rolls-Royce and capable of speeds of about 50-55 kt.

RMK Marine said it has worked on a proposal in co-operation with partners in the United States and Sweden, but would not be drawn on details.

Yonca-Onuk noted that a derivative of its 250-ton composite-hull MRTP 48 design with diesel propulsion able to generate 40 kt-plus speeds may fit the bill. If fitted with gas turbines, the craft could also meet the 60 kt requirement. The company currently has a very busy export order book.

According to the request for information (RfI) issued by the Turkish Defence Industries Undersecretariat (SSM) in July 2013, Turkish companies STM, Aselsan/Havelsan, and Roketsan are leading the development work in the areas of propulsion, combat systems, and armaments respectively.

The initial buy is expected to cover four vessels, with a further six craft possible under optional later batches. Initial batch deliveries may commence in the 2018-19 timeframe, if a contract can be signed by the end of 2015.

Turkey to issue RfP for FAC programme - IHS Jane's 360
i bet ADİK , RMK and ARES will take top 3 ,but eventhough i dont much empathy for ADİK 's design, hearing of RMK and ARES working with foreigner support pushes me to choose ADİK's design, even we didnt see ARES and RMK 's design, i believe we will see something radical like swath different bow sections .

About the companies telling "State funded research on a effective hullform would be precursoring" i know well academicians inviting those companies for co operation and none of companies except of ADİK approved it . ADİK is like only company supporting institutes for establishing of laboratories.

I'm sure it will be so good otherwise our navy will never accept it... LDG will be an amphibious ship...

Amfibi Gemi Grubu
İt will be amphibous but i think it will have a stern door with capability of RO-RO while able to beaching :)and it wont be like LST with armanement and carriage of tracked or heavy duty vehicles ,might have a Helo landing deck too ? i havent read RfP . since Selah won tender, i think thats not something very onerous.
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