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Turkish Naval Programs

how many vls will the TF2000 have ?
Total 64 VLS
how many vls will the TF2000 have ?
There is no final design yet. We don't even know what kind of missiles TF-2000 would offer, so nobody knows this kind of stuff.

Thinking about AEGIS can lead us to make an educated guess though. The class would probably use ESSM for over the horizon engagements and possibly a Hisar-U(?) derivative for ranges beyond that, considering the fact that Americans won't let us use neither SM-2 nor SM-6. Since Alvaro de Bazan offers 48 VLS cells, and I would assume our ship would look more or less like the Spanish design; so 40ish VLS with at least 100 ESSMs and 20ish longer range missiles. These are just speculations though.

I should also note that TF-2000s look more like TF-2030s right now. I don't even think there is serious work going on for the class as of now, most of the effort is focused on İstanbul class.
dont forget! besides SAMs it should have, cruise missiles,ASROC(rocket assisted light torpedo) even ASAT(anti satellite) missiles. for me 64 is a low number since it is a 7000 ton ship.
there is no real tests for cıws systems in the world even us navy does not only they are testing againstn parellel missiles not direct coming missile test have been done thats what we see falkland war an exocet missile hit the target even it did not expolided missiles debris lead to a fire and shefield destroyer sunk
20mm PHALANX : 4500 rounds//minute

35mm GOKDENIZ have 2 barrels ( each can fire 1.100 rounds//minute ) 2400 rounds//minute

but GOKDENIZ will use 35mm airburst ammunition ( missile killer )
Aselsan ATOM 35mm Air Burst Ammunition provides high hit probability against various types of targets

-- Precise Programming Taking Muzzle Velocity Into Account
-- Improved Distribution for Tungsten Pellets
-- Deep Penetration Capability
-- High Precision Time Counting
-- 4 km Effective Range
-- 1020 m/sn Muzzle Velocity

and GOKDENIZ has automatic target tracking with integrated tracking platform including Tracking Radar and E/O Sensors and 3-D Search Radar highly effective against even sea skimming antiship missiles


Phalanx's 20mm caliber round appears to have more kinetic energy than debris of 35mm round. İ have just noticed . Because 35 mm is burst ammo so it cant hit the target as monolithic. Fckngamericans they know their shit. They must have found 20mm the most suitable against fast targets with high velocity.
Phalanx's 20mm caliber round appears to have more kinetic energy than debris of 35mm round. İ have just noticed . Because 35 mm is burst ammo so it cant hit the target as monolithic. Fckngamericans they know their shit. They must have found 20mm the most suitable against fast targets with high velocity.

Aselsan ATOM 35mm Airburst ammo with Tungsten Pellets have deep penetration capability with 1020 m/sn muzzle velocity , highly effective against antiship missiles ....

GOKDENIZ prototype was tested on Turkish Frigate against high speed target Drone (180 m/s) that represents an antiship missile in sea skimming scenario

Test video
Aselsan ATOM 35mm Airburst ammo with Tungsten Pellets have deep penetration capability and highly effective against antiship missiles ....

GOKDENIZ prototype was tested on Turkish Frigate against high speed target Drone (180 m/s) that represents an antiship missile in sea skimming scenario

Test video
Phalanx's 20mm Caliber ammo is armor piercing sabot discarding. Unfortunately Phalanx's ammo has more kinetic energy.
A Tiny Tungsten pellet vs 10-15mm a Tungsten sabot.
Edit: i am not comparing two systems , just noticed ammo. Some people might suddenly feel offended. İ adore Korkut and Gökdeniz . Look at my avatar.
İ am not overlooking on Korkut.
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A Tiny Tungsten pellet vs 10-15mm a Tungsten sabot.

35mm ATOM with 152 Tungsten pellets .....vs..... 20mm MK149 with 1 Tungsten sabot

ATOM Tungsten pellets have deep penetration capability

Phalanx's 20mm Caliber ammo is armor piercing sabot discarding. Unfortunately Phalanx's ammo has more kinetic energy.

who cares about more kinetic energy ? as ASELSAN said the effectiveness of the barreled guns is increased noticeably with the use of air burst ammunition and they become an important option for small and high speed targets

GOKDENIZ can destrroy anti ship missiles ....

GOKDENIZ has more effectiveness with airburst smart ammo for high hit probability
and automatic target tracking with integrated tracking platform including Tracking Radar and E/O Sensors and 3-D Search Radar to hit anti ship missiles like HARPOON and EXOCET

and the most important thing is GOKDENIZ one of the indigenous projects that will end dependency

MK-46 : ORKA
and many more
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On VLS, I think even if wanted to there seems to be no space left for additionall VLS modules to be placed on the existing preliminary design. This is ANMDT's problem :).

Anyways, the thing is as far as I remember from previous discussions here there might be an additional radar system to be placed on the back, a rotating Dutch one AFAIK. Secondly, a huge space is allocated within the ship connected to heli deck for multi purpose use (either to increase the number of helicopters to 3 or increase RHIBs or placed for container hangar). Long story short that place is out of question. Gun deck is already placed with VLS and a CIWS so at least on the existing design I don't think we can increase the number of VLS. But how many ships were planned anyways? 7-8? In that case I don't think it would be much of an issue.

If this design is finalized we should also expect a Naval 3D search radar (something like SMART-L) by Aselsan as their current offerings are very limited in range for such a platform.

I wonder how Barbaros MLU will look like, sure enough most of the electronic suite will get replaced. Maybe we would see ÇAFRAD subcomponents before the first keel is being laid for TF-2000s.
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