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Turkish Naval Programs

Indonesia is now considering turkish or german built sub and planning to hold/cancel the S.korean chanbogo's for the type 214.
Although I personally see the german have bigger chance to win the tender if we decide to go to 214's. Because one of our man responsible for the program had made a written letter to predisent jokowidodo to go for the german options instead.

In the end you will take the Turkish version, the germans have made a big mistake with the design of the submarine. They all have balance problem, to solve the problem they ad weights and that will bring the performance down. Range and endurance of the submarine. The Turkish version have 2000 ton displacement and the German or Korean have 1800 ton. Moren fuell or weapons or crew.

Maybe @cabatli_53 can now it what exactly.
Indonesia is now considering turkish or german built sub and planning to hold/cancel the S.korean chanbogo's for the type 214.
Although I personally see the german have bigger chance to win the tender if we decide to go to 214's. Because one of our man responsible for the program had made a written letter to predisent jokowidodo to go for the german options instead.

Not sure where to put it, but I think this is the most appropriate place.
I'm also bit surprised but, it's good to see where it's goin..

View attachment 527113

Edit: explanation for non-Turkish speakers…
In summary; In October 2018, it was stated that the Cirit and L-Umtas G/M shots were successfully carried out in the Aegean Sea on-board Burak Class ( ex-D'Estienne d'Orves-class A69 type Aviso ) corvettes.

In a period of ever-increasing disturbances in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East, apparently, the Navy needs not only qualitative but quantitatively more platforms.

In this context, the Turkish Navy is preparing to modernize it's Burak class corvettes (former A69 Aviso class French corvetes) with a mid-life upgrade (MLU) to keep up to current needs of the Navy.

Due to the fact that the platforms are already at the end of their economic life (40+ years old), it may be more appropriate to call it a service life extension program (SLEP) rather than a half-life modernization (or a mixture of both).

I think, they needed to be used another 10+ years due to shortages of quantity of proper platforms….

what kind upgrade are we talking about, smart s radar and genesis software? Essm missiles and atmaca?

At the moment, there is no information about the details, but in general, improvements / updates will enable the platforms to perform their tasks in the desired performance for another decade.

I have a gut feeling that the activities in the post below may be related to this subject in some way.

Looks like the time is came and the project is about to come to realization stage. Will be started with first ship and others to follow. According to rumors, reserving my right to be wrong, the main battery of 100 mm will be gone, it will be replaced with 76 mm (some sets of second hand 76 mm batteries are provided at a very reasonable price, they'll be renewed and will be installed on the project ships). A scaled Genesis CMS variant will come. Aselsan X-Band Fire Control Radar and indigenous Fire Control System are coming. Maybe some Atmaca and / or UMTAS derivatives. No infotmation, at least i have none, regarding sensors side yet....

Wait, does the Reis class submarines have the ability to carry small submarines for the special forces? I thought we would gain this capacity with the MILDEN class

You crawl first ... Then you walk.

You crawl first ... Then you walk.

Wait, does the Reis class submarines have the ability to carry small submarines for the special forces? I thought we would gain this capacity with the MILDEN class

I couldn't find a single picture of the type 214 class with dry deck shelters installed at the top of the main hull other than this one


Revised Dimensions for Turkish REIS-class Submarines - Mönch Verlagsgesellschaft mbH


But anyway we will have this capacity in the future no matter what happens... It's clear that our Navy has interest in special operations via submarines but what's the current status of indigenous Seal Delivery Vehicles anyway?
It's clear that our Navy has interest in special operations via submarines but what's the current status of indigenous Seal Delivery Vehicles anyway?
SATDEN project is active under SSB but I'm not sure as to which company is working on it. Perhaps it's classified as per OPSEC reasons. I'm hoping we'll get a working prototype in the next few years to be tested with Pirireis or Hızırreis. See: https://www.turkiyegazetesi.com.tr/ekonomi/569690.aspx
The older Type209 variants in DZKK are due in a gradual decommissioning process. That one's retired from service.

@cabatli_53 bro if you don't mind, could you please delete and restrict the share of information and media about A-591 unless it is shared through official channels? With a glimpse look, a selective eye could get a good idea on what types of equipment it will use of which majority of them are supposed to be classified. Regards.
Stay healthy bro!
This is what happens when the project has been handed over to the shipyards with lack of understanding what is secrecy of a project. I am not sure even they comply with security standards made by NATO and SSB.
Back in my days of internship at a shipyard the office was questioned about a picture which is posted on one of websites. Later our phones(the interns) were taken while entering to the project site. The project wasnt super secret,although.
More than deck set up, capacity of generators would say about the equipments. I doubt if they had extra generators driven by the main engine. Lets hope shipyard is enough careful to keep more sensitive information as secret.

Do you guys understand why TCG Ufuk has almost the same draft (3.60 m) as the regular Ada-class corvette (3.90 m) even though it doesn't seem to carry any of its heavy weapons? @cabatli_53 @UkroTurk @Neptune @Saithan
What you call heavy weapons make of at most %5-10 of total displacement (weight) of a combatant. 0.30 meters drop at the draught would lead to a greater loss than 1/13 , a ratio directly calculated by 0.3/3
9( the displacement would reduce by fraction of 1/8)
Its not only weapons, gas turbine has been removed and gearbox system got lighter.
It is deleted from companies website. It is either death or classified.

There was an article a few years back about aspilsan developing a sco2 based aip system for the milden. It would be a huge disappointment if the project is dead. Haven't seen any updates about it lately. I do have to admit i dont follow these issues too closely so i asked
You mean IdeaLab? The project had no official connection with Milden. One of the objectives of the project was to create an alternative propulsion system mainly for submarines that will be produced in the future. However, there were a lot of technical difficulties known since the beginning of the project. Within the scope of Milden, different projects are carried out in the same area.
You mean IdeaLab? The project had no official connection with Milden. One of the objectives of the project was to create an alternative propulsion system mainly for submarines that will be produced in the future. However, there were a lot of technical difficulties known since the beginning of the project. Within the scope of Milden, different projects are carried out in the same area.

yes, Idealab it was. I found that article, it was written by an operations manager at Idealab in a 2017 issue of MSI magazine. I said:

“By the end of FY
2018, IdeaLab shall develop a fully operational up to 1 MWe
R&D Demonstration s CO 2 Brayton Power Conversion System
that will allow the systematic identification and retirement
of technical risks and testing of components for the marine
application of this technology.”

I found their twitter account. last post was in 2017!!
Which could indicate that it’s now classified and thus no more public knowledge about it.
I dont know but no posts for three years on an official twitter account are not signs of a company that has been funded generously for a project of national importance.
This is what happens when the project has been handed over to the shipyards with lack of understanding what is secrecy of a project. I am not sure even they comply with security standards made by NATO and SSB.
Back in my days of internship at a shipyard the office was questioned about a picture which is posted on one of websites. Later our phones(the interns) were taken while entering to the project site. The project wasnt super secret,although.
More than deck set up, capacity of generators would say about the equipments. I doubt if they had extra generators driven by the main engine. Lets hope shipyard is enough careful to keep more sensitive information as secret.

Excatly bro, I can only put my signature on this. They think that potential adversaries are also idiots like them not to get anything out of these stuff but who are you to judge, you want to undermine Turkey's capabilities.

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