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Turkish Naval Forces (DZKK)

Update 1: FYI guys, TCG Gediz has re-joined Operation Ocean Shield.


Şimdilerde özellikle iktidar medyası, “TSK'ya bu kumpas niye kuruldu?” diye soruyor. Elbette ki, bal gibi biliyorlar, ama itiraf etmek zor geliyor. Çünkü elbirliğiyle işledikleri suç büyük.

Bilmezden gelenler değil, gerçekten bilmeyenler için tekrar vurgulayalım. TSK'ya kumpasın bir değil, çok sebebi var. Toplam hedefi de Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Devleti'nin yok edilmesidir.

“Büyük Kürdistan”projesinin hayata geçirilebilmesi, o sebeplerden biridir mesela.

Irak'taki parçayı hallettiler. Parası, bankası, sözde “ordusu”bile var. Son olarak Türkiye'nin yeşil ışık yakmasıyla, Irak merkezi hükümetinden bağımsız olarak petrol ihracatına başlama kararı aldılar.

Suriye parçası da hemen hemen tamam... IŞİD-PYD kuklalarıyla, Türkiye'yi Suriye“Kürdistanı” konusunda da iyice esnetmek için zamana oynuyorlar sadece.

Doğu-Güneydoğu'da“alan hâkimiyetinin”kime teslim edildiğini söylemeye gerek yok.

Peki, en azından“Barzanistan”ın“bağımsızlık” ilânı için daha ne bekleniyor?

Emperyalistler her daim açık açık söyledi;“Denize açılmayan bir Kürdistan yaşamaz”diye...


O denizin anahtarı mı; Tabii ki, Kıbrıs...

“Barzanistan”ın temellerini atan ABD'nin Irak'ı işgâliyle, Kıbrıs'ta Annan Planı dayatmalarının eş zamanlı olması tesadüf müydü?

Ya şimdi, tüm gözler Suriye'deki “Kürt koridoruna”çevrilmişken, Cumhurbaşkanı seçilmesini tüm emperyalistlerin ayakta alkışladığı Mustafa Akıncı'nın Rumlarla, Türkiye'nin garantörlüğü dahil her konuyu görüşmek üzere masaya oturmuş olması?

2004'teki Annan Planı'na Türkler “evet” derken, Rumların “hayır”ı herkesi şaşırttı. Oysa o planla, 5-10 yıl içinde KKTC'yi ekonomik ve siyasi açıdan yutabileceklerdi.

Ama ezeli bir korkuları vardı; Türkiye'nin garantörlüğü ve adada Türk askerinin varlığı... KKTC'yi yutsalar da bu iki konu halledilmeden, kuzeyin kendilerine yar olmayacağını biliyorlardı.

İşte gelinen nokta; Arkalarında ABD, AB, İsrail, Rusya, Mısır, Yunanistan, İtalya, Fransa; Masada da Türkiye'nin garantörlüğünün ortadan kaldırılması ve Türk askerinin “tıpış tıpış” gönderilmesi var.

Suriye'den, Doğu Akdeniz'e uzatılan koridorla paralel yürüyen Kıbrıs'taki bu gelişmeleri niye kimse konuşmuyor?


TSK'ya niye mi kumpas kuruldu? Şu örneğe, Genelkurmay bünyesinde kurulu Kıbrıs ve Yunanistan dairelerinde görev yapan subayların başına gelenlere ne dersiniz?

1996 Kardak krizinden sonra kurulan Kıbrıs Daire Başkanlığının personeli, ağırlıklı olarak denizci kurmay subaylardı.

İlk başkan Tümamiral Mustafa Özbey 28 Şubat davası sanığı oldu... Sonrakilerden Tümamiral Özer Karabulut Balyoz, Koramiral Kadir Sağdıç Balyoz ve Poyrazköy, Tümamiral Mücahit Şişlioğlu, Tümamiral Semih Çetin ile Tümamiral Fikret Güneş de Balyoz'dan tutuklandı.

Bu listeden Sağdıç ve Şişlioğlu arasında yer alan tek bir isim kurtulabildi; Şu anki Deniz Kuvvetleri Komutanı Oramiral Bülent Bostanoğlu...


Burada görev yapan Tümamiral Deniz Kutluk, Albay Ümit Metin, Albay Ali Türkşen ve Albay Hüseyin Hançer Balyoz, Poyrazköy, Amirallere Suikast kumpaslarıyla derdest edildi.

Geçen hafta kaybettiğimiz Donanma'nın altın amirali Cem Aziz Çakmak'ı da unutmayalım. Önce Deniz Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı Güney Görev Grubu Kurmay Başkanı, ardından Harekat Eğitim Daire Başkanı olarak Rumların Doğu Akdeniz'de petrol arama faaliyetlerine az engellemedi.

Rumların Doğu Akdeniz'de at koşturması, Balyoz sayesinde ve sonrasında olmadı mı?

Geçen hafta Rum Meclis Başkanı Yannakis Omiru konuştu; İngiltere'den garantörlük hakkından vazgeçmesinin istenmesi gerektiğini söyledi. Türkiye'yle ilgili olarak da, “AB üyesi olmayan bir ülke, AB üyesi ülkenin bağımsızlık, egemenlik ve toprak bütünlüğünü garanti mi etsin?” dedi.

KKTC Lideri Mustafa Akıncı ve Rum Lider Anastasiadis arasında devam eden müzakereler kapsamında, Eylül veya Ekim ayında yapılacak uluslararası bir konferansla garantörlük konusunun görüşülmesinin kararlaştırıldığı bildiriliyor.

Yalın gerçek şudur; Türkiye'nin Kıbrıs'taki garantörlük hakkından vazgeçmesi, sadece Doğu Akdeniz'in kaybedilmesi değil, eş zamanlı “Büyük Kürdistan” projesinin tamamlanması olacaktır.

2002 sonunda dönemin ABD Başkan Yardımcısı Dick Cheney, dönemin Başbakanı Abdullah Gül'ün önüne, “Irak'ın işgâli ve Annan Planını”koyduğunda, Gül,“İkisini birden bu millete kabul ettiremeyiz” demişti.

Şimdilerde görünürde IŞİD'le mücadele gerekçesiyle İncirlik'in kullanımı pazarlıkları, Türkiye'nin Suriye'ye müdahalesi vs. konuşuluyor.

Gerçekte dayatılan, Suriye “Kürdistanı” ve Kıbrıs'ın terkini Türk Milleti'ne hazmettirme olmasın?!.

13 yıldır“aldatıldıklarını”,ama artık “üst akılla”mücadele ettiklerini söyleyenlerin boyunun ölçüsünü gösterecek en hayati sınav budur!..


(TCG Yavuz Gemisi... Tarih 20 Mayıs 2007... Yer Kıbrıs'ın güneydoğusunda icra edilen tatbikat. TCG Yavuz'un köprü üstündekiler (soldan sağa) : Dz. Kur. Yarbay Yavuz Uras (Gemi Komutanı), Dz. Kur. Kd. Alb. Cem Aziz Çakmak (Güney Görev Kurmay Başkanı), Tuğa. Mücahit Şişlioğlu (Güney Görev Grup Komutanı), Dz. Kur. Kd. Bnb. Özdem Koçer (Gemi ikinci komutanı)... Hepsi de Balyoz kurbanı oldu...)

Müyesser Yıldız

Elbette ki, bal gibi biliyorlar, ama itiraf etmek zor geliyor. Çünkü elbirliğiyle işledikleri suç büyük. :tup:
Some updates from DZKK:

1- Daily Update:

a. Second arm of the Ertuğrul Yacht Race 2015 of the 44th Naval Forces Cup coordinated by DZKK, is completed. Naval Academy joined this very tournament with five boats.

b. One HVKK (Air Force) CN-235 aircraft supporting Operation Black Sea Harmony, have conducted reconnaissance, surveillance flight over the international airspace on Black Sea.

c. TCG Atılay (S-347) assigned to Operation Black Sea Harmony have conducted patrol mission over Western Black Sea.

d. TCG Mızrak (P-332) supporting UNIFIL Maritime Ops have conducted a port visit in Mersin.

e. TCG Yıldırım (F-243) assigned to Standing NATO Maritime Group-2, have supported Operation Active Endeavor over Eastern Mediterranean.

f. TCG Gemlik (F-492) to be assigned to Combined Task Force-151 (CTF-151) Counter-piracy Operation have carried on to his destination Salalah Port, Oman.

g. In total, fifteen combatants have navigated and conducted operations in conjunction with Operational and Training Activities.


Turkish Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA) CASA CN-235 while flying over the units of SNMG2:



SNMG-2 Turkish frigate YILDIRIM during tactical manoeuvre exercise:

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ASW WARFARE - Detect and destroy

The ATR 72 ASW (Anti-Submarine Warfare) is a multi-role, special mission aircraft based on ATR 72-600 modern regional turboprop aircraft from Alenia Aermacchi. The aircraft is designed to perform anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare (ASuW) missions. It can also be deployed in maritime patrol, search and identification of submarines and search and rescue (SAR) operations.
Reconfiguration of the aircraft can take place to perform missions such as protection of territorial waters, anti-piracy, anti-smuggling, monitoring and intervening of environmental disasters. It can also be used to protect the sea and coastline.
The ATR 72 ASW has been selected by The Turkish Navy for maritime patrol and personnel / cargo transportation. The Italian Navy meanwhile has acquired four ATR 72 aircraft offering maritime patrol capabilities, along with provisions for the ASW capabilities. ATR 72 MP, which is the maritime patrol variant, has been ordered by the Italian Air Force.
ATR 72 ASW design and features
Nansen Class Anti-Submarine Warfare Frigates, Norway
The five Nansen Class anti-submarine warfare frigates were built by Navantia of Spain for the Norwegian Navy.
The ATR 72 ASW features a flexible, modular design incorporating a semi-monocoque fail-safe fuselage. Its airframe and tail section are made of composite materials.
The basic ATR 72-600 aircraft has maximum take-off weight of 22,800kg, maximum payload weight of 7,300kg and operational empty weight of 13,311kg. It can carry a maximum fuel load of 5,000kg and can accommodate up to 70 passengers.
A flight-operable door/rear belly hatch is attached to the ASW aircraft to drop paratroopers or emergency kits. Large observation windows and specific additional systems can also be fitted to the aircraft.
Cockpit and avionics suite
The ATR 72 ASW aircraft features a new glass cockpit and a mission system integrated with digital flight avionics. It's cockpit is fitted with five wide LCD screens, an Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS), FMS220 flight management system and a Multi-Purpose Computer (MPC).
The aircraft is attached with a mobile turret mounted with electro-optic (EO) system for real-time tactical situation awareness.
Thales AMASCOS (Airborne Maritime Situation & Control System) mission system and AIS (Automatic Identification System) will be fitted to the ATR72-600 TMPA. It will also feature a Link 11 / 16 data-link and broadband satellite systems. This will be used for the transfer of data in real-time to the ground command and control centres, as well as other platforms, both in air and on sea.
Armament and countermeasures of ATR 72 ASW
The ATR 72 ASW aircraft can be armed with anti-ship missiles and torpedoes to attack underwater threats during anti-ship missions. Two pylons on either side of the fuselage can carry anti-submarine torpedoes. Also fitted are a sono-buoy launcher and an ASW weapon release point calculator.
The aircraft's integrated self-protection system consists of search radar, chaff & flare dispenser, radar warning, depth charge, missile warning and laser warning systems. It also incorporates ESM (Electronic Support Measures) and MAD (Magnetic Anomaly Detector) sensors to identify and track threats.
A new generation weapons system mounted with MK 54 and MK 46 lightweight torpedoes can be carried by the ATR72-600 TMPA variant.
Engine and performance of the anti-submarine warfare aircraft
The ATR 72 aircraft is powered by two PW 127M turboprop engines developed by Pratt & Whitney. Each engine driving a Hamilton Standard, six-bladed 568F propeller generates a power of 2,750shp at 1,200rpm. The power plant offers enhanced performance in hot and high conditions.
A maximum cruise speed of 510km/h can be achieved by the aircraft, as well as a maximum range of 825nmi. It can climb at a rate of 1,355ft per minute and can remain airborne for about 11 hours.
Orders and deliveries
"The ATR 72 ASW features a flexible, modular design incorporating a semi-monocoque fail-safe fuselage."
The Turkish Undersecretariat for Defence Industries (Savunma Sanayii Müstesarligi (SSM)) released a tender in 2001 for the procurement of maritime patrol aircraft, featuring maritime surveillance capability and onboard mission equipments. These will be used by the Turkish Navy. The Defence Industry Executive Committee (DIEC) signed a contract with Alenia Aermacchi for the Meltem III programme in July 2005.
In July 2012, Alenia Aermacchi and SSM signed an amendment agreement for the delivery of two ATR 72-600 TMUA (Turkish Maritime Utility Aircraft) and six ATR 72-600 TMPA (Turkish Maritime Patrol Aircraft). The original contract was signed between the Turkish government and Alenia Aermacchi for the delivery of 10 ATR 72-500 anti-submarine warfare aircraft, which are now out of production.
Alenia Aermacchi signed an agreement with Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) for modification of six ATR 72 aircraft into ATR 72-600 ASW TMPA configuration in mid-2012. The six aircraft are being modified by TAI in Ankara, under the Meltem III programme. The first ATR72-600 TMPA will be delivered in February 2017 and all the deliveries scheduled for completion by 2018.
Raytheon was awarded a $5.7m contract by Alenia Aermacchi in July 2014 for providing engineering services support for weapons integration for the ATR72-600 TMPAs over a period of 31 months.

ATR 72 ASW is produced by Alenia Aermacchi.
The ATR 72 ASW has been selected by the Turkish Navy.
ATR 72-600 served as the base platform for ATR 72 ASW.



Thales announced today that the Turkish Navy’s future CN235 maritime patrol aircraft made its first flight this week.
Modified by Thales and industrial partners TAI, Havelsan, Aselsan and Milsoft, the aircraft features the AMASCOS system (Airborne MAritime Situation and COntrol System) to provide Turkish naval forces with advanced anti-surface and anti-submarine warfare capabilities.
This new milestone further consolidates Thales’s European leadership in maritime surveillance and patrol systems.
Meltem is the most ambitious maritime surveillance and patrol programme conducted in Europe over the last decade. For Meltem II, Thales is modifying three CN235s for Exclusive Economic Zone surveillance missions by the Turkish coastguard and six CN235s in anti-surface and anti-submarine warfare (ASW) configuration. For Meltem III, Alenia is integrating Thales’s AMASCOS system on ten ATR-72 ASW platforms.
The ATR-72 ASW aircraft developed jointly by Alenia Aeronautica and Thales is being proposed to naval and air forces around the world, for example in Algeria, Greece, Italy, Malaysia and Saudi Arabia.
“The mission system is closely integrated with the aircraft’s avionics, making this the most comprehensive solution on the market today, and the most competitive in the anti-surface and ASW turboprop segment. It is backed by Thales’s and Finmeccanica’s global network and with Alenia we are expecting favourable decisions on many of the current procurement programmes,” says Jean-François Henrio, Vice President, Mission Airborne Solutions.
The Meltem contract, awarded to Thales, is one of Europe’s largest maritime patrol and surveillance programmes. Maritime surveillance aircraft are deployed for monitoring territorial Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) waters, for detecting all forms of illicit trade and trafficking, accidental pollution and oil dumping, and for search-and-rescue operations.
This latest-generation system will provide the customer with an effective maritime patrol and surveillance capability for the coming years. Nine systems will be integrated into existing CN235 aircraft operated by Turkish armed forces (Meltem II) and a further ten into Alenia ATR-72s (Meltem III).
Thales is a leading international electronics and systems group, addressing defence, aerospace and security markets worldwide. Thales’s leading-edge technology is supported by 22,000 R&D engineers who offer a capability unmatched in Europe to develop and deploy field-proven mission-critical information systems. Thales employs 68,000 people in 50 countries with 2007 revenues of EUR 12.3 billion.
Another NATO exercise underway...

DYMA15 - PHOTEX - TCG PREVEZE, FGS HAMBURG (F220) and FS JEAN DE VIENNE (D643) - 13 SEP 2015 - Photo by WO ARTIGUES (HQ MARCOM). Ionian Sea, Italy - NATO’s Submarine Warfare Exercise DYNAMIC MANTA 2015 (DYMA 15) is taking place from 11th to 22nd September off the Sicilian coast, with ships, submarines, and aircraft and personnel from 9 Allied nations converging on the Central Mediterranean Sea for anti-submarine warfare (ASW) and anti-surface warfare training. Submarines from France, Greece, Italy, Spain, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States, under the control of NATO Submarine Command (COMSUBNATO), will join 5 surface ships from France, Germany, Italy, Turkey and the United States under the command of Standing NATO Maritime Group TWO (SNMG-2) Rear Admiral Jörg Klein (German Navy). Host nation Italy is providing support from both the Augusta Naval Base and the Sigonella Air Base in Catania. To support the simulated multi-threat environment, 7 Maritime Patrol Aircraft and Helicopters from Canada, France, Italy, Turkey and the United States will operate from Sigonella Air Base under the control of personnel from NATO Maritime Air Command (COMMARAIRNATO).


TCG Preveze (Type-209/1400-class diesel attack submarine):


Dynamic Manta

Possible to get photos ?

DYNAMIC MANTA 2015 - NATO Maritime Command | Facebook

DYMA15 - PHOTEX - FS PERLE ROUGE and FS JEAN DE VIENNE during Dynamic Manta exercise- 13 SEP 2015 - Photo by WO ARTIGUES (HQ MARCOM). Ionian Sea, Italy - NATO’s Submarine Warfare Exercise DYNAMIC MANTA 2015 (DYMA 15) is taking place from 11th to 22nd September off the Sicilian coast, with ships, submarines, and aircraft and personnel from 9 Allied nations converging on the Central Mediterranean S...ea for anti-submarine warfare (ASW) and anti-surface warfare training. Submarines from France, Greece, Italy, Spain, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States, under the control of NATO Submarine Command (COMSUBNATO), will join 5 surface ships from France, Germany, Italy, Turkey and the United States under the command of Standing NATO Maritime Group TWO (SNMG-2) Rear Admiral Jörg Klein (German Navy). Host nation Italy is providing support from both the Augusta Naval Base and the Sigonella Air Base in Catania. To support the simulated multi-threat environment, 7 Maritime Patrol Aircraft and Helicopters from Canada, France, Italy, Turkey and the United States will operate from Sigonella Air Base under the control of personnel from NATO Maritime Air Command (COMMARAIRNATO).
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@Neptune recently i heard some news or issues regards to DzKK

I have met with high rank officials during a seminar /introduction , i had only one question about why the DzKK is so weak about future plans and why cant develop a flotilla style groups ,and going revisions over and over on existing platforms ie Milgem, TF2000 and FAC the answer i got is a bit true ;

TSK is governed by Land forces mainly, this effects the decision making mechanism of DzKK they interfere alot with even less knowledge on matter, by focusing only a single matter . Additionally , i asked why milgem had a major change from 1995 to 2002 , its because some decision making groups (mainly land forces) insisted on that a project should be developed within Army, not from proffesors who serve in civilian ( they forgot the fact their students used to do MsC PhD under control of those people as they stated) and they re-designed milgem, this was the major factor beside 99 earthquake . The 1st milgem i stated was shared in this forum before, with a SAAR like concept ( Should note the proffesor who designed it was an advisor for Royal Navy (UK) )

Beside all above , DzKK quite open with collaboration onTF2000 even milgem was also handles by civilians

Thats good news. I believe the hierarchy and pyramide has to be changed. Why not an Chief of General Staff from Airforce or Navy.I wrote here an old anecdote, that you are responsible for "zimmetli silah and others". I hope that changed already in Türkiye. I visited early 2015 Baltics and had the chanche to speak with NATO soldiers at a Hotel Pub. They complained that some German Marders had engine failures and British engineerig troups recovere them , they said " Tommies recovered". They could speak so easy about it and I asked was the Marder crew accused or something else ? They laughed and answered easy " why should they" ?
Most of us know that most of heavy truck and tank transporter drivers are civilian experienced personel. Our Armed Forces should rethink "old style behaviour and information policy", which works against our image and creates only rumours.
@Neptune recently i heard some news or issues regards to DzKK

I have met with high rank officials during a seminar /introduction , i had only one question about why the DzKK is so weak about future plans and why cant develop a flotilla style groups ,and going revisions over and over on existing platforms ie Milgem, TF2000 and FAC the answer i got is a bit true ;

TSK is governed by Land forces mainly, this effects the decision making mechanism of DzKK they interfere alot with even less knowledge on matter, by focusing only a single matter . Additionally , i asked why milgem had a major change from 1995 to 2002 , its because some decision making groups (mainly land forces) insisted on that a project should be developed within Army, not from proffesors who serve in civilian ( they forgot the fact their students used to do MsC PhD under control of those people as they stated) and they re-designed milgem, this was the major factor beside 99 earthquake . The 1st milgem i stated was shared in this forum before, with a SAAR like concept ( Should note the proffesor who designed it was an advisor for Royal Navy (UK) )

Beside all above , DzKK quite open with collaboration onTF2000 even milgem was also handles by civilians

I see. Unfortunately that mindset is the backbone of our military mentality. Our main national doctrine was to defending the country with the use of all available manpower and resources in the shortest time being in case of an all out attack. That's why today we have a unit called ÖKK, now in which public generally confused their actual legal" duty. These things were based on mutual cold war conspiracies between NATO-USSR. But this can not be an excuse for us. Thank God we are slowly changing this mindset. Threat perception is decades old if we exclude amendments on issues related with Counter-Terrorism, overseas deployments. I think this is mostly because of the place the conscription system holds in the bulk of TAF. Unless it's abolished or until 2020, I think we keep seeing chiefs of staff from Army. They both have pros and cons but I think the better solution is expanding service time and a system exactly as of Israel. And no conscription for Air Force and Navy, except for marines, and supply branch. However by talking that I'd be off the topic.

Can you be more precise on "flotilla groups" bro? Afaik, all combatant units except for "kıta görevleri" (no english for that) do formate into flotilla-sq-fleet standings?

But general concept of our Navy's surface is a bit different. Note: I am excluding patrols.

Since, we are in a geographical position of green-waters and have no standing conventional naval threats recognized, and heck DZKK is even more busy at CTF/SNMG/SNMCG rather than the naval activities at South and North. We don't prefer to use naval flotillas. Because as you know, a flotilla/squadron in our slang is a small/medium group of homogeneous warships. Sq, is like a vest higher to us for now, until 2020s. As long as the general concept is deployments over deployments, we keep focusing on task group type formation flows, which in deed now is the best thing we can do. But better not rely on that too much either. The Mediterranean is getting warmer day by day under the shadow of Turkey's internal agenda. Cyprus, Egypt, Russia, Greece...Cypriot waters will be a headache in future. So in long terms Southern Area Com. might switch to homogenous formation.

Can you give more info on that Milgem-TF2000 issues man.
Can you give more info on that Milgem-TF2000 issues man

So i will explain from the beginning,
The milgem concept is proposed from 90s , By efforts of proffesors in Turkey ( mainly İ.T.Ü.) the design is even completed concept design and was ready to move forward to production after some concultancy ( I should point out, the person who designed Yücel Odabaşı was respectable Worldwide,was doing advisory help to UK ) it was a flawless design, focuses on needs of TN in new world trend ( ship is about 80 meters, agile and with VLS systems with less crew ). If we can remember, the proposed time of delivery for milgem and so on ships was almost 5 years backward but because TSK objected a civilian dominated design group ,and asked milgem tasarım ofisi to be founded, leaded to time loss for personal training and needed ToT ,excluding scientists in design progress but involving for partial helps like , hydrodynamics,structure, RCS .

TF2000 is having some issue in this way, the main reason of delay is mindset, TSK keeps making recommendations, while DzKK keeps revising them. Leads delays and delays like in Milgem. They didnt go into details for this debates but it was sure the Land force based management leading issues.

Milgem was a corvette, light and agile, it turned into a jumbo corvette now ( more a frigate ).

About flotilla issue, they didnt expand it, but i guess they were struggling for a larger task force than small flotillas for each region, and increasing inter-operability within DzKK.

From SH-169:

1. Atmaca missile tests is succesful; initial 30 missile ordered to be produced in 2016.

2. Turkish navy bought 4 second hand Otomalera 76/62 Compact gun system from Denmark and Sweden. It will be used as spare gun; or on new surface warships.

3. Milgem-III will be hand overed to navy 2017; where as Milgem-IV in 2019. These total 4 Milgem ship will be located in Izmir for ASW/ASuW operations. Turkish Navy claims that Milgem Class has better ASW capability than any other vessel in navy.

4. I-Class 3000t frigate construction will start in 2017. First ship will build in ıstanbul Shipyard; remaining 3 will be planned in private. CIWS System has not been selected yet; since the I-Class will be fulled with new ESSM Block2 missiles; either Phalanx-1B or STRALES System are considered.

5. TF2000 is waiting for progress of CAFRAD. Design has been done already..

6. STRALES/DAVIDE System will be demonstrated to navy, with one of Turkish navy warship. It seems there is strong interest to equip this system.

7. Turkish Navy Mine Fleet will get first indigenous anti-mine UUV system next year

thnx dr_okuz
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