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Turkish Missile Programs

I have recently heard that Korea's Hanwha is working with Roketsan to offer license produced SOM for the ROKAF after Hanwha lost the bid for the domestic air launched cruise missile program. There have already been talks about possible cooperation since more than 2 years ago, so it seems to be that the ties aren't loose.

The offer they are making is for the potential integration on FA-50 and possibly for KF-16. Air launch cruise missiles ROKAF is acquiring atm are all too heavy for the FA-50. There are talks about developing a lighter version of KEPD-350 Taurus as a joint development but even that missile dubbed 350K2 could be too heavy for the FA-50. In that sense, SOM missile which is less than 1,500Ibs is just the right size for use with FA-50.
SOM J trials on F16 ,
Som- j is the scaled down variant of SOM missile , air intakes placed at sides on smaller body , folding wings are added ,theoretically an f16 blok50+ can carry 4 of them, range is 250+km , tandem warhead is available with IIR seeker, it is a net centric weapon. a serious devastating power , not bad .
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It seems that photo was taken at SOM-J KTM (acceptance delivery munition) tests. So they are at the last step before full scale production and FOC. This almost invisible and net-centric cruise missile will be an important multiplier in the hands of the Turkish air force.
Many missile projects are in progress, but especially, AKBABA ARM, SOM-J, OMF, and BOZDOGAN missiles are critical gains that will enable us to keep our deterrence all the eastern Mediterranean and connected seas until we reach MMU.

It is very pleasing to see the Bozdoğan missile in seeker tests. Almost no one predicted that Turkey could develop the BVR missile in so much a short time. They did not only show what they could do, but the missile family revealed which have a very different place in the world with some of its unique features.
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