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Turkish Missile Programs

Seeker head for roketsan, so that must mean there is a customer in the pipeline for the rockets. Can we hope TAF are first in line

looks like ther are 3 bozdagan missiles. beside that if you look to the rack behind parts of the missile, it is going really fast.
@cabatli_53 Is there any new info? Which stage at are these missiles? Is design ongoing, prototype, acceptance tests? Is there any new information when those are going to be in stock?
1000 km is even not from izmir to erzurum.. we need at least one from edirne to hakkari and that is not the total length of turkey..

but first we need >500 km range with 750kg payload the short goal should be >800 km range with same payload that would give us the ability to reach basra, ghom tehran, isfahan, alexandria, kairo, bari, sarajevo, compleate moldawia and till the coast of turkmenistan.. that does not mean I want to send missles to these places.. its just the coverage of that area..
You’re right. Having >1000Km missile doesn’t mean that we want to attack greece, isreal , russia or egypt , it’s just to make other countries think 100 times before they attack us or do something make us angry. Yes guys we need a ballistic missile with a big range, yes I know now we’re just fighting terrorits so we just need uav (for now) but believe me in few years later we will have a big problems with countries not just terrorists (this will happen because of gas) even our navy’ isn’t enough
You’re right. Having >1000Km missile doesn’t mean that we want to attack greece, isreal , russia or egypt , it’s just to make other countries think 100 times before they attack us or do something make us angry. Yes guys we need a ballistic missile with a big range, yes I know now we’re just fighting terrorits so we just need uav (for now) but believe me in few years later we will have a big problems with countries not just terrorists (this will happen because of gas) even our navy’ isn’t enough
Dont worry,they will be ready when needed.
What does Gİ İTM-1 means?

G-Gudumlu - guided
I- ?
I - İleri - advanced
T- Tecrübe - Test
M - Mühimmat - Munition

any further quess?
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