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Turkish Minister of National Defense Yaşar Güler: We are considering purchasing 40 Eurofighter Typhoons

You need to respect Turkish Defense Industry which is more than a match for Greece

Most of People still sleeping and not understand what is coming
Türkiye increased its defense budget to 40 billion USD to wake up all daydreamers

1 -- Greece has PATRIOT AD Systems
Only cheap Kamikaze Drones and Missiles like AZAB , SIMSEK , KEMANKES , KARGI , KGK-LR , KUZGUN-TJ , CAKIR , IHA-230 will be enough to destroy All Greek PATRIOT AD Systems in Skyros , Athens and Thessaloniki

even I am not talking about Ballistic and Cruise Missiles YILDIRIM , BORA , TAYFUN , ATACMS , HARM , SLAM-ER , HARPOON Block2 , SOM , ATMACA and upcoming AKBABA , GEZGIN , CENK

Only one example
Turkiye produce 400 SOM and 200 CAKIR
Greece doesnt have even 600 PATRIOT and S300 Missile

2 -- Greece buys 24 RAFALE Jets
When Turkiye produce SIPER Block2 air defense missiles and deploy them in the Aegean region , everybody will see what will happen

When we lock the radar on Greek RAFALE from 200 km away , Greek Pilots will not even dare to cross the middle of the Aegean ..... ( Greek RAFALE cannot even come within 100 km of Turkish airspace in a conflict )

3-- Greece buys 3 FDI Frigates .. and will be destroyed in a day during a war

even only 300 Turkish UCAVs to carry 1.500 guided munitions/missiles to destroy 3 FDI Frigates in a day

also land based missiles ATMACA , CAIIR , KUZGUN-TJ and TRLG-230 to hit 3 FDI Frigates

and unmanned Kamikaze Vessels with 200kg warhead
and unmanned Vessels - Submarines armed with missiles and torpedos

even I am not talking about the Turkish Navy and Air Force

One on One
Greece is not threat to Turkiye ... not even close

If it were not for our national defense industry, which has made tremendous progress in the last 20 years, then we would be in a very difficult situation now

Sensor Systems .. so funny

F-35 is ok
but F-15 is a joke .... F-16V and RAFALE is full of joke

Even F-35 will able to detect stealth KIZILELMA Block2 from 43 km away

On the other hand KIZILELMA Block2 to detect F-15 , RAFALE from 90+ km away

F-15 , F-16V and RAFALE will not know even what hit them
and EW Systems can not do anything against KIZILELMA's MURAD AESA Radar and GOKDOGAN air to air Missile which have advanced counter-countermeasure capabilities

S400 , SIPER , HISAR-O , GOKDEMIR , HAVASOJ , REDET-II , E7-T AEWC , AKINCI , KIZILELMA , ANKA-3 , ANKA-4 , F-16 Block70 modernization , if Eurofighter and KAAN combination will make the Turkish Air Force the best in the region

Turkiye is not HAMAS
I respect Turkish hardware and I have always welcomed Pakistan - Turkish cooperation in all sectors including defense. I am a friend.

But being a friend does not entail disregarding critical thinking and common sense. I do not appreciate and endorse statements like "but F-15 is a joke .... F-16V and RAFALE is full of joke". Do you honestly expect anybody sensible to take you seriously in view of these claims? You need to understand this problem.

Let's recheck the information that was shared before:

Emphasis mine. Israeli Air Force (IAF) equipped F-16I with Rafael Sky Shield jamming pod(s) to attack targets in Masyaf in a difficult and demanding mission in 2022. This configuration turned out to be survivable when up against advanced Syrian and Russian defenses in the region. Now let us have a look at different configurations:

F-16 Block 50/52+ = AN/APG-68(V)9 Pulse Doppler + AN/ALQ-211 AIDEWS
F-16I Sufa = AN/APG-68(V)9 Pulse Doppler + Elisra EW suite + Rafael Sky Shield jamming pod (SEAD)
F-16 Block 70/72+ = SABR AN/APG-83 AESA + AN/ALQ-254(V)1 AIDEWS*

*The ALQ-257 IVEWS is a completely internal electronic warfare suite, incorporating all Electronic Warfare functionality, including jamming of current and future threats. This means that it incorporates all functions previously performed by the ECM pods, freeing the F-16’s centerline station from the ALQ-131 and ALQ-184 pods and allowing it to be used for the 300 gal external fuel tank or other payloads.

You need to understand these differences before passing verdicts like "but F-15 is a joke .... F-16V and RAFALE is full of joke". Both Rafale F3R and F-16V are equipped with sophisticated EW capabilities by default and Hellenic Air Force might not be hesitant to engage Turkish A2/AD systems with cruise missiles in a (hypothetical) war.

How many S-400 systems you have deployed? Are these integrated?
How many Siper systems you have deployed? Are these integrated?
Your A2/AD situation is lame to be honest.

You cannot rely upon these systems to counter Greek military in a (hypothetical) war.
Your statement ("Greek RAFALE cannot even come within 100 km of Turkish airspace in a conflict") cannot be taken seriously. There is no proof of an S-400 system obtaining a lock on an Rafale F3R around 200 KM mark. You are mistaking Rafale F3R for obsolete Ukrainian Mig-29. Rafale F3R is a FAR MORE capable and survivable jet fighter in comparison to Mig-29 variants in current times.

Turkish Air Force and standoff munitions such as drones and cruise missiles are your best bet for DEAD missions. Following article provides an excellent view of Greek and Turkish options:

You have mentioned a variety of drones and missiles that can be used to attack Patriot systems in Greece but these will not be easy to overcome. Patriot systems have demonstrated the capability to intercept a wide range of airborne threats including drones the size of a quad-copter. Patriot systems are more reliable and capable than any air defense system in Turkish inventory due to following reason:

"Since it was first fielded, Patriot has been used by five nations in more than 250 combat engagements against manned and unmanned aircraft, cruise missiles, and tactical ballistic missiles. Since January of 2015, Patriot has intercepted more than 150 ballistic missiles in combat operations around the world; more than 90 of those intercepts involved the low-cost Raytheon-made Guidance Enhanced Missile family of surface-to-air missiles.

Those engagements were possible because Patriot is built on a foundation of more than 3,000 ground tests and over 1,400 flight tests.

Each and every time Patriot is tested or live fired, engineers uncover new ways to further improve or enhance the system. The improvements are necessary because the threat is constantly changing and becoming more sophisticated.

The result of the improvements and enhancements is that today’s Patriot is advanced, modern, and capable of defeating the full spectrum of threats. It shares the same name and basic purpose of the Patriot of the past, but that is where the similarity ends."

Greece have deployed a number of A2/AD systems and have linked them to different radar systems for situational awareness in the region:


Turkey might be well-equipped to defeat Greek S-300 PMU1 and TOR-M1 systems in clashes but Patriot systems will posit a significant threat to Turkish options.

Greece also have AEW&C aircraft to monitor Turkish military activity in the region and Hellenic Air Force will be mobilized to counter Turkish Air Force and engage airborne threats in the process. Patriot systems will be very dangerous to contend with in this situation. Patriot systems can make it impractical for Turkish Air Force to operate very close to Greek mainland.

There are additional factors to consider. Who will be supporting Greece in this (hypothetical) war? What will be the situation in the sea? France might be willing to support Greece in this (hypothetical) war. This might become a problem for Turkey.

You speak in zero sum manner: Turkey have A B C D E F G H drones and missiles that it can throw at Greek defenses to win the war. If it was this simple. You can see Russia using a huge number of standoff munitions in Ukraine to limited effect. You can see Russia trying to defeat sophisticated defenses in Kyiv to no avail. You can see Russian navy suffering losses in the Black Sea. Russia did not expect NATO to provide weapons to Ukraine in war and this became a problem.

I do not think that US will welcome a war between NATO member states, you need to relax and chill.

Let's have a look at Israel now.

Israel is much better equipped to fight a conventional war than Greece and US is willing to support it.

Your statement ("Turkiye is not HAMAS") is not a valid position. Hamas does not fight Israel in conventional terms but in unconventional terms and Israel cannot open up on Gaza in full capacity due to global pressure. Turkish military operates in conventional terms and it has no choice but to contend with IDF in the conventional battle-space in a (hypothetical) war. This is where you will find out what Israel is made of.

Turkey is a regional power that can be respected but not a superpower like your posts seem to project.
Aaah, this million years old image...


We're getting old man

Funny enough, Greece had all of these back then, and all Turkey had was Nike Hercules, Hawk and stinger missiles.

We were still stronger back then then we are now. Because relative to the entire region, we had the strongest air force. We had the initiative.
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Aaah, this million years old image...


We're getting old man

Funny enough, Greece had all of these back then, and all Turkey had was Nike Hercules, Hawk and stinger missiles.

We were still stronger back then then we are now. Because relative to the entire region, we had the strongest air force. We had the initiative.

Turkey had best equipped military force in the region at one point but times are changing. Turkey can develop impressive stuff but Greece is able to buy impressive stuff to level the playing field. How convenient.

Erdogan might want the best for Turkey but he is careless in his statements and decisions. You know this better.
We all know also how truthful liar Americans
We dont care about American fairy tales and nonsense from same Website

and Its reality ..... not nonsense
Serbian S-125 shot down American F-117 in 1999
Syrian S200 shot down Israeli F-16I in 2018

View attachment 1027960
View attachment 1027961
Outdated S-125 destroyed American F-117 stealth Bomber legacy in 1999
View attachment 1028014

Outdated S-125 also shot down a NATO F-16 on May 2 1999

Outdated S-125 shot down also American F-16C in Iraq
View attachment 1028094
How many f16/F-117 destroyed by soviet Era SAMs
The fighter purchase is not for the F16, but the aging F4. They are over 50 years old and it not able to make them airworthy more. Untill Kaan is ready ther will no more F4 able to fly, so ther is a urgent need for a fighter.
Can Turkey not replace their F4 with Hurjet? If Turkey can make Hurjet similar
to JF17, lightweight multi role fighter, then they save that money for KAAN.

How much will 40 Eurofighters cost?
Can Turkey not replace their F4 with Hurjet? If Turkey can make Hurjet similar
to JF17, lightweight multi role fighter, then they save that money for KAAN.

How much will 40 Eurofighters cost?
No, F4 is a huge plane, much bigger than F-16, that's why it's still kept in service, it can carry much bigger payloads.

Hürjet is an itty bitty trainer thing

Erdogan might want the best for Turkey but he is careless in his statements and decisions. You know this better.
Often what he wants for himself gets ahead of Turkey's interests.

We were supposed to have 8 Ada class ships, he cancelled that contract because Koç group's RMK Marine company won the tender.

His corrupt shenanigans often do a lot of damage to the national security but he still gets credit for the development of the defence sector, it's very annoying.

ALTAY project got so badly fucked because he insisted his cronies get the job.
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Can Turkey not replace their F4 with Hurjet? If Turkey can make Hurjet similar
to JF17, lightweight multi role fighter, then they save that money for KAAN.

How much will 40 Eurofighters cost?
minimum $ 6-7 billion including spare parts, training and infrastructure investment
minimum $ 6-7 billion including spare parts, training and infrastructure investment

Kuwait is paying 8.7 Billion for 28, Qatar paid 6.9 billion for 24.
Turkish deal will be 10 billion for 40.

The Kuwaiti's have arrested some General and Colonel on corruption charges.
But being a friend does not entail disregarding critical thinking and common sense. I do not appreciate and endorse statements like "but F-15 is a joke .... F-16V and RAFALE is full of joke". Do you honestly expect anybody sensible to take you seriously in view of these claims? You need to understand this problem.

All of You dont understand what is coming
still dreaming with old technologies

F-15 , F-16V and RAFALE are old technology Fighter Jets with big RCS
and no any chance against stealth platforms in BVR combat

RCS ( m2 )
RAFALE : 1 m2
F-16C Block70 : 1.2 m2
F-15C/D : 5-25 m2
KIZILELMA block2 : 0.005 m2


Range of engagement
KIZILELMA : from 90+ km
RAFALE , F-16 Block70 , F-15C/D : 35-43 km

KIZILELMA Block2 will detect 4th gen Fighter Jets earlier
and to fire 100+ km GOKDOGAN air to air missiles

RAFALE , F-16 Block70 , F-15C/D even will not know what hit them

Thanks to
-- stealth design
-- full composite material for low RCS
-- internal weapon bay for stealth flight capability
-- network centric warfare capability with E-7T AEWC and 450+ km ERALP AESA Radar
-- 100+ km GOKDOGAN air to air missile
-- TF-10.000 Turbofan Engine


Even with GE F110-129 Turbofan Engine , KAAN will be superior to F-15 , F-16V , RAFALE , SU-35 in BVR combat

Thanks to
-- Stealth design and composite material for low Radar Cross Section
-- Internal weapon bay for stealth flight capability
-- Advanced AESA Radar with 2.000+ T/R modules and GaN technology ( BURFIS )
-- RAMJET powered long range air to air Missile ( GOKHAN )
-- network centric warfare capability with E-7T AEWC and 450+ km ERALP AESA Radar

first-look, first-shot, first-kill capability
All of You dont understand what is coming
still dreaming with old technologies

F-15 , F-16V and RAFALE are old technology Fighter Jets with big RCS
and no any chance against stealth platforms in BVR combat

RCS ( m2 )
RAFALE : 1 m2
F-16C Block70 : 1.2 m2
F-15C/D : 5-25 m2
KIZILELMA block2 : 0.005 m2

View attachment 1029031

Range of engagement
KIZILELMA : from 90+ km
RAFALE , F-16 Block70 , F-15C/D : 35-43 km

KIZILELMA Block2 will detect 4th gen Fighter Jets earlier
and to fire 100+ km GOKDOGAN air to air missiles

RAFALE , F-16 Block70 , F-15C/D even will not know what hit them

Thanks to
-- stealth design
-- full composite material for low RCS
-- internal weapon bay for stealth flight capability
-- network centric warfare capability with E-7T AEWC and 450+ km ERALP AESA Radar
-- 100+ km GOKDOGAN air to air missile
-- TF-10.000 Turbofan Engine

View attachment 1029035

Even with GE F110-129 Turbofan Engine , KAAN will be superior to F-15 , F-16V , RAFALE , SU-35 in BVR combat

Thanks to
-- Stealth design and composite material for low Radar Cross Section
-- Internal weapon bay for stealth flight capability
-- Advanced AESA Radar with 2.000+ T/R modules and GaN technology ( BURFIS )
-- RAMJET powered long range air to air Missile ( GOKHAN )
-- network centric warfare capability with E-7T AEWC and 450+ km ERALP AESA Radar

first-look, first-shot, first-kill capability
View attachment 1029045
Lol f16c/d has a rcs of 25m2 where do you get this crap
How many S-400 systems you have deployed? Are these integrated?
How many Siper systems you have deployed? Are these integrated?
Your A2/AD situation is lame to be honest.

5 years ago Turkiye had nothing except old RAPIER and HAWK AD Systems

Now Our A2/AD situation becomes the nightmare for Greece year by year

Even forget S400 and 600 km BIG BIRD Radar

Turkiye created its own integrated Air Defense Umbrella to counter Fighter Jets , AEWCs , UCAVs , Kamikaze Drones and Cruise Missiles

KORKUT 35mm SPAAG with air burst munition
SAHIN anti-Drone System with 40 mm air burst munition
GURZ hybrid Air Defense System with 35mm air burst munition + Missiles
GOKDEMIR Air Defense System ( similar to American NASAMS )
HISAR-A low altitude Air Defense System
HISAR-O medium altitude Air Defense System
SIPER high altitude Air Defense System

Superior Radar network ( integrated )
-- 450+ km ERALP Early Warning AESA Radar
-- 600 km MESA Radar on Boeing E-7T AEWC

234 F-16s with full of network centric warfare capability via Link-16 data link

And Aselsan HAKIM Integrated Air Defense Command and Control System


And Turkiye increased Defense budget from 18 billion USD to 40 billion USD
Now its time to mass production for Turkish Missile Systems

Your statement ("Greek RAFALE cannot even come within 100 km of Turkish airspace in a conflict") cannot be taken seriously. There is no proof of an S-400 system obtaining a lock on an Rafale F3R around 200 KM mark. You are mistaking Rafale F3R for obsolete Ukrainian Mig-29. Rafale F3R is a FAR MORE capable and survivable jet fighter in comparison to Mig-29 variants in current times.

4th gen RAFALE is not stealth F-35
RafaleF3R is easy target

Thanks to network centric warfare

Boeing E-7T AEWC can detect RafaleF3R from 300+ km away .. nowhere to hide
And SIPER Air Defense System to fire 150+ km Missiles on RafaleF3R

SIPER Missile has Datalinks to work with E-7T AEWC
-- Link-16
-- JREAP-C Joint Range Extension Applications Protocol

("Greek RAFALE cannot even come within 100 km of Turkish airspace in a conflict")

Block1 Missile : 100+ km
Block2 Missile : 150+ km
Block2 Missile with booster : 250+ km


SIPER Block1 enter service as of February 2024
SIPER Block2 in 2025

and S400s will be extra fire power for the Turkish Armed Forces
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Greece also have AEW&C aircraft to monitor Turkish military activity in the region and Hellenic Air Force will be mobilized to counter Turkish Air Force and engage airborne threats in the process. Patriot systems will be very dangerous to contend with in this situation. Patriot systems can make it impractical for Turkish Air Force to operate very close to Greek mainland.

Nice dream but reality is different
Wake up please .. This is not 2000s , This is 2023 .... times are changing

1 --- Greek AEWCs will be destroyed by S400s
240 km 48N6E3 Missile with speed of mach 5,9
380 km 40N6E Missile with speed of mach 3,5

S400 has AWACS killer capability

on the other hand
pathetic PATRIOT with range of 160 km can not do anything against Turkish Boeing E7-T AEWCs

2 -- Still dreaming with PATRIOTs in Skyros and Athens

There are dozens of weapons to destroy PATRIOTs in a day
I am not talking about Ballistic and Cruise Missiles like ATACMS , YILDIRIM , BORA , TAYFUN , SLAM-ER , HARM , SOM and ATMACA

even Turkish UCAVs and unmanned Vessels will do it with 150-180-200-250 km Missiles and kamikaze Drones

150+ km IHA-230 supersonic Missile
150 km CAKIR Cruise Missile
180+ km KUZGUN-TJ Missile
200 km SIMSEK kamikaze Drone
250 km KEMANKES mini Cruise Missile

Also long range Kamikaze Drones on the way
500 km AZAB
800 km KARGI

Turkey is a regional power that can be respected but not a superpower like your posts seem to project.

Turkiye becomes regional super power to crush tiny Greece like little insect
just wait for another 5 years and see what will happen

even only
150+ km IHA-230 supersonic Missiles will be enough for Greek PATRIOTs in Skyros

250 km KEMANKES mini Cruise Missile

Even Turkiye has same economy with almost Greece+Israel+Egypt combined

Greece+Israel+Egypt combined : $1.156 trillion
Turkiye : $1.029 trillion



Turkiye : $240 billion
Greece : $154 billion

Turkiye : $1.029 trillion
Greece : $239 billion

And Turkiye increased Defense budget from 18 billion USD to 40 billion USD

Greece and Israel are so lucky that ERDOGAN spent $1 trillion for public projects instead of buying/producing more weapons

even ERDOGAN gave $100 billion to other countries for humanitarian aid

Turkiye would buy Greek+Israeli+Egyptian Air Forces combined for $100 billion
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You speak in zero sum manner: Turkey have A B C D E F G H drones and missiles that it can throw at Greek defenses to win the war. If it was this simple. You can see Russia using a huge number of standoff munitions in Ukraine to limited effect. You can see Russia trying to defeat sophisticated defenses in Kyiv to no avail. You can see Russian navy suffering losses in the Black Sea. Russia did not expect NATO to provide weapons to Ukraine in war and this became a problem.

Turkiye is not pathetic Russia who fired KINZHAL Ballistic Missile ( $10 million ) to hit PATRIOT

Russia lacks cost effective guided munitions

on the other hand
Turkiye can produce 500 IHA-230 , CAKIR , KUZGUN-TJ , KEMANKES and SIMSEK for $10 million

Greece doesnt have even 500 PATRIOT Missiles

1 PATRIOT Battery = $1,1 billion
8 launchers with 32 Missiles

500 IHA-230 , CAKIR , KUZGUN-TJ , KEMANKES and SIMSEK = $10 million

only 1 day will be enough to destroy PATRIOTs in Skyros .. and GAME OVER

PATRIOTs in Athens can not protect Greek Islands which are 2-7-10-30 km away from Turkish mainland

and Greece will lose most of Islands in a war .......

Turkiye will not enter Greek Mainland to take Athens ,,,, just to take Islands
Russia is stupid even dreamed to enter Kiev
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