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Turkish minister of foreign affairs warns Iran.

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If we want freedom, we must be prepared for war. Hopefully, Pashinyan will agree to our terms with regards to Karabağ and Zengezur.
Armenians in Karabakh will have a connection to Armenia. Nakhchivan will get a trade route to the motherland. Railways are being being built, large logistics centers are being built. Trade in the region will be fully revitalized. The people in Armenia are hungry, nobody here understands that the country is isolated and they want this isolation and neediness to continue. They do not care about the social and economic devastation in Armenia. And Pashinyan, no matter how crazy he is, is rational enough to see this.

We will reach a lasting solution. Once this corridor is built, The Turkish-Armenian border gates, which was closed due to the occupation of Azerbaijan, will be opened. The region's trade will be revitalized both in the European direction. It will also become an alternative logistics corridor for Europe-Asia routes. This is the common interest of all stakeholders in the region and even from China to the EU. Trying to prevent this, telling diabolical lies to keep this feud going for another hundred years, provoking the situation, is a dangerous game that will explode in the hands of whoever attempts it.
india is not just doing it for money its has a purpose.
Yes, to eventually become a major Arms exporter and not just a consumer. India's arms exports are growing at a healthy 30% per annum. We intent to export $5 billion in the near future.

We just signed a Billion dollar deal with Nigeria

I'm not saying there is bad situation for Iran. Point is ıf Iran support Kurdish militias for independent Kurdistan (against Turkey) than one day this Kurdish militias will target Iran too, doesnt matter ıf they will succed or not.
Iran is already being targetted by separatist Kurdish movements that Mossad and CIA very likely back and activate and weaponize. Iran has given Iraqi govt until Sept. 25th to clear the border areas of these militants so offcourse Iran is already being targetted for some years now by these separatists, the Balochi separatist movement and structure in Iran vis-a-vis Iranian security forces isnt clear to me, but assasinations are/have occured, so there is some underground type kinetic actions going on on that front from time to time . But Kurdish groups are an underbelly of Turkey, and TUrkey has a bad record of treating Kurds, so Iran can dial up the Kurdish card if Iran wants, but i dont think Iran is doing that for now, unless Turkey plays "dirty" or does something against Iran on behalf of NATO, Iran might crank up the heat on Turkey's southern borders using Kurdish proxies. For now, Iran-Turkey relations seem to be stable and respectful, and no direct clashes or military threats seem present, at least for now.
Let's not get into the stupid part. Because the real stupidity is that you only think you are smart.

Just as there will be a logistics corridor for the Armenian settlers in the Karabakh region as a requirement of the peace agreement, there will also be a logistics line for Nakhchivan. Armenia accepted them as a result of the Second Karabakh War and the war ended. This does not mean changing borders. But if someone stands up and says Karabakh is Armenia, or if there is an illegitimate election charade in that region that even traditionally pro-Armenia EU will have to declare that they do not recognize, I apologize, but counter side should respond in the same tone. Old days is over.

First, it is not about changing the borders of the region. It is about restoring the changed borders with the active or indirectly support of Iran and Russia.

Has any Iranian official, not even a diplomat, threatened Armenia during 27 years of occupation of a state that is your co-religionists and a relative of the largest ethnic element in your country? Any PM, FM, Show me a single example and then we will believe in your sincerity. If it was at least one of those animated clips that go well with popcorn, I might be convinced again.

Have you ever threatened Russia for Russia's all-powerful intervention in the region and changing borders and preserving its dominance during same period, for the massacre of tens of thousands of Azerbaijanis and the displacement of hundreds of thousands? So what is the problem? Azerbaijan getting an independent logistics line. A lasting solution to the war between Azerbaijan and Armenia and progress for the countries of the region. Nothing else.
We helped dictatorial regime of baku at first Qarabağ war but these jewish bitches betrayed iran and went in jews hand.

You call our brother Azerbaijan “bitch” you threaten them just because they want to liberate their occupied lands but we are the ones that want war?
Which occupied land?
You are a good lier, you will see our respond to jewish bitch.

We tolerated them a lot, now we have to teach them a lesson.

If turkey want some lessons too we are a good teacher
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I didn't know Iranians could be so stupid. The Americans made kebabs out of their generals and their only response was animation. Iranian cartoon forces are really very successful. Nobody in the world is afraid of Iran, so far they have not been able to do anything to Israel and American bases.
Its in Azerbaijan hand now. We didn't stop them at previous war because these lands are Azerbaijani but now They want Armenian lands.
Zangezur corridor was not given to Azerbaijan for Lachin corridor.

According to the peace agreement, the Zangezur corridor should have been given to Azerbaijan.

Even if they don't give it, it doesn't matter, we will take it by force. Iran has no right to interfere in Azerbaijan's internal affairs. Iran just makes animation videos and barks.
I didn't know Iranians could be so stupid. The Americans made kebabs out of their generals and their only response was animation. Iranian cartoon forces are really very successful. Nobody in the world is afraid of Iran, so far they have not been able to do anything to Israel and American bases.
Americans are good in covering their wounds, we killed thousands of Americans in iraq and afghanistan and they couldn't do a shit.also they didn't forget our missiles in their base.

Your shit Army is a good bait for us. You can test our Animation Army

Zangezur corridor was not given to Azerbaijan for Lachin corridor.

According to the peace agreement, the Zangezur corridor should have been given to Azerbaijan.

Even if they don't give it, it doesn't matter, we will take it by force. Iran has no right to interfere in Azerbaijan's internal affairs. Iran just makes animation videos and barks.
We have right because we are powerful.
Zangezur corridor
This corridor is not Azerbaijans land. Its just a road in Armenian land
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This corridor is not Azerbaijans land. Its just a road in Armenian land
Lachin corridor is also Azerbaijani land, you stupid.

You are not powerful, You don't even have an air force. Your air defense systems are so terrible that you cannot distinguish between civilian and military aircraft.

It was the Afghans who expelled the USA in Afghanistan. Come on, if you can, expel the USA from Iraq... There are US bases everywhere.
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