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Turkish minister of foreign affairs warns Iran.

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India is selling weapons to Armenia for money. Just as Pakistan is selling weapons to the Burmese Junta for money and selling artillery shells to Ukraine for money.
india is not just doing it for money its has a purpose.
india is providing armenia with weapons.
Even at the tactical level there is nothing capable of changing the situation on the field. The dry rumblings here are very entertaining, but the situation on the ground is different. Therefore, there is an intense terrorist organization prepreations and arms smuggling in the Karabakh region, and asymmetric warfare conditions are being created, as only workable path, if there is will to contineu war.

However, in terms of human resources, and also due to the ISTAR and precision strike capabilities of the Azerbaijani side, the cost of this will be quite heavy. Armenia is pushing all the buttons to renege on its officially agreed peace terms, including flirting with Iran while conducting military exercises with the US and seeking military support from France. At the same time, the pro-Russian weight in the military is being balanced by a pro-EU clique.
How many pounds did you receive from mullahs to defend them you dont even defend your own country like this. You damned traitors.
When two brothers fight it's our duty to talk sense to them and resolve issues peacefully. Conflict will only favour the real enemy of both countries.
Its our last warning to stupids:
Its our last warning to stupids:
Let's not get into the stupid part. Because the real stupidity is that you only think you are smart.

Just as there will be a logistics corridor for the Armenian settlers in the Karabakh region as a requirement of the peace agreement, there will also be a logistics line for Nakhchivan. Armenia accepted them as a result of the Second Karabakh War and the war ended. This does not mean changing borders. But if someone stands up and says Karabakh is Armenia, or if there is an illegitimate election charade in that region that even traditionally pro-Armenia EU will have to declare that they do not recognize, I apologize, but counter side should respond in the same tone. Old days is over.

First, it is not about changing the borders of the region. It is about restoring the changed borders with the active or indirectly support of Iran and Russia.

Has any Iranian official, not even a diplomat, threatened Armenia during 27 years of occupation of a state that is your co-religionists and a relative of the largest ethnic element in your country? Any PM, FM, Show me a single example and then we will believe in your sincerity. If it was at least one of those animated clips that go well with popcorn, I might be convinced again.

Have you ever threatened Russia for Russia's all-powerful intervention in the region and changing borders and preserving its dominance during same period, for the massacre of tens of thousands of Azerbaijanis and the displacement of hundreds of thousands? So what is the problem? Azerbaijan getting an independent logistics line. A lasting solution to the war between Azerbaijan and Armenia and progress for the countries of the region. Nothing else.
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You dont want to give US-EU a golden chance to leverage their economic might against Turkey. They would make excuses of invasion/"human rights" blah blah to sanction the Turkish economy or torpedo investment deals and capital etc. Oh well, none of us know the full details at play. We can just hope for the best outcomes for Turkey/Azerbaijan
Lets just hope that Azerbaijan liberates its occupied lands Karabakh and Zengezur and none of any 3rd party involves itself into this otherwise Turkiye will have to directly enter the conflict. This is what we say everyone should act wisely and not make any mistake or the consequenses will be too heavy to bear thats all we said.
BREAKING: The commanders of the 1st and 2nd Corps of the Armenian army were dismissed.

Another breaking news: Armenian Prime Minister Pashinyan dismissed the head of the Armenian Security Service, Lieutenant General Sarkis Hovhannisyan.

Friends, don't break each other, the issue is about to be resolved. LOL

If we want freedom, we must be prepared for war. Hopefully, Pashinyan will agree to our terms with regards to Karabağ and Zengezur.
wat if armenia joins nato then wat will turkey do?
We don't want war with them, they want war. Azerbaijan is a jewish bitch now and they act against iran Also turkey support them.
You call our brother Azerbaijan “bitch” you threaten them just because they want to liberate their occupied lands but we are the ones that want war?
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Lets just hope that Azerbaijan liberates its occupied lands Karabakh and Zengezur and none of any 3rd party involves itself into this otherwise Turkiye will have to directly enter the conflict. This is what we say everyone should act wisely and not make any mistake or the consequenses will be too heavy to bear thats all we said.
On September 14, Armenia and the United States will hold joint exercises. It would be meaningful for other countries supporting Armenia to take part in this exercise, at least for an ethical stance far from hypocrisy.
We will estabilish Turkish union and connect Turkey with other Turkish countries with zangezur corridor, if a x country dare to attack Azerbadjian our shusha agreement will activated and we will be a part of the war. This will be a big chance for countries who hate Iran, not to mention who will make use of this. Ther will be no help coming from Russians. So before bark think whise.
The great union of the Turkic states will be established. Iran should look for ways to be on very good terms with this upcoming new force instead of playing games and tricks they should act wisely. They will benefit in the longterm too if they act smart.
Lets just hope that Azerbaijan liberates its occupied lands Karabakh and Zengezur and none of any 3rd party involves itself into this otherwise Turkiye will have to directly enter the conflict. This is what we say everyone should act wisely and not make any mistake or the consequenses will be too heavy to bear thats all we said.

My wish for my Iranian brothers and sisters is to be supporters of peace, and to encourage Armenia to fulfill the terms of the peace treaty. Even the arguments with which they threaten Azerbaijan are fundamentally false and disinformative.
BREAKING: The commanders of the 1st and 2nd Corps of the Armenian army were dismissed.

Another breaking news: Armenian Prime Minister Pashinyan dismissed the head of the Armenian Security Service, Lieutenant General Sarkis Hovhannisyan.

Friends, don't break each other, the issue is about to be resolved. LOL
We dont care about their useless internal affairs. Azerbaijan should go ahead and liberate their lands. Turkiye will support them with all his might. Political, militairily, economic every way possible.

wat if armenia joins nato then wat will turkey do?
They wont get apporvement from Turkiye. It will be vetoed.
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