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Turkish minister of foreign affairs warns Iran.

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I want Iran to invade the south caucusus,more than ever... i don t understand why there is no movement now, do it, This land is historic iranian. Iran is having a lot of patience with this disturbers...

Period. I cannot stand appeasement with disturbers.
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I want Iran to invade the south caucusus,more than ever... i don t understand why there is no movement now, do it, This land is historic iranian. Iran is having a lot of patience with this disturbers...

I f i were iranian military decision maker, i will push for it. Period. I cannot stand appeasement with disturbers.
wow we have a HITLER on this forum, please share us more your valuable strategic ideas
The Torkhe Khars have been activated lately, keep spamming the Iranian forum with their threads and wet dreams.
Iran must unveil nuclear military power,now without any restriction.

Iran must act on their benefit and interests, these disturbers of the north must be invaded by iranian army, the sooner the better. Let s turks try.

But let turks understand the equation of power. Iran must test nuclear devices now, and long range capabilities. All nroth border must be sealed by powerfull iranian air defence systems. Maybe,turks will learn.
If Iran declares nuclear power, Pakistan, NATO and Israel will surely destroy Iranian nukes.

Pakistan cannot afford to have a THIRD basket case hostile neighbour be given a huge boost in capabilities

we will not destroy that miserable army with figher jets...

ukrainian condition with tb2...



and somewhere else...


I went to sleep and a whole Iran-Turkey war started and now (un)ReasonableStar75 is giving strategic advice of a 10 year-old on how to take over the Caucasus.

If Iran declares nuclear power, Pakistan, NATO and Israel will surely destroy Iranian nukes.

Pakistan cannot afford to have a THIRD basket case hostile neighbour be given a huge boost in capabilities


White worshipper mindset,.... LOL Iran must declare it, it s doing silly. We all know Iran alread yhas this capability. NATO can do shit. And Pakistan must not be afraid of Iranian nukes, Pakistan just will respect Iran. Period.
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I went to sleep and a whole Iran-Turkey war started and now (un)ReasonableStar75 is giving strategic advice of a 10 year-old on how to take over the Caucasus.

View attachment 952484

Yes... and I would not have any problems if turkiyeh catch turkiyeh Cyprus, the whole island. And the other islands of agean sea also.
White worshipper mindset,..
White worshipping? Iranian shia milita like Zainebiyoun brigade are a huge threat to Pakistna's social fabric and national security.
.. LOL Iran must declare it, it s doing silly. We all know Iran alread yhas this capability. NATO can do shit.
NATO can see and bomb every inch of iran with pinpoint precision. All Iranian armour, SAMs, nuclear facilities, logistics etc would be destroyed within 72 hours of a war. Only some underground missile cities would remain.
And Pakistan must not be afraid of Iranian nukes, Pakistan just will respect Iran. Period.
Iran is cozying up to India. Balcoh militants like BLA, RAW agents like Kulbushan Yadhav, as well as Zainebiyoun brigade opreate from inside Iran. It is a cause of great concern to Pakistan. The Doval Doctrine calls for encircling Pakistan and waging proxy warfare against it since the Indian military would be destroyed in a sub-nuclear war with Pakistan.

If one day, a nuclear Iran, like many other so called Muslim countries, decides to backstab Pakistan, it will also be a cause of concern.
White worshipping? Iranian shia milita like Zainebiyoun brigade are a huge threat to Pakistna's social fabric and national security.

Iran is cozying up to India. Balcoh militants like BLA, RAW agents like Kulbushan Yadhav, as well as Zainebiyoun brigade opreate from inside Iran. It is a cause of great concern to Pakistan. The Doval Doctrine calls for encircling Pakistan and waging proxy warfare against it since the Indian military would be destroyed in a sub-nuclear war with Pakistan.

Guy Pakistan trouble with India, is Pakistan problem, don t implicate Iran on your problems with India. Iran doesn t care much on this.

Iran only wants Pakistan does anti terrorist operations against those who attack iranians on their border. iranians are legitimate to request this to your army.

If you cannot do that, someone has to do this anti terrorist operations, and Iranian army must deal with this situation, until Pakistan ahs this capability.

Don t be afraid of Iran, Iran cares for stability with Pakistan.
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