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Turkish minister of foreign affairs warns Iran.

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I dont know.. I thing Iran can be neutral country ıf we show them we have nothing against them.. Afghanistan,Israel and USA is already a big problem for them.. I dont thing they also want to open another front in north.
When did Turkiye ever harm their interests i can’t remember in fact the opposite is true Turkiye supported them during the nuclear deal together with Brasil. After this the coup attemt on Erdogan happenend which ended in faillure but the coup on Brasilian PM was succesfull and he was removed form office.
Those ''seperatist'' movements have no grassroots inside Iran. They are operating in the dark outside of Iranian borders.

In the Iran Iraq war the same Ahvazis that you talking about were the first to defend Iran against Iraqi arab troops.

Iran is united, be sure of this. Situation is not the same for Turkey as Kurds are not related to Turks.
I'm not saying there is bad situation for Iran. Point is ıf Iran support Kurdish militias for independent Kurdistan (against Turkey) than one day this Kurdish militias will target Iran too, doesnt matter ıf they will succed or not.
When did Turkiye ever harm their interests i can’t remember in fact the opposite is true Turkiye supported them during the nuclear deal together with Brasil. After this the coup attemt on Erdogan happenend which ended in faillure but the coup on Brasilian PM was succesfull and he was removed form office.
We were good friends before Syrian civil war but that civil war change everything
BREAKING: The commanders of the 1st and 2nd Corps of the Armenian army were dismissed.

Another breaking news: Armenian Prime Minister Pashinyan dismissed the head of the Armenian Security Service, Lieutenant General Sarkis Hovhannisyan.

Friends, don't break each other, the issue is about to be resolved. LOL
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We were good friends before Syrian civil war but that civil war change everything

it was waste of time, we gived them to much attention and backed them, people who remind 2009 years will now it. Let them make ther stupid short movies about drones and eagles attacking Azerbadjian and Turkey. If they attack we will wipe out ther army with our airforce. Ther Ballistic missile are good for brain dead attack like we see against americans, after that they shoot down Ukrain airliner, thats show how miserable ther technology is. Ther only hope is ther missiles from long ranges...

Zero airforce...
india is providing armenia with weapons.
India is selling weapons to Armenia for money. Just as Pakistan is selling weapons to the Burmese Junta for money and selling artillery shells to Ukraine for money.
We will estabilish Turkish union and connect Turkey with other Turkish countries with zangezur corridor, if a x country dare to attack Azerbadjian our shusha agreement will activated and we will be a part of the war. This will be a big chance for countries who hate Iran, not to mention who will make use of this. Ther will be no help coming from Russians. So before bark think whise.
This is how a state responds when it's being threatened, not like the Pakistani cuck leadership that puts on a blindfold and repeats "no saar, you didn't do anything, my brother saar" and tells its whole population to repeat the same thing.
Iran has no say in this, this issue is about Armenia and Azerbaijan. Armenia occupied these areas and Azerbaijan after decades of diplomacy didnt bring any results will take its lands back by force. Iran should stfu and stay in a corner or his azz will get wacked by Turks. I am not joking neither is our Sultan Erdogan.

There is no artsagh it is Karabakh. Azerbaijan will get Karabakh and Zengezur aswell there is nothing to negotiate here. We’ll see soon what will happens.

You dont want to give US-EU a golden chance to leverage their economic might against Turkey. They would make excuses of invasion/"human rights" blah blah to sanction the Turkish economy or torpedo investment deals and capital etc. Oh well, none of us know the full details at play. We can just hope for the best outcomes for Turkey/Azerbaijan
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