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Turkish hardcore racist kaffir trying to stop a woman from speaking Arabic

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Jan 1, 2020
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Remind me How the hell are these people Muslims?
They hate Islam and hate Allah swt and hate the sound of Arabic language.
How the hell is this a guy Muslim? .
Yes there r some Muslims in turkey but u know that it needs a new conquest.
There r more Muslims in the west then there r Muslims in Turkey.
The amount of kuffr these racist fucks have in their hearts for Islam is biggest than the jews themselves. Am I right or what?

Turkish kaffir pig harrasing a Muslim reporter

These guys r picking up a fight with Islam. They need to be whipped out by Turkish Muslims first.
Remind me How the hell are these people Muslims?
They hate Islam and hate Allah swt and hate the sound of Arabic language.
How the hell is this a guy Muslim? .
Yes there r some Muslims in turkey but u know that it needs a new conquest.
There r more Muslims in the west then there r Muslims in Turkey.
The amount of kuffr these racist fucks have in their hearts for Islam is biggest than the jews themselves. Am I right or what?

Turkish kaffir pig harrasing a Muslim reporter

These guys r picking up a fight with Islam. They need to be whipped out by Turkish Muslims first.
Dude relax.
Remind me How the hell are these people Muslims?
They hate Islam and hate Allah swt and hate the sound of Arabic language.
How the hell is this a guy Muslim? .
Yes there r some Muslims in turkey but u know that it needs a new conquest.
There r more Muslims in the west then there r Muslims in Turkey.
The amount of kuffr these racist fucks have in their hearts for Islam is biggest than the jews themselves. Am I right or what?

Turkish kaffir pig harrasing a Muslim reporter

These guys r picking up a fight with Islam. They need to be whipped out by Turkish Muslims first.

While I hate the pseuodo-secular elitists of Turkey and their hypocrite inferiority complex, this claim you're making on Arabic and equating with it Islam is also another form of supremacy.

You should maybe care to explain how Islam equals Arabic, considering most Muslims don't speak it and just about every prophet recognized by Islam did not speak Arabic save for maybe Muhammed.

Jesus or Isa spoke Aramaic, so maybe you should call him a "Kaffir." While I hate the anti-Islamic hypocrite Turks; especially since many of them live in areas that belonged to orthodox Christians whom were driven out by their hypocrite forefathers, I do not condone this Arab supremacist vibe.

Most Turks are practicing Muslims. Islam played a huge part in the formation of the Turkish republic, but mainly for bad reasons.

These Turks you write of are the ruling minority. The "white Turks." But at the same time, as I wrote, I loath equating Islam with Arabness, considering most muslims are not even Arabs and practically none of the prophets recognized by Islam spoke Arabic.

Your problem is, just like those "white Turks" or "Kemalists" you see things in absolutes.
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There was racism in the Ottoman Empire as well against Arabs and it was one of the reasons for the Arabs revolting. In the eyes of the Turks, this increased their hatred for Arabs tenfold.
Racism is everywhere. But Ataturk and the secularist Kemalists are to be blamed for taking religious piety out of the public sphere in Turkey.
There was racism in the Ottoman Empire as well against Arabs and it was one of the reasons for the Arabs revolting. In the eyes of the Turks, this increased their hatred for Arabs tenfold.

Arabs revolted because the Ottomans were allowing grave worship and innovations in the religion. Nothing to do with racism.
I blame Ataturk and the secularist Kemalists for making Turkey that way.

Kemalists and Attaturk were far from secular. They orchestrated and committed some of the worst religious atrocities in modern history.

Attaturk and Kemalists, Westernized Turkey or a segment of it's society, not secularized it. They did the opposite.

Go read history.
Kemalists and Attaturk were far from secular. They orchestrated and committed some of the worst religious atrocities in modern history.

Attaturk and Kemalists, Westernized Turkey or a segment of it's society, not secularized it. They did the opposite.

Go read history.
Do you even know what you are talking? Are you that ignorant?

Ataturk made French Laicite a part of Turkish government Laiklik. He applied the French secularism.

Some of my friends call Ataturk the dajjal or the antichrist.
Turkish supremacist Kuffars r living in denial. They hate Allah and hate Islam and blame their kuffr of a supposed political conflict with former arab allies. They should be replaced by Allah fearing Muslim Syrians and kurds and afghans too . They are far better then them in the eyes of Allah swt.
Let them rise the lgbtq flags until the black flags comes down to destroy the grave of their false perished God. That's what's coming for them.
A arab has no superiority over a non arab, neither a non-arab has any superiority over an arab. Thats the words of The Prophet peace be upon him.

Which means its OK for turks to expect a foreigner who lives amongst them starts learning to speak turkish. But that dosent mean he/she can use it as an excuse to be rude and harassing.
Kemalists and Attaturk were far from secular. They orchestrated and committed some of the worst religious atrocities in modern history.

Attaturk and Kemalists, Westernized Turkey or a segment of it's society, not secularized it. They did the opposite.

Go read history.
Then why is Turkish society so secularized? Who secularized it? It was Ataturk and his Kemalist acolytes who made Turkey that way.

You cannot change facts.
Do you even know what you are talking? Are you that ignorant?

Ataturk made French Laicite a part of Turkish government Laiklik. He applied the French secularism.

Some of my friends call Ataturk the dajjal or the antichrist.

Yes I know what I am discussing. Attaturk himself openly declared Jihad on Greek Christians in West Anatolia to drive them out.

He adopted laws banning non-Muslims from working in public sectors. He banned non-Muslims from the government.

What "secularism" are you talking about? You are confusing secularism with Westernization, which is what Attaturk implied.

Nowhere did Attaturk separate Islam from Turkish politics. Prior to that, he himself cleansed the area of modern Turkey from orthodox Christians.

You're the one who's confused here. Kemalists were anything but secular. They carried out some of the biggest religious atrocities in modern history following the Ottoman Empire.
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Yes I know what I am discussing. Attaturk himself openly declared Jihad on Greek Christians in West Anatolia to drive them out.

He adopted laws banning non-Muslims from working in public sectors. He banned non-Muslims from the government.

What "secularism" are you talking about. You are confusing secularism with Westernization, which is what Attaturk implied.

Nowhere did Attaturk separate Islam from Turkish politics. Prior to that, he himself cleansed the area of modern Turkey from orthodox Christians.

You're the one who's confused here. Kemalists were anything but secular. They carried out some of the biggest religious atrocities in modern history following the Ottoman Empire.
Hahaha, I don't have time for morons like you.

Ataturk himself was an atheist and a drunkard who died of cirrhosis of the liver.

Don't confuse the people here. He applied secularism in Turkey.
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