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Turkish Economy - News & Updates

What is the driving force behind Turkish Economic problem?

  • The on going Trump attack on Turkish Economy

    Votes: 29 19.9%
  • Jewish Agenda to weaken adjacent countries to Israel

    Votes: 36 24.7%
  • Internal Turkish economic problems

    Votes: 50 34.2%
  • Falling Exports for Turkey

    Votes: 5 3.4%
  • Loss of Tourism income for Turkey

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • External Loans or Debt impacting Economy

    Votes: 25 17.1%

  • Total voters
Of course, the answer will be, some parts are foreign and some indigenous. Many companies choose foreign parts because it’s cost-effective, not because they are not able to produce it on its own.
There is your answer :-)
I go for little bit more risk. 3 TL maybe less than that.

Larvo was in Turkey yesterday if he has signed non dollar trade agreement than it will even cross your Mark and Chinese will do the same with Turkey soon so yes lira will gain much in coming days.
Larvo was in Turkey yesterday if he has signed non dollar trade agreement than it will even cross your Mark and Chinese will do the same with Turkey soon so yes lira will gain much in coming days.

All these processes need time, that’s the reason for my middle term strategy.
The U.S is not one countries headache

Numerous countries are effected by U.S kak handedness at the moment

Including China, Russia, Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, hell even EU, Canada and Mexico

No one is saying Canada will suddenly start linking up with Iran to counter the U.S but their is sufficient need amongst alot of powerful countries to push back against U.S hegemony
I get your point, as far as the needs are concerned, there are a lot that is needed to be done,
but US is not out there to break the backbone of those countries you mentioned,
USA's bickering will continue but at the end of the day USA is fine with western allied countries and will remain so
And for the rest, its better to not take big Punga as it will hurt the economies of countries like us
It's good that Lira has bounced back little bit, even a declining lira is good news for the exports as Turkish products will become cheap for outsiders, say Germans and the bad news is that Germany will not be able to keep up with the exports to Turkey ---- somebody tell donald duck that this will disturb the balance of trade and the reason germany is criticizing america.

We could update customs Union, but we don’t because of some reasons. I prefer the update, it would increase the trade volume much.
All these processes need time, that’s the reason for my middle term strategy.

I know since yesterday I posted the news in Turkey foreign affairs thread and I knew since yesterday that lira will rise that is why I bought it first thing in the morning :)

Okay just completed my new analysis Turkish stock market will also start to gain now. A 300 point sudden jump is excepted minimum.
The Lira has already lost 40 per cent of it's value. With the trade war and sanctions it's probably going to loose more of it's value in the coming days.

I'm no expert though, just an A-Level Economist. I wouldn't invest though.
Those two Greek soldiers were released, that will certainly ease the pressure on the Lira. Now release that pas
@what go and check the price on Google bro it is already 6.33 now who is correct Bloomberg or the poor farmer?

I am always correct bro. My calculation are good. Sell dollar buy gold in Turkey that is going to work as well.

ffs Lira had a good day and dropped 50% in value before that and you act like a guru. By the time of your first post Lira was already having a good day.

Tell us how Lira is going to do tomorrow so we can test your guru abilities.
It's only for the Ehl-i Iman (People of the Islamic Faith), others please don't read:

Nemrut lit a great fire at the bottom of a hill, and tied Hazret-i Ibrahim (PBUH) at the top of the hill!!! His plan was to drop Hazret-i Ibrahim into the fire!!! He has made such an elaborate arrangement to make it a spectacular "know your place" statement to the folks who would undermine his rule!!! By the by, he had the power to destroy any city by pointing toward it's 3D model laid down on a giant table!!!! Anyway, seeing that humongous fire even all the animals started to flee. As such, one eagle spotted an ant creeping toward the direction of fire!!! "Haven't you heard about Nemrut's fire to punish Ibrahim?", asked the eagle to the ant, and advised the ant to turn away immediately!! The ant replied, "I am carrying some drops of water to extinguish the fire"!!! The Eagle was like in the LOL mode of his lifetime (the way our Ehl-i Dunya friends frequently do it in this forum)!!!! But, the reasoning of the ant was very simple and straight forward - at the least my stance regarding this fiasco would become publicly ascertained!!!!!
lost count of how many countries Erdogan has threaten or quarrelled with in recent years , someone should compose a list.
lost count of how many countries Trump has threaten or quarrelled with in recent years , someone should compose a list.
Those two Greek soldiers were released, that will certainly ease the pressure on the Lira. Now release that pas

ffs Lira had a good day and dropped 50% in value before that and you act like a guru. By the time of your first post Lira was already having a good day.

Tell us how Lira is going to do tomorrow so we can test your guru abilities.

Lol you think 2 Greek soldiers did that. Greek economy is already in crises lol. I have told already what lira will do. My info came at 3 pm Pakistani time. Lira good day started at 5 pm Pakistan time and lira is still gaining. I am no guru I am a poor farmer. You are just talking about lira I gave you the pic of whole market. Tomorrow gold and stocks will also rise in Turkey and the people smuggling dollar out of Turkey to pkk Kurdistan Syria will be bombed and lira will also rise. Now will anyone give you this much info?
I just beat Bloomberg in forecast in and you still don't believe me friend why?

Israel and pkk will not be able to smuggle out any more dollars from Turkey.

And I am no guru but just a farmer seriously just a farmer.

Here Trump is already frustrated because lira is going up and pastor is still in jail.

Lol you think 2 Greek soldiers did that. Greek economy is already in crises lol. I have told already what lira will do. My info came at 3 pm Pakistani time. Lira good day started at 5 pm Pakistan time and lira is still gaining. I am no guru I am a poor farmer. You are just talking about lira I gave you the pic of whole market. Tomorrow gold and stocks will also rise in Turkey and the people smuggling dollar out of Turkey to pkk Kurdistan Syria will be bombed and lira will also rise. Now will anyone give you this much info?
I just beat Bloomberg in forecast in and you still don't believe me friend why?

Israel and pkk will not be able to smuggle out any more dollars from Turkey.

And I am no guru but just a farmer seriously just a farmer.

Here Trump is already frustrated because lira is going up and pastor is still in jail.

A tomato farmer eh?

How many Liras would be enough to show middle finger to President Trump?
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