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Turkish Economy - News & Updates

What is the driving force behind Turkish Economic problem?

  • The on going Trump attack on Turkish Economy

    Votes: 29 19.9%
  • Jewish Agenda to weaken adjacent countries to Israel

    Votes: 36 24.7%
  • Internal Turkish economic problems

    Votes: 50 34.2%
  • Falling Exports for Turkey

    Votes: 5 3.4%
  • Loss of Tourism income for Turkey

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • External Loans or Debt impacting Economy

    Votes: 25 17.1%

  • Total voters
Buy people the lira is going up. I am not joking all of you will miss out if you don't buy now. Buy or cry.
For the terrorist financial manipulators, in this case Morgan Stanley through it's London office (conspirators and criminals always use a third party location), it was like any other dirty job done over a couple of cups of coffee!!! And, after the criminal session of business as usual, go for a couple of shots of hard liquor!!!! But, for the Turkish authorities, it's like a "do or die" situation!!! Either Turkey (where the swords of the Prophet and Halife-i Rashidin are stored, and millions of Shehits reside along with the populace, and hundreds of thousands of Evliya and Ulema rest beneath within the Nur) will prevail upon $, or $ will prevail upon her!!!! Therefore, the choice is yours regarding TL....
A tomato farmer eh?

How many Liras would be enough to show middle finger to President Trump?
The middle figure has already been given to Trump lira up 8% just in a single day. It took them 1 week to bring down lira 10% and Turkey just raised it back in a single day Turkish economy is resilient and will gain back. Buying lira is perfect invest at this moment it will be TL3 nd that will give a lot of profit soon.

For the terrorist financial manipulators, in this case Morgan Stanley through it's London office (conspirators and criminals always use a third party location), it was like any other dirty job done over a couple of cups of coffee!!! And, after the criminal session of business as usual, go for a couple of shots of hard liquor!!!! But, for the Turkish authorities, it's like a "do or die" situation!!! Either Turkey (where the swords of the Prophet and Halife-i Rashidin are stored, and millions of Shehits reside along with the populace, and hundreds of thousands of Evliya and Ulema rest beneath within the Nur) will prevail upon $, or $ will prevail upon her!!!! Therefore, the choice is yours regarding TL....

The crypto will start to gain soon and out flow of dollar from Turkey will stop.


@what my friend my calculation are based on numbers not on guruhood.

See read the thread how global economics is switching with in minutes

No problems, buy second hand used cars. can't afford it buy motor bike. can't afford buy bicycle, even if it means to buy a donkey cart, but don't bow to economic blackmailing/war imposed by Donald duck ---------- The Volkswagen producing country will speak ( they are already speaking) when their cars will stop selling. --- things are not as simple as Donald duck thinks.
He can't even settle the bills with a prostitute without making a big fuss out of it!!!!

Turkey puts additional tariffs on US products, up to %140 in some products (including automobiles)


Turkish Lira 5.96 = 1 USD - strong performance of a recovering lira.

Indeed the "collapse" of the lira was an attack and had little to do with the internal economic situation.
Turkish Lira 5.96 = 1 USD - strong performance of a recovering lira.

Indeed the "collapse" of the lira was an attack and had little to do with the internal economic situation.

I have been tracking all economic factors and there not a single indicator that showed the economy was not performing good. Many Turkish brothers disagreed when I advised the lira is about to rise and now my point has been proven with exact numbers I quoted.

@cabatli_53 how was my forecasting?

Thank you Turkey for giving me $270 just in 24 hours. No doubt Turkey is true brother of Pakistanis. I know Turkey will give more and lira will keep going up.
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